Safety Training

Get safety training required for your work.
Essential information
- About Safety Training
- Safety Training Checklist for Supervisors
- Instructions for UC Learning Center Access
Note! You must have a UC San Diego Business Systems account user name and password to access UC Learning Center.
- See How to Get Access to UC San Diego Business Systems for simple instructions. Contact your department security administrator (DSA) if you need assistance.
Safety training by work group
Individual supervisors and principal investigators must identify job-specific hazards and ensure their employees attend safety training appropriate for the work they perform.
Safety training by work group
- Arts and crafts
- Food service
- Office and administrative
- Radiation
- Researchers
- Student employees
- Trades employees
Each category above provides:
- Required and recommended safety training for the kind of work you perform
- Schedule and registration information for regularly scheduled programs
- Contact information for customized training and group sessions presented as needed
- Resources for facilitating supervisor-led training
Supervisors, read Safety Training Checklist for Supervisors to learn about your training responsibilities.
Safety training menu
Log on to UC Learning Center to check schedules, register for instructor-led training or take eCourses.
Note! You must have a UC San Diego Business Systems account user name and password to access UC Learning Center. See How to Get Access to UC San Diego Business Systems for simple instructions. Contact your department security administrator (DSA) if you need assistance.
Safety training by work group
General safety
Environmental compliance
Fire safety
Hazardous materials and waste
Research safety
Risk management
Access safety training
- UC Learning Center – To check schedules and register for training offered through Staff Education & Development, logon to UC Learning Center and use the course catalog or search box to locate the class.
About Business Systems Account – You must have a campus-assigned Business Systems account user name and password to register and take training on UC Learning Center. For information on setting up a campus affiliate account for a non-UC San Diego person, contact your Department Security Administrator (DSA) and ask them to create a Non-UC San Diego SSO account for the person via an Affiliate site.
- UC San Diego Extension OSHA Training – Training services for health and safety professionals.
Training records
Obtain records of training programs completed through UC Learning Center (formerly Enrollment Central) from these sources:
- UC Learning Center – Click on My Training Transcript to see your training history.
- MyTraining Overview – All staff and faculty who have taken Staff Education training courses and have an official UC San Diego e-mail address can use MyTraining to view their own training history.
Note: Read About Safety Training for safety training record-keeping requirements.
Hazard Communication Program
- Hazard Communication Program
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Explained (formerly called Material Safety Data Sheets)
- Hazard and Caution Signs