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Data Glossary

Review a glossary of terms for financial reports and analytics.

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BI Data Glossary Information
Field Name Description
Account Represents level 6 Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy. The natural classification of a transaction. There are 5 standard types of Accounts in an Accounting system: Asset, Liability, Revenue, Expense, and Fund Balance/Equity. It consists of a 6-digit number (Account Number/Code) and a description (Account Description)
Account Category Represents level 4 in the Managerial Reporting Account hierarchy. Ex. for Account Type ‘Total Expenses’, some Account Categories can be ‘Compensation Expenses’ and ‘Non Compensation Expenses’
Account Subcategory Represents level 5 in the Managerial Reporting Account hierarchy. Ex. for Account Category ‘Compensation Expenses’, some Account Subcategories can be ‘Accruals and Other’ and ‘Benefits’
Account Type Represents level 3 in the Managerial Reporting Account hierarchy. The different types are: Total Resources, Total Expenses, and Total Capitalization in Progress
Accounting Date Calendar date within the Accounting period indicating when a transaction is accounted. For transactions that post mid-month and are accounted within that month, the accounting date is the same as the posting date. For transactions that post in the subsequent month before the accounting period is closed, the accounting date is the last day of the accounting period. Example: 10/31/23 (Accounting Period Oct-23)
Accounting Period The Accounting Period is the time frame used for financial reporting. It is expressed as a combination of month and year formatted as Mmm-YY, and any transaction that falls within the time frame form part of the reports for that accounting period.
Activity Code Unique 6 character alphanumeric value that tracks credit merchant accounts and internal loans.
Acquisition Code Related to Fixed Assets, indicates how the asset was acquired. 31 - Purchase Order 34 - Gift 36 - Intercampus Transfer 51 - UC Bookstore Order
Adjusted Transaction Number Appears on reversal transactions resulting from a cost transfer and indicates the transaction number of the original transaction.
Adjustment Error Indicates the reason a cost transfer or other adjustment could not be completed. e.g. "The expenditure didn't pass project-level transaction controls" indicates that the expenditure type is not allowed on the TO project or that the expenditure item date is outside the project start-end dates.
Adjustment History Source

It can be:

  • Adjustment History: refers to the status in the UI
  • WORKFLOW: actual workflow status
  • BPM: original term for workflow status
Aging Bucket A categorization method based on number of days from Invoice Date to Today
Alert Type For unprocessed transactions, indicates ERROR.
Alternate Name Any DBA (doing business as) name that the payee may be operating under, which is different than the legal name used for tax purposes. It is most often utilized in the case of acquisition and mergers or independent contractors. This field is visible in the Supplier Inquiry Report.
Amount Due Amount that is still due on the Receivables Invoice
Animal Subjects Indicates (with aY/N indicator) whether the award has animal subject protocols in place
Annual One-Time Budget Represents the 12-month period (Jul-Jun) sum of anticipated revenue or expense amounts, incremental budget adjustments and approved new requests that are not expected to be ongoing, though they can span over multiple years with an anticipated end date. Note: for non-core funds, all non-compensation budget entries are defaulted to the recurring budget type.
Annual Recurring Budget Represents the 12-month period (Jul-Jun) sum of anticipated revenues and expense amounts, incremental budget adjustments and approved new requests that are expected to continue indefinitely. Note: for non-core funds, all non-compensation budget entries are defaulted to the recurring budget type.
Application Date Date when Credit Memo / Receipt was applied to an invoice.
Applied Amount Amount applied against a Receivables Invoice when Payment is made (can be partial or full)
Applied Transaction Class On the Credit Memos report, the type of transaction that the credit memo was applied to. ex. Invoice
Applied Transaction Number On the Credit Memos report, the invoice number to which the Credit Memo was applied
Approval Status Indicates the workflow status of AP Invoices. Common statues are Initiated (which indicates that approvals are still pending) and Approved (which indicates that all required approval have been completed).
Approval Status For invoices pending approval, indicates whether the invoice has been Initiated (not yet approved) or Rejected.
AR Invoice Number

Invoice number generated by the Receivables module for outgoing invoices.  Invoice numbers are numbered sequentially by Transaction Source. As such, AR Invoice Numbers are not unique within the system.

Assignment Number Associated with Oracle access roles, indicates the employee ID number for employees or the affiliate ID number for affliliates.
Award An award is a unique source of funding to the university (e.g., sponsored award). Each new award is categorized by type and purpose, assigned an award number that flows from the KR Award and further defined by other key attributes that identify the organization and the individuals responsible for the award.
Award Burden Schedule Represents a combination of the burden rate (indirect cost rate) and the set of expenditure types the burden rate is applied to, at the award level. The Award Burden Schedule can be overridden by a Project Burden schedule or Task Burden Schedule.
Award Flow-Through Entity Entity where the funds go through for a subaward
Award Flow-Through Sponsor The agency providing funding to the flow-through entity. Relates to subawards
Award Number The number assigned to an award containing funding activities. This value is generated within Kuali Research; it is NOT the sponsor award number.
Award Organization The organization that has responsibility for administering and managing the award (e.g., approval, reconciliation and review)
Award Purpose Reflects the intended use of the funds held in a given award and is used to indicate the function. For example: Research, Instruction, or Training.
Award Sponsor Sponsor/funder of the award, who specifies certain requirements that the award is subject to
Award Start Date This is the Start Date of the Award
Award Status Active: The status of the contract changes to Active when it is approved by all the approvers. This means the contract dates are active and the contract has been approved. The contract is available for billing and revenue recognition.
Canceled: The status of a contract changes to Canceled when the draft is canceled. The contract can no longer be used for billing or revenue recognition.
Closed: The status of a contract changes to Closed when you close (terminate) it. Closed status implies a closeout after expiration.
Draft: The initial status of a contract before approval.
Expired: When the contract end date is reached for an active contract, the status updates to Expired.
Hold: The status of a contract changes to Hold when a hold is applied. The Update Contract Status process will ignore contracts or contract lines on hold and will not change them to the Expired status.
Pending Approval: The status of a contract changes to Pending approval when it is submitted for internal approval.
Under Amendment: The status of a contract changes to Under amendment when it is amended.
Award Type The award type reflects the nature of the sponsored research for a given award. For example: Private Contract/Grant, Federal Contract/Grant, Clinical Trial, State Contract, etc.
Base Price MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) before any options or taxes are added
Batch A journal batch is a group of transactions that post to the general ledger together. Each batch has a code and description.
Batch Source The subledger or process that created the batch.
Beginning Balance On GL-based fund balance reports, represents the funds available to spend at the start of the fiscal year, July 1. It is the Beginning Net Position less any prior year capital equipment purchases. On trial balance reports, represents the accounting balance of the account at the start of the accounting period.
Beginning Net Position The July 1 balance in account 300000
Bill-To Customer Customer that is receiving the receivables invoice or credit memo. Consists of a unique identifier account number and a name.
Budget Authorized money to spend in a project. For sponsored projects, it is a categorical list of anticipated project costs that represent the Principal Investigator's best estimate of the funds needed to support the work described in a proposal. A budget consists of all direct costs, facilities, administrative costs, and cost-sharing commitments proposed.
Budget Balance Money available to spend. Calculated by subtracting Costs from the Budget
Budget Balance Net of Commitments Calculated by subtracting Committed Costs from the Budget Balance
Budget Status Name Current Baseline: The budget version currently in effect and being used in reports.
Budget Version Number Sequential numbering of budget versions for a project.
Business Classification A list of all business classifications that apply or have applied to the payee. These can include Electronic Invoicing vendors, or Small Business Classifications (Ex. Agreement Supplier, cXML Supplier, Minority Owned, Veteran Owned, etc.)
Business Classification Status

Indicates if a Business Classification associated with a supplier is current or expired.

  • Current: the Business Classification has not expired yet
  • Expired: the Business Classification no longer applies and the payee must renew or update their information with us via PaymentWorks
Business Classification Start Date

The official date the Business Classification began. 

Business Classification End Date The official date the Business Classification expired. This value will be blank for business classifications that never expire.
Business Type

On the Receivables Aging report, defined by a combination of contract type, Receivables transaction type, and Receivables transaction source.

  • Sponsored Research: The transaction type is an invoice or credit memo from PPM Contracts and the contract type is Grant Contract
  • General Contracts: The transaction type is an invoice or credit memo from PPM Contracts and the contract type is General Contract.
  • KR Service Agreements: The transaction type is an invoice or credit memo from PPM Contracts and the contract type is KR Service Agreement.
  • Receivables Module: The transaction source is not contract invoices.
  • Sponsored Projects - Sponsor Initiated: The transaction type is Sponsor CT.
Business Unit Ledger The security context attached to the employee's assigned role
Designates the Business Unit and/or Ledger that further provisions access to underlying data in the OFC system
Business Unit UC San Diego comprises two business units: SDCMP (Campus) and SDMed (Med. Center). Business Units are used to separate campus and medical center information for reporting and system security access.
Buyer Procurement staff who finally approved the order.
Capital Assets Also known as Fixed Asset, a Capital Asset is a tangible property or equipment with an acquisition cost above a determined threshold, a useful life of more than one year, and depreciated over its useful life.
Category Name Category for the Requisition, such as Facility Tools over 5K (Inventorial), Lab Supplies, etc.
Change in Net Position Calculated by subtracting beginning net position from ending net position. Net of total resources and total expenses.
COA String Combination of the Chart Of Accounts (COA) fields into one alpha-numeric sequence. This is used as the base for various transactions and is what defines transactions in the General Ledger. Each COA segment is separated by a period from the next segment to create a long alpha-numeric string. Formatted as Entity.Fund.FinU.Account.Function.Program.Location.Project.Activity.Interentity.Future1.Future2.
Commitment Description For purchase orders, indicates the item or service being purchased.
Commitment Type The classification of commitments into four categories: Purchase requisition, Purchase order, Supplier invoice, and External. External commitments include Concur Travel or Event Requests and Kuali subaward obligations.
Committed Costs Total cost committed for future costs through Oracle Procurement, Oracle Payables, Concur, or KR subaward obligation, including any associated indirect costs (Burdened Cost).
Committed Raw Cost The direct cost portion of costs committed for future expenditure through procurement, Concur, or subaward obligation.
Contract End Date The date that work on a contract is anticipated to be completed, as specified in the contract. Billing can only occur within contract start and end dates. For Awards, this is the Award End Date.
Contract Version The contract version represents the version of the contract based on number of amendments. When a contract is created, the version is set to 1. The version increases incrementally each time that the contract is amended.
Contract Number Unique ID assigned to the contract. For sponsored award contracts, the contract number is the same as the award number, which is generated in Kuali Research
Contract Organization Department responsible for management and execution of the contract. This drives the Financial Unit where the revenue and billing transactions are accounted.
Contract Start Date Date that work on the contract commences, as specified in the contract. Billing can only occur within contract start and end dates. For Awards, this is the Award Start Date
Contract Status DRAFT: The initial status of a contract. The contract may be submitted for approval or canceled.
PENDING_APPROVAL: The status of a contract changes to Pending approval when it is submitted for internal approval.
CANCELED: The status of a contract changes to Canceled when the draft is canceled.
ACTIVE: The contract has been submitted and approved, and the contract end date is in the future.
UNDER_AMENDMENT: The contract was previously active, but is now being amended.
EXPIRED: The contract end date is in the past.
CLOSED: The status of a contract changes to Closed when you close (terminate) it. Closed status implies either a foreclosure or a closeout after expiration.
Contract Type

General Contract: Contract to provide services to an external party that does not meet the definition of a KR Service Agreement or a Sponsored Contract.

KR Service Agreement: A service agreement is a legally binding agreement between UC San Diego and an external customer, such as a corporation, other university, or federal agency, setting forth the terms and conditions under which UCSD will provide goods or services to that customer as a vendor/contractor. UCSD is not engaging in its own research under the agreement. The work is not intended to result in the development or enhancement of any UCSD intellectual property and UCSD would not be performing the work but for the desire of the customer to have the work done.

Grant Contract: Contract between UCSD and an external entity (sponsor) that provides funding for UCSD, to perform a research project based upon a mutually agreed upon scope of work and budget. May include grants, clinical trials, cooperative agreements, and fellowships. These are created automatically when the Award and Sponsored Project are setup.

Contributions Contributions provided and used by athletics in the reporting year including:
-Amounts received from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations, clubs or other organizations designated for the operations of the athletics program
-Funds contributed by outside contributors for the payment of debt service, lease payments or rental fee expenses for athletic facilities in the reporting year
-Amounts received above face value for tickets
Core Adjusted Base Budget Base Budget specific to Core Funds, with incremental adjustments for approved commitments. This definition includes Recurring and One-Time budgets.
Core Base Budget Base Budget specific to Core Funds. Used in the Core Recurring Final Budget by Year, from the Planning and Budgeting Dashboard
Core Funds

Category of Funds that is used to support direct costs associated with instruction, research and public service efforts. Core funds include State and UC General Funds, Student Fee Funds (Tuition, Student Services Fees, Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition, Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition), Indirect Cost Recovery Funds, Investment Income, Patent Income, ASSA, and Gift Fees/Endowment Cost Recovery.

In the Budget vs Actual Report (Planning and Budgeting Dashboard), Core Funds tabs display Recurring and One-Time Annual Budget figures compared against year-to-date (YTD) Actuals

Cost Drives values of report 
Cost Adjustment Modifications of project transactions after they are imported into Oracle. For example, transactions can be corrected by changing cost or burden rates for the expenditure item, or the raw cost of a transaction can be recalculated to pick up a new IDC rate.


Cost Adjustment Type

Some adjustment type examples are: 'change functional currency attribute', 'change work type', 'hold revenue until released', 'recalculate burdened cost amount', 'resubmit', 'set to billable', etc

Cost Adjustment Status Pending: Cost adjustment is waiting for approval.
Rejected: Transfer was rejected by the approver. Initiator will need to Cancel the transfer or correct the error and Resubmit
Withdrawn: Initiator has cancelled the transfer.
Not Allowed: The system has automatically canceled the transfer
Approved: Transfer has been approved. Workflow is complete.
Costs Cumulative dollar amount of transactions posted to PPM Costs
Creation Date Date when the transaction / invoice was created
Creation Method In the context of receivables receipts, the form of the payment. Ex. Manual, ACH/Wires, Cash-Campus, Check-Campus, etc.
Credit Amount Dollar amount for Credit transactions
Credit Memo (Receivables) A credit memo is a document issued by a supplier (which is UCSD for Receivables credit memos) when purchased products or requested services are not delivered, performed or are returned by the customer. It indicates a credit is owed to the customer for the value of the returned or undelivered goods or services.
Custodial Department Name The department responsible for a piece of capitable equipment. Custodial departments are responsible for maintaining current equipment information including physical location, disposal, and sales.
Customer Name

A customer is a party, either an organization or a person, with whom there exists a selling relationship. This selling relationship can result, for example, from the purchase of products and services or from the negotiation of terms and conditions that provide the basis for future purchases.

Customer Account  A customer account represents the attributes of the business relationship that a party can enter into with another party. The customer account has information about the terms and conditions of doing business with the party. You can create multiple customer accounts for a party to maintain information about different categories of business activities. For example, to track invoices for different types of purchases, you can maintain an account for purchasing office supplies and another account for purchasing furniture. You can also maintain multiple customer accounts for a customer that transacts business with more than one line of business in your organization. Each customer account has a number and a description.


Customer Account Number Unique number assigned to Bill to Customer that is receiving the Receivables invoice or credit memo. Used to track invoices, credit memos, receipts (payments). One Customer may have one or many Accounts.
Customer Account Profile Generate Bill Indicator Indicates if invoices will be generated for this Customer Account, which can have multiple sites (geographic locations)
Customer Account Profile Payment Terms Default payment terms for the Customer Account, such as Immediate, Net 30, Net 45, etc.
Customer Class

Class associated with the Customer Entity (ex. Federal, Foreign, Local, Private, Public, State, etc.)

Customer Site Number

OFC Supplier profile used to make the Invoice payment

Customer Site Purpose

Purpose of the specific site, such as to Bill (Bill-to), Ship (Ship-to), Correspond (Statements), send reminders to pay (Dunning)

Debit Amount Dollar amount for debit transactions.  Debits increase the balance of expense and asset accounts and decrease the balance of revenue and liability accounts.
Default Payment Method Each Supplier Site has a default payment method associated to it (ex. check, ACH), which indicates how payments will be issued to the supplier.
Department Reporting Category Fields that can be used to help group and define any project type. This is set at the project level and has two options, depending on who manages the resources (department or faculty portfolio). 
Derived Fund Code The fund code associated with the award/project-task in PPM based on award or project set-up.
Direct Institutional Support Direct Funds provided by the institution to athletics for the operations of intercollegiate athletics
Direct Overhead and Adm Expenses Overhead and administrative expenses paid by or charged directly to athletics including:
-Administrative/Overhead fees charged by the institution to athletics.
-Facilities maintenance.
-Risk Management.
-Equipment Repair.
-Other Administrative Expense
Direct Retro Salary cost transfer initiated in UCPath.
Document Used in Project Costs, represents a further breakdown of Expenditure Source.
Document Entry Used in Project Costs, represents a further breakdown of Document to indicate the source of the transaction.
Document Status The approval status for the Requisition document.
Earnings Period End Date Labor Ledger field indicating the end of date of when payroll was earned.  This is typically the same as the pay period end date for regular payroll, but may be different for salary cost transfers.  Equivalent to the Expenditure Item Date in Oracle PPM.
Effective Burden Schedule The burden schedule stores the rates and indicates which transactions are burdened, based on cost bases defined in the burden structure. The schedule specifies which expenditure types are included in each cost base.
Effective Burden Schedule Multiplier The indirect cost rate in effect for the task. If there are no project or task burden schedule (indirect cost rate) overrides in place, the multiplier comes from the rate specified on the award.
Effective Burden Schedule Multiplier Level What level the rate is coming from. It can be award, project or task level.
Ending Balance The result of Beginning Balance +/- Period Net Activity
Ending Net Position Beginning Net Position + Total Resources - Total Expenses
Entered Amount CR/Credit Dollar amount for credit transactions
Entered Amount DR/Debit Dollar amount for debit transactions
Entity 5-digit numeric code that represents the VC area or major operational unit
Entity Name The description that corresponds to the 5-digit numeric code that represents the VC area or major operational unit
Error Code

Generate Invoice Process Errors report:

  • PJB_ZERO_MIN_HARD_LIMIT: A billing transaction exception was created because one of the contract billing controls didn't have any funds available.
  • PJB_EXCEED_SOFT_LIMIT: The funding amount consumed by the billing transaction exceeds the soft limit amount in the billing control.
Event Type

Event type is a classification of PPM Billing events to be able to bill customers a set amount. Most Common Event Types:

  • Milestone: Event to invoice and recognize revenue for a specified amount based on a milestone.
  • Fee: Event to invoice and recognize revenue for fees earned.
  • Other: Event to invoice and recognize revenue for a specified amount.
Exception Flag

On the Project Transaction Controls report, Y indicates that a change has been made to the control template for that expenditure type on that project. For example, the template does not allow the expenditure type (Template Chargeable Flag = N) but the transaction control for that expenditure type has been removed for the project, allowing transactions with that expenditure type to post.


The gift fund balance that is available for expenditure at a point in time

For current use gift funds the balance comes from new gifts or transfers. For endowments and funds functioning as endowment the balance comes from payout.

Expenditure Batch

When transactions are loaded into the PPM from an external system, Oracle Projects requires that a Batch name is specified for each transaction.

Expenditure Category

Classifies the Expenditure Type into a cost group

Examples include Operating Expenses, Benefit Expenses, UC San Diego Equipment, etc.

Expenditure Comments Provides explanation and identifiable detail of the expenditure. Entered by the individual or system creating the expenditure.
Expenditure Item Date Date a cost was incurred (service or good provided). Used only in PPM Costs.
Expenditure Organization  The Expenditure Organization identifies the organization that is charging the cost. This is typically not the same as the project-owning organization. Its value will not roll up to the Chart of Accounts and does not drive any reporting. Ex. Computer Science, Disbursements and Travel
Expenditure Org FinUnit The Financial Unit number associated with the Expenditure Organization.
Expenditure Type Expenditure Type = Account Code - Description. The specific type of expense being incurred.  The expenditure type is used to derive the account segment value in the COA, but expenditure types are more granular.  There can be multiple expenditure types associated with a single account code, each with a different description. For example, the Account Code 522401 (Lab Supplies) corresponds to the Expenditure Types 522401 - Animal Feed, 522401- Animal Supplies, and 522401 - Lab Supplies. For additional information, click here for the current list of Expenditure Types and associated information in Oracle.
Expense Report ID The Report ID for the Concur expense report referenced. 
External Transaction Description Used on the Merchant Transactions report.  Description of the Transaction (ex. AMERICAN EXPRESS DES:AXP DISCNT ID:1040822611 INDN:MED GRP OTOL1040822611 CO ID:1134992250 CCD)
External Transaction Type Used on the Merchant Transactions report. Type of External Transaction, such as fee
Financial Unit

Any UC San Diego unit with an ongoing business objective and budget, a group of employees and generally a physical space.

It consists of a 7-digit numerical code (segment of the Chart of Accounts), followed by a description. It is a specific subset of the entity; it represents the responsible operating unit, usually a division or department. Note that a financial unit can only be associated with one entity (major operational unit or VC area). Often abbreviated as FinU or Fin Unit.  Example: 1000135 - Chemistry and Biochemistry

FinU Level 1 Financial Unit hierarchy level that represents the entire university. There is only one,which is 16000AA - UC San Diego
FinU Level 2 Financial Unit hierarchy level that represents a Vice Chancellor area or major operational unit. Ex. 100000A - Academic Affairs
FinU Level 3  Financial Unit hierarchy level that typically represents a School. Ex. 100500B - Dean of Physical Sciences
FinU Level 4  Financial Unit hierarchy level that represents a Department. Ex. 100502C - Chemistry and Biochemistry
Fiscal Manager Manager of a group of financial activities. This role can be assigned to awards and projects.
Fiscal Quarter The Fiscal Quarter is a known combination of three Accounting Periods according to fiscal year
For example, Qtr1-X1 is Jul-X0, Aug-X0, Sep-X0
Fiscal Year To Date Including activity from the start of the fiscal year (July 1) through the selected or present date.
Function The function is a method of grouping expenses according to the purpose for which the costs are incurred. It consists of a 3-digit numerical code and a description. It indicates the purpose of an expense, and as such it only has a non-zero value for expense transactions. For assets and revenues, the function value is represented as 000. Functions are rarely used internally, but they are critical for external reporting. It appears in the Chart of Accounts string. Some common functions include: 400 - Instruction ; 440 - Research ; 780 - Scholarships and Fellowships / Student Financial Aid
Fund The fund is the element of the chart of accounts string which tracks restrictions and designations that may be in place to control the use of the funding source. It consists of a 5-digit numerical code and a description. At the highest level, funds are grouped into five categories: Unrestricted, Restricted Expendable, Restricted Nonexpendable, Net Investments in Capital Assets, Agency Funds
Funding Source The Funding Source identifies the name of the sponsor for the external funding source or the internal fund supporting the project. It is 7 digits (numeric) for external funding sources, and 5 characters (alpha-numeric) for internal funding sources. The name of the funding source may vary
Fundraising, Marketing & Promotions Costs associated with fund raising, marketing and promotion for media guides, brochures, recruiting publications and such
Future 1 6-digit numerical code from the chart of accounts string. This value is always a zero value as it is reserved for future use cases
Future 2 6-digit numerical code from the chart of accounts string. This value is always a zero value as it is reserved for future use cases
Gifts Voluntary contributions made to the University that are motivated by a Funder’s charitable intent, for which the Funder receives no substantial return benefit and over which the Funder does not retain control. They form a grouping of funds that includes endowments and private gifts. Foundation Gift Funds begin with the letters A - L. Regent Gift Funds begin with M - Z.
GL ITD Resources In Total resource transactions recorded in the General Ledger from July 1, 2020 through the present day.
Header Hold Count The total number of holds on an AP Invoice. All holds must be cleared before the invoice can enter approval workflow or be paid.
Hold Name The reason why a Payables Invoice is pending payment
Human Subjects Indicates (with a Y/N indicator) whether the award has human subject protocols in place
IDC Rate

Indirect costs are those costs not readily identified with a specific project or organizational activity but incurred for the joint benefit of both projects and other activities. Indirect costs are usually grouped into common pools and charged to benefiting objectives through an allocation process/indirect cost rate.

An indirect cost rate is a device for determining the proportion of general (non-direct) expenses that each project will bear. It is the ratio between the total indirect costs of the university and some equitable direct cost base.

IFIS Carryforward Amount

The amount from IFIS, the legacy financial system, that was converted into Oracle on June 30, 2020

In Service Date

On the Requirements for Supplier Inquiry Report (from the Procure to Pay Panorama). The date the vendor became Inactive. Will only populate if Supplier Profile Status is Inactive.

Inactive Date

The date that the Supplier profile was inactivated. Will only populate if Supplier Profile Status is Inactive. Supplier profiles may be inactivated due to mergers/acquisitions, tax ID changes, or due to inactivity. The date the vendor has been Inactive. To reactivate a supplier that has been inactivated, invite them to register via PaymentWorks.

InterEntity Code 5 alpha-numeric characters that are part of the Chart of Accounts string. It is driven by the Entity value when the system requires an entry; otherwise, it will be a zero value as it has no distinctive use of its own. It is rarely used. Ex. 16242 - CEO of Medical Center
Invoice Creation Date (Payables) Date of when the Invoice was entered into Oracle. (May or may not be the same as the Invoice Date, which is the date the supplier generated the invoice.)
Invoice ID (Payables) Unique Oracle internal identifier for the invoice.
Invoice Number (Payables) Unique number generated by vendor issuing an Invoice to UC San Diego. Invoice numbers are not unique across Oracle Financials Cloud.
Invoice Source (Payables) Name of original system from where the Invoice was created. Ex. UC San Diego Kuali, UC San Diego MBA, etc.
Invoice Type (Receivables) Defines if PPM Invoice is a Standard Invoice, Credit Memo, Write Off Invoice, Concession Invoice, or Canceled Invoice. Only types used are Standard Invoice and Credit Memo.
Item Description Description of the item purchased. Ex. 2020/2021 Xerox Maintenance/Cost per Copy for Black & White Fleet, Office Machines (includes parts and supplies with the exception of paper)
Journal Batch A group of transactions that are posted from either a subledger, subsystem, or process. It contains a description and unique numerical identifier (based on GL Transaction Details Report, from ICA Panorama)
Journal Category Name Subledger category for the transaction which defines the type and purpose of the entry.
Journal Created by User that submitted the Journal
Journal Line Entered Credit Dollar amount for Credit transactions
Journal Line Entered Debit Dollar amount for Debit transactions
Journal Line Number Number of the Journal Line
Journal Line Number Line number of the Journal entry
Journal Batch Name The name given for the group of transactions in a General Ledger Journal Entry (based on GL Unposted Journals report, from ICA Panorama)
Journal Source The source of the transaction from the subledger, system, or process (Receivables, Payables, etc)

"The (General) Ledger is a complete record of the university's transactions over a period of time, documenting changes to assets, liabilities, net position, revenue and expenses.

UCSD has two ledgers, UCSD (which represents campus and medical center activity) and FOUNDATION (which tracks Gift Funds)."

Line Description

On the General Ledger Panorama, a reference value that provides more information about the transaction

This value is dependent on the Journal Source

Receivables = No Value

Cash Management = Transaction Description

Project  Cost= Transaction Source, External Revenue:

Payables = Invoices: , Payments:

General Ledger = Journal Line Description

Line Manager

Employee supervisor as recorded in Oracle. The person who approves journal entries submitted by the employee.

Location 6 apha-numeric code that is part of the chartstring. It classifies a transaction by physical location or capitalized assets. It is only used in relation to capital assets. Ex. C61310 - Jacobs Hall
Location Code Classifies a transaction by physical location or capitalized Assets
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L1 Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 1 of the Managerial Reporting account hierarchy where all Revenue, Expense, and Carryforward Balance accounts roll up into.  The singular value is “Managerial Resources Available”.
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L2  Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 2 of the Managerial Reporting account hierarchy, which categorizes accounts into 3 categories: Beginning Net Position, Change in Net Position, and Total Capital Assets.
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L3 Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 3 of the Managerial Reporting account hierarchy which further categorizes accounts. Change in Net Position has 2 L3 subcategories: Total Resources & Total Expenses. Beginning Net Position and Total Capital Assets have 1 L3 subcategory each, with the same name as L2.
Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L4 

Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 4 of the Managerial Reporting account hierarchy that further categorizes accounts into more detailed categories. The L4 subcategories represent the report rows on most internal managerial reports.

Total Resources has 2 L4 subcategories: External Revenues and Internal Resources. Total Expenses has 3 L4 subcategories: Compensation Expenses, Non-Compensation Expenses, and Non Operating Expenses/Transfers. Beginning Net Position has 1 L4 subcategory: Carryforward Balance. Total Capital Assets has 1 L4 subcategory: Capital Assets.

Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L5 

Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 5 of the Managerial Reporting account hierarchy that further categorizes accounts into more detailed categories.

External Revenues has 7 L5 subcategories, Internal Resources has 6 L5 subcategories, Compensation Expenses has 5 L5 subcategories, Non Compensation Expenses has 10 L5 subcategories, Capital Assets has 5 L5 subcategories, Non-Operating Expenses/Transfer has 2 L5 subcategories, and Carryforward Balance has 1 L5 subcategory: Fund Balance, which represents the July 1 Carryforward Balance.

Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy L6 Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 5 of the Managerial Reporting account hierarchy, the posting level, which is the account number.
Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy L1  Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 1 of the Managerial Reporting Fund hierarchy which is All Funds
Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy L2 Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 2 of the Managerial Reporting Fund hierarchy which categorizes Funds into 2 subcategories: Core and Non-Core
Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy L3  Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 3 of the Managerial Reporting Fund hierarchy, which categorizes Funds into 4 subcategories: Core Funds, Contracts and Grants, Other Unrestricted Funds, Restricted Funds
Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy L4 Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 4 of the Managerial Reporting Fund hierarchy, which further categorizes L3 into subcategories. Core Funds has 1 subcategory, Contracts and Grants has 4 subcategories, Other Unrestricted Funds has 3 subcategories, and Restricted Funds has 2 subcategories
Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy L5 Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 5 of the Managerial Reporting Fund hierarchy, which further categorizes more detailed subcategories, for example Level 4 Tuition and Fees at Level 5 is further categorized into Non-Resident Tuition, Professional Supplemental Tuition, Student Services Fee, Self-Supporting Masters Programs, and Summer Tuition
Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy L6  Alphanumeric code & description representing Level 6 of the Managerial Reporting Fund hierarchy, the posting level, which is the Fund number.
Monthly Deprecation Monthly depreciation is calculated as the total cost of the fixed asset divided by the useful life in months.
Net Activity/Amount The total dollar amount in Debit or Credit for the transaction line.
Net Book Value Net Book Value is calculated as the purchase cost of the fixed asset subtracted by its accumulated depreciation to date.
Net Zero Item Marked as Y on PPM transactions that have been transferred as well as on the reversal transaction that nets the original cost to zero. Marked as N on PPM transactions that have never been transferred.
OFC Username Also referred to as the System 18 ID, an 18-digit string that uniquely identifies an Oracle user, followed by
One-Time Anticipated Resources/Expenditures that will not be part of the ongoing Budget on a recurring basis e.g., planned expenses against carryforward balance or other resources expected to be received from other FinUnits
One-Time Multi-Year Anticipated Resources/Expenditures that will not part of the ongoing budget on a recurring basis, but will span a finite number of fiscal years
Original Transaction Reference Number

For transactions originating from UC Path, used to tie UCPath Labor Ledger transaction detail to OFC summarized expenses. Concatenated string of [Pay Run Code].[Journal ID].[Journal Line number]. Provides a unique identifier for other transaction sources that does not have internal significance.

Other Unrestricted Non-core, non-SOFI funds that often generate their own revenue and are considered self-supporting, e.g Recharge Funds, Auxiliary Funds, Surplus Sales, Conference Revenue Funds, etc.
Outstanding Amount (Procurement) Difference between Ordered amount and Invoiced amount This is the amount left to be Invoiced on a PO
Outcome Outcome of the Worklist item
Paid Invoices Number of paid Invoices
Pay Period End Date Labor Ledger field indicating the end of the period in which the payroll was processed.  Equivalent to the Accounting Date in Oracle.
Payee (Payables) Name of the entity payment is being issued to. Will most often be the same as the Supplier name, but could be different when a company's DBA (Doing Business As) is different than their legal name.
Payment Cleared (Payables) Indicates whether the payee has deposited the check issued for payment.
Payment Method (Payables) Indicates the method of payment issue to issue funds to the payee.
Payment Number / Check (Payables) Unique identifier for the payment issuance. Only invoices that have been paid will have a Check/Payment Number displayed. 
Payment Status (Payables) Indicates whether an invoice has been paid. 
Payment Terms Name (Payables) When is Invoice supposed to be paid, immediately, in 30, 45, 60 days, etc. (ex. NET 30)
Payroll Projections Anticipated payroll costs for a period of time.
Pending Requisition Count Total number of pending Requisitions within Oracle Financials Cloud
Period Beginning Balance The balance as of the start of the Accounting Period.
Period Ending Balance The balance as of the end of the Accounting Period by taking the Beginning Balance +/- Period Net Activity, totalling the Ending Balance. If the period is still open, it represents the balance year to date.
Period Net Activity The total of Credits and Debits during an Accounting Period.
PO Amount The amount of the summed lines of a purchase order, not including sales/use tax estimates.
PO Creation Date Date that the PO was created, after requisition approvals were completed.
PO Status

Shows whether PO is closed, closed for receiving, etc. Common PO Statuses are: 

  • Rejected - PO is pending Professional Buyer Review and has been pulled out of workflow so it can be edited. 
  • Pending Approval - PO is pending additional approvals prior to being completed. 
  • Closed for Receiving - Approved PO with open commitments 
  • Closed - PO has been fully invoiced, no open commitments remain.
  • Finally Closed - PO was manually closed to remove an open PO balance after all expected invoices/credits were received. 
  • Canceled - Order has been canceled. Supplier has been notified and commitments have been cleared.
Position Number A unique alphanumeric value for an approved position. Employees are then appointed to position numbers.
Posting Date Date the transaction posted to the ledgers.
Principal Investigator Person who controls and monitors the technical direction and academic quality of research awards such as laboratory studies or clinical trials Ensures that awards comply with the terms, conditions, and policies defined by the Sponsor and the Institution Owns ultimate responsibility for the management of the Sponsored Research Award, especially in cases where funding is obtained from federal agencies such as the NIH.

3-digit code that is part of the Chart of Accounts string. It associates transactions with a formalized set of system-wide or cross campus activities. Ex. ASG - Academic Senate Grants

It is rarely used, i.e. this segment field is usually 000

Project 7-digit number that is part of the Chart of Accounts string and used by the PPM module. It tracks financial activity related to a sponsored project, a capital project, or a general project that may have a start and end date, often spanning fiscal years. Ex. 1001234 - Dr. Karen Smith’s Start-Up Package.
Project Business Unit The segment of UC San Diego that the project organization is associated with. Options are UCSD CAMPUS, UCSD MEDICAL CENTER, UCSD PHYSICIANS GROUP, and UCSD POPULATION HEALTH.
Project Chargeable Flag Within Transaction Controls, indicates whether the expenditure type may be charged to the project.
Project Class Category A broad grouping within which you can classify projects, e.g., "Cost Tracking."
Project Class Code A subset of the class category, e.g., "Faculty Discretionary." An abbreviation is placed at the beginning of the project name for class codes, e.g., "FD."
Project Classification Consists of a project class code and a project class category, which is a grouping of project class codes. It provides a way of identifying the type of activity the project is for and is useful for grouping and reporting. Ex. Cost Tracking - Faculty Discretionary
Project End Date The End Date associated with the Project. All projects must have an end date. All PPM transactions must have an Expenditure Item Date between the Project Start Date and Project End Date in order to post to the project.
Project Manager The person or role ultimately responsible for oversight of financial activity occurring on the project.
Project Fund Manager The person or role responsible for performing the administrative functions (e.g. reconciliation and review) for financial activity occurring on the project.
Project Organization The organization that has responsibility for administering and managing the project (e.g., approval, reconciliation, and review). For example:  Chemistry and Biochemistry. The project organization has a 1:1 relationship with the GL financial unit.
Project Start Date The date at which work on the project is anticipated to begin. All PPM transactions must have an Expenditure Item Date between the Project Start Date and Project End Date in order to post to the project.
Project Status
  • Active: Project is Active and able to be used for purchasing, costing and budgeting.
  • Closed: Closing a project in PPM will prevent new transactions, but does not impact any activities on the GL. Does not allow expenses to flow through; able to reopen project after it is closed.
  • Closed-DNU-Bad Record: Used to close a project that was created in error.
  • UCSD Closed: Does not allow new transactions but allows for adjustments and pending transactions (like POs) if within project dates; able to reopen project after it is closed.
Project Type

Designates the Project use within the OFC system, possible options are:

  • UCSD General Project: An activity or event with a single purpose that may be executed over a specific period of time, which is managed at a department level and not associated with an award.
  • UCSD General Project with Burdening: A type of award that is not managed by SPF and requires F&A/IDC assessment. The project will be enabled to automatically assess Burden Costs
  • UCSD Fabrication General Project: Used to track costs for the fabrication of a piece of equipment that will be funded by non-sponsored funds.
  • UCSD Capital Project: Large construction projects that will be converted into capital assets upon project completion
  • UCSD Default Project: A project that is auto-generated by Internal Controls and Accounting (ICA) for a Financial Unit. It is used by departments that do not use Oracle Projects, and can be used for recharge operations.
  • UCSD Sponsored Project: A type of project that is funded by an external source, such as a grant or contract, and is managed by the University to ensure compliance with the terms of the award and University policies.
  • UCSD Sponsor Project Pre FA: A sponsored project created before September 22, 2023.
Purchase Order  The document that authorizes the purchase of goods and/or services on behalf of UC San Diego. Each Purchase Order (PO) is assigned a unique number for identification, that begins with PUR.
Purchasing Commitments See Committed Costs
Receipt Accounted Amount Dollar amount accounted for the Receipt
Receipt Comments Comments entered during the Receipt creation
These could be customer specific comments, or bank comments related to the electronic transaction or cashier's comments provided with the payment, etc.
Receipt Number Unique identifier for the Receipt within the system
Receipt Status What is the status of the Receipt:, applied, unapplied, unidentified, reversed, etc.
Receipt Type It can be Standard or Miscellaneous
Recurring Core Budget

The recurring approved annualized plan of operations for the university. It is adjusted during the annual budget process to reflect changes with continuing impact

Typically, only Core Funds have core recurring budgets

The Core Recurring budget was previously called the permanent budget

Permanent budget balances were stored in the Permanent Budget System in the Budget Master File but are now referred to as Core Recurring budget in the Oracle EPBCS Planning and Budgeting System

Reversal Transaction Number

Appears on original PPM cost transactions that have been cost transferred. Displays the transaction number of the transaction that zeroes out the original.

REMS Sponsor Code

REMS stands for Research Enterprise Management System. Its sponsor codes are used to classify the sponsors of over $7 billion of extramurally-funded projects at the University of California. Each code represents a legal entity that has either funded a project at a UC campus or received a proposