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Transaction Details Report

The Transaction Details report provides detailed information about transactions posted to the Oracle General Ledger and PPM subledger. It also provides detailed information about outstanding PPM Commitments.

The Transaction Details report is available from the Business Analytics Hub ( under the Financial Management tab. 

The dashboard includes:

  • High Risk Ledger Review
  • PPM Costs (Full)
  • PPM Costs (Condensed)
  • PPM Commitments
  • GL Transactions

You can find the Transaction Details Report Demo on the Budget & Finance MediaSpace channel - Financial Report Demos playlist.


Access has been provisioned to anyone with the Oracle BI Consumer JR role.  Staff who do not have access should request the Oracle role. Access failure appears as error "Unable to load requested view. Displaying home view instead."

  1. Navigate to 
  2. Select Budget & Finance. 
  3. If using the List View, look for Transactions Details in the list or use the search bar at the top right and click the dashboard name  
    • If using the Card View, click the Financial Management tab and click Launch on the Transaction Details tile 
  4. Use your Active Directory credentials to sign in, if prompted. 



The Cognos and Oracle Tips & Tricks page shares various recommendations on navigating report functionality

  • Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to view
  • These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results 
  • Use the ‘Quick Prompts’ section to quickly enter a single value for Financial Unit, Project, Project-Task, and/or Fund.


 Time and Display Prompts

Prompt What to Know
Original Accounting Period
  • Refers to the ledger month the transaction originally posted in. Searching by the original accounting period will provide a more realistic view of when transactions actually posted 
  • This prompt option will produce results for both the PPM and GL transactions tabs
Last Closed Accounting Period
  • Based on original accounting period
  • Check box that allows users to view results for the last closed accounting period
  • Allows for scheduling the report
Most Recent Accounting Period
  • When adjustments are made to a transaction in PPM Costs (i.e. changing from billable to non-billable), the transaction is reversed and reposted within the accounting period of the adjustment. 
  • The Manage Project Costs screen in the Oracle UI displays this most recent accounting period, which in effect means that transactions are jumping from one accounting period to another. A transaction may have been reviewed and reconciled in one accounting period, but then later be dropped from that accounting period and show up in another accounting period.
  • Searching by the most recent accounting period will generate alignment with the Manage Project Costs screen. 
  • This prompt option will only produce results in the PPM Cost Transactions tab.
Expenditure Item Date
  • The date the cost was incurred.
Transaction Creation Date
  • The date the expense loaded to OFC on the project.
Display Reports
  • PPM High Risk Ledger Review provides a mechanism for departments to select transactions for periodic review. 
  • PPM Condensed displays expenditure transactions in PPM with the most commonly used information about transactions.
  • PPM Full displays expenditure transactions in PPM with more information about transactions.
  • PPM Commitments displays where the commitment type is a supplier invoice, purchase order, purchase requisition, or external (Concur or Kuali).
  • GL Table displays asset, expense, liability, revenue, and fund balance transactions in the GL.


COA and POETAF Prompts

Prompt What to Know
Financial Unit Prompts
  • Make a selection for only one of the four Fin Unit prompts: Fin Unit L2 (VC Area), Fin Unit L3 (School/Division), Fin Unit L4, or Fin Unit.
Project Number
  • This report includes values for Project 0000000 – No Project. Search “0000000”.
  • Do not use in conjunction with the Project-Task prompt.
  • Do not use it in conjunction with the Project prompt.


Project Personnel Prompts

Prompt What to Know
Fund Manager
  • Multi-select checkbox
  • Based on award, project, and task fund manager
Fiscal Manager
  • Multi-select checkbox
  • Based on award and project fiscal manager


Project Attribute Prompts

Prompt What to Know
Unless noted otherwise on the prompt page, use of these prompts will eliminate project 0000000 – no project.
Project Department Reporting Category
  • For any uncategorized projects, the default description is “No Reporting Category-NRC”
  • No Project - 0000000 is categorized as “No Reporting Category-NRC”


Transaction Details Prompts

Prompt What to Know
Net Zero Item
  • This field can be found in the “Manage Project Costs” screen in Oracle
  • A net zero item is a transaction that has been netted (transferred) off the project.
    • If you select yes: the PPM Transactions tab will display transactions that have been transferred off your project and therefore have a net zero impact on your project.
    • If you select no: the PPM Transactions tab will display transactions that have not been transferred off the project.
Transaction Number
  • For PPM, this is the PPM transaction number
  • For GL, Transaction Number is a multipurpose field based on the source:
    • Payables: Invoice or Payment Number
    • Receivables: Invoice or Receipt Number
    • Projects: PPM Transaction Number


  • This report displays accounting signage. Positive numbers are debits and negative numbers are credits. 
  • The following fields exist only for PPM transactions, and therefore use of these prompts will only produce results for the PPM High Risk Ledger Review, PPM Full, PPM Condensed reports: 
    • Project-Task
    • Net Zero Flag (Y/N), 
    • Funding Source Type, 
    • Expenditure Category, 
    • Expenditure Type, 
    • Expenditure Comment,
    • Funding Source Name.


Screenshots of the prompt page

TDR prompt page section 1

tdr prompt 2

tdr prompt 3






PPM Cost Transactions


The PPM Full table includes award, project, and task information in addition to the risk types associated with each transaction.


Business Scenarios

Business Scenario How to
What transactions have been moved off of my project? Net Zero Item - select "Y" for this filter to view all of the transactions that have been transferred off of your project in the PPM Transactions tab.
What are the invoice details for this transaction? Drill down on the invoice number in the PPM Transactions tab to be redirected to the invoice details in Oracle.
Did all of my Recharge MCI file submissions post? To review the recharge recovery (credit), filter by account 775000 - Internal Recharge Credit. The customer (debit) billings will generally utilize the 770000 - Sales and Services Activity Recharge Debit account
Where did this transaction I know very little about post in the ledgers? Use the “Expenditure Comments” prompt when you don’t have a transaction number, but have some details about the expense that may be used in the expenditure comments. For example:
  • Payables transactions - search by the item name, description of the item, name of person reimbursed
  • Receivables transactions - search by case number or other description for cash deposit requests
  • Recharge transactions - if the recharging unit is utilizing expenditure comments, use the description to search for a particular recharge


Report Views

Cost Transfer Fields

The report allows users to identify transactions that are a part of a cost transfer by introducing the following fields: Adjusted Transaction Number, Transferred from Transaction Number, Transferred from Project and Task, and Net Zero Flag.

The report table illustrates how the original transaction, reversal transaction, and new transaction are displayed in the report:


Description Project Transaction Number Amount Transferred From Transaction Number Transferred from Project and Task Transferred to Transaction Number Transferred to Project-Task Code Adjusted Transaction Number Reversal Transaction Number Net Zero Item

Original Transaction

A 123 $100 789 B 456 Y

Reversal Transaction

A 456 -$100 123 Y

New Transaction

B 789 $100 123 A N


Refer to the Data Glossary for searchable data descriptions and usage rules. More information about Cost Transfers can be found on the Cost Transfers Blink page

PPM Commitments


The PPM Commitment Details tab is a single space where users can view outstanding PPM Commitments. This report does not include commitments where the total amount for the Project, Task, Funding Source, Expenditure Type, and Expenditure Item Date combination is $0.


Business Scenarios

Business Scenario How to
What are the outstanding PPM Commitments for my project? To review all outstanding PPM Commitments on a project, select “PPM Commitments” as the report to display, leave date search options as is (do not select periods), and filter for the project number. Note: Do not select any other reports if date search options are left blank as this could result in a longer run-time.




GL Table


The GL Transactions tab is a single space where users can view transactions that hit all ledgers: the General Ledger and each Subledger (PPM, Payables, Receivables, Cash Management).

Transaction Number:

  • For PPM, this is the PPM transaction number
  • For GL, Transaction Number is a multipurpose field based on the source:
    • Payables: Invoice or Payment Number
    • Receivables: Invoice or Receipt Number
    • Projects: PPM Transaction Number


Business Scenarios

Business Scenario How to
What are all of the transactions associated with my receipt in the GL? Transaction Number - enter the receipt number into this filter to pull back all transactions associated with the receipt in the GL Transactions tab.
Who do I contact about an issue with a GL transaction? The Journal Source on the GL Transactions tab tells you which subledger or other source the transaction came from. Use this field to determine which department to reach out to if you have questions about your transaction. (e.g. if the Journal Source is 'Payables', submit a ticket to IPPS. If the Journal Source is 'Receivables', reach out to Financial Operations. If the Journal Source is 'UCSD UCPath', submit a ticket to the UCPath team). Transactions with a journal source of 'Manual' or 'Spreadsheet' are posted to the GL via a journal.
Which transactions posted to the GL without a project number? Search by project number '0000000' to view all of your transactions that posted to the GL without a project number. The PPM Transactions tab will not display any data - skip to the GL Transactions tab to view your results! Submit a non-salary cost transfer data request to move non-payroll items to a project. For payroll transactions, perform a Direct Retro.


PPM High Risk Ledger Review


The High Risk Ledger Review provides a mechanism for departments to select transactions for periodic review. This is an acceptable alternative to reviewing 100% of transactions. 

Report Demo: You can view the High Risk Ledger Review report demo for a walkthrough of one approach to reviewing transactions.

Best Practice: Download report to Excel to make notes as to whether transactions are okay or require additional follow-up, as well as provide justification for charges that are questionable but acceptable.


A high risk transaction is determined by meeting one or more of the criteria below.

Risk Type Definition Objective What to Do

Equipment under dollar threshold

Expenditure type starts with 163003 (Capital Equipment) and the total invoice amount is less than $5,000 Identify expense items that have been misclassified as assets

Look at the line item description to identify what was purchased.  If the purchase does qualify as equipment (acquisition cost => $5,000 and useful life > one year), then okay.

If the item is not equipment, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form

Select 'Payables Invoices or Payables Payments' from the dropdown menu, and then complete the Accounts Payable Cost Correction Request Excel spreadsheet.


High dollar invoice

Transaction amount is more than $2,500 Ensure purchase was appropriate, item was received, and was properly charged

Subaward invoices and Concur Travel and Expense invoices are reviewed and approved prior to posting in Oracle.  These invoices should be reviewed at a high level to ensure the charges belong on the project.  For example, verify the traveler or reimbursement recipient is associated in some way with the project being charged.  Full transactional review is not required. 

Transactions that are not subcontracts or Concur transactions perform the following: 

  • Review vendor invoices for accuracy by comparing charges to purchase orders or to non-PO request. 
  • Verify that the goods and services purchased have been received by obtaining packing slips. 
  • Review costs to ensure that they are properly classified and recorded. 
  • Review transactions to ensure that expenses are allowable and appropriate. 


Expenditure type starts with 770000 or contains "bookstore"

Identify recharges that posted to the wrong project or were charged by a person not associate with the project.

Ensure these costs belong to the project and task and that proper documentation can be obtained in case of audit on these expenses

  • If a link is provided, go to the URL to view detail about the charge.  Identify the person who made the charge and what was purchased to ensure that the cost is allowable and properly accounted to the project 
  • If no information about the charge is provided, contact the recharge facility manager to obtain information about the charge.   
  • If the charge does not belong on the project-task, complete a PPM cost transfer to move it to the correct project-task. View the KBA on How to Initiate a Partial or Full Cost Transfer in Oracle PPM 

Note: For routine recharges such as water cooler rental and mail charges on non-sponsored projects, a less detailed review may be appropriate.


Transaction posted after project end date

Accounting date is after the project end date

Identify costs that were incurred after the project end date and are therefore unallowable to the award.

  • For invoices, click on the invoice number to view the invoice in OFC.  Open the invoice PDF and identify the invoice date or the date the goods were received or services rendered.  Ensure that the goods were received or services were rendered prior to the end of the award.  If goods were received or services were rendered after the end of the award, move the cost to the appropriate project-task with a PPM cost transfer.
  • For payroll and recharges, verify that the work was performed within the period of performance.  Monthly payroll on awards that end mid-month should be pro-rated such that the award is not charged for work performed on days after the end date.
  • Ensure these costs belong to the project and that proper documentation can be obtained in case of audit on these expenses.
  • If the charges are appropriate, ensure that the expense is recorded as a subsequent expense or pending expense on the project Financial Expense Report in SPARCM. View more about department reporting responsibilities here
  • If the Final Financial Report was submitted to the agency and did not include the cost in question, move the cost to the appropriate project-task with a PPM cost transfer. Cost transfer resources:
  • How to Submit a Direct Retro

Fabrication cost not on a fabrication project or task

Expenditure type starts with 163001 and neither the project nor the task contain the word "fab"

Identify transactions miscategorized as equipment fabrication. Inappropriate use of this expenditure type can have IDC implications.

Questionable expenditure type on a sponsored project

Expenditure type appears in the questionable expenditure type list defined by SPF and the project is a sponsored project

Verify that transactions are properly accounted and allowable on the award. Allowable charges may require additional justification.

  • Determine whether the correct expenditure type was used and whether the cost belongs to/directly benefits the award.
  • If the incorrect expenditure type was used and the cost does belong on the award, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form. 
  • If the cost is unallowable on the award, process a PPM cost transfer.
  • If the correct expenditure type was used and the cost is allowable on the award, contact your award accountant for additional guidance. They may request that you provide backup documentation justifying the allowability of the questionable expenditure type. Documentation may include but not limited to:
    • Copy of the proposal budget and budget justification identifying the expenditure or
    • Justification from the Principal Investigator how the expenditure benefits the project or
    • Approval from sponsor to incur the cost(s)

Misposted Cost Sharing

An external funding source was used with a cost share project or task, or an internal funding source was used with a non-cost share project or task. Cost share project or task defined as one with a burden schedule starting with 'INT.'

Identify and correct transactions that have a mismatch between the funding source and the burden schedule


Business Scenarios

Business Scenario How to
What are my high risk transactions for this year? Run the “PPM High Risk Ledger Review” report for all accounting periods you would like to review. Then, select a fin unit or person role to review.

Release Notes & Communications

Date Release Notes & Communications
12/10/2024 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest
  • Revised Project prompt to include Project Nickname
  • Revised Project Code and Name in reports to also include Project Nickname
  • Added a Project Nickname text prompt to “Project Attributes” prompts section
  • Added Original Transaction Reference field to High-Risk Ledger Review, enabling more efficient completion of Internal Control activities and ensuring critical information is readily accessible for expense review.
8/13/2024 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest
  • Added Requisition Number to the PPM Full table, with deep link to the requisition. This will allow the user to get that information much more quickly than having to navigate backward from the PO, which often has less details of a purchase compared to the requisition.
3/12/2024 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest
  • A column for PO Description has been added to the GL table.
  • A column for Most Recent Accounting Period has been added to the PPM Full table. This value aligns with the Accounting Period shown on the Manage Project Costs screen.
  • The Account Type prompt (Managerial Account Hierarchy L3) has been changed to Account Category (Managerial Account Hierarchy L4). The Account Category separates Revenues into Internal and External, and separates Expenses into Compensation, Non-Compensation, and Transfers.
  • For Travel Commitments: Concur Traveler Name now appears in the Supplier column, and Concur Trip Name now appears in the Commitment Description column.
  • For Travel Costs: Concur Request ID now appears in the PO Number column.
12/12/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

We have made significant enhancements to the Transaction Details report that will improve the user experience. Changes to look out for:

  • New PPM High-Risk Ledger Review report display: The new report display allows users to conduct their high-risk ledger review in fewer clicks. The following changes have been made which will greatly reduce the number of rows to review:
    • Excludes transaction number, expenditure batch, and original transaction reference fields. As a result of this change, you will only see one row per invoice line distribution. To drill through to view all transactions for a PO or Invoice, click on the new “View Transactions” field.
    • NGN, HSIT, General Liability, Tuition Remission, and equipment are no longer considered to be high risk expenditure types on sponsored projects. 
    • Excludes net zero items
  • PPM Full: The following fields were added to streamline travel expense review: Expense Report ID, Expense Report Name, and Expense Report Submitted by User.
  • PPM Commitments: For commitment numbers starting with “KRS”, the supplier is now the subrecipient of the subaward.


Prompt page redesign

Changes were made to modernize and standardize the look and feel of the prompt pages across all financial Cognos reports. Specific changes that were made include:

  • Section headers: Prompts are now grouped categorically so that they are always nested under the same section for every report
  • Standardized buttons:
    • Direct links to services, support, and documentation for extra help are now consistently available
    • Reset and finish buttons are now at the top and bottom of every report
  • Standardized prompts: All prompts are now consistent with each other on every report


You can watch a report demo of these enhancements here (beginning to min 35:00) 

8/29/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

The Budget and Finance User Group (BFG), including representatives from Audit & Management Advisory Services (AMAS) and Internal Controls & Accounting (ICA), has approved a change to the threshold of transactions that need to be reviewed with high-risk ledger review. The $2,500 threshold that has been applied to the total invoice dollar amount will now be applied at the transaction level. This will greatly reduce the number of transactions requiring review and simplify the monthly high-risk ledger review process.  This change is now reflected in the Transaction Details report.

5/9/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

Project Department Reporting Category (Faculty Controlled vs Department Controlled) has been added as a multi-select prompt and as a field in the PPM Cost Transactions Full report and the GL Transactions report.

4/11/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

The following enhancements have been made to the Transaction Details report: 

  • Expenditure Invoice Line Requester added to PPM Cost Transactions (PPM Full)
  • PPM Commitments now excludes commitments where the total is $0
  • Expenditure Item Date added to GL Transactions
  • Two prompt updates:
    • New Fin Unit L2 (Entity Code) prompt
    • Expenditure Batch prompt now filters by the User Expenditure Batch field for PPM Transactions
11/15/2022 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

The following changes are now live on the Transaction Details Report:

  1. Addition of PPM Cost Transactions Condensed tab
  2. Addition of PPM Commitment Details tab
  3. Ability to choose which reports you want to see (there are four total reports now)
  4. New fields and drill-thrus including:
    1. PPM Cost Transactions: Approver, Created by, Contact Person for Recharges, Project Manager, transferred to project-task, transferred from transaction number, adjusted transaction number, reversal transaction number, transferred to transaction number, 
    2. GL Transactions: Posting Date, drill-thru to DOPES
  5. Changes to prompts: 
    1. Multi-select on PI/PM/TM
    2. New Expenditure Batch Code - Use this to view batches in GL Transactions (instead of transaction number)
    3. New Expenditure Comment prompt - Use this when you don’t have a transaction number, but have some details about the expense that may be used in the expenditure comments. For example:
      1. Payables transactions - search by the item name, description of the item, name of person reimbursed
      2. Receivables transactions - search by case number or other description for cash deposit requests
      3. Recharge transactions - if the recharging unit is utilizing expenditure comments, use the description to search for a particular recharge
      4. ISIS Transactions - search by student PID
    4. New Customer prompt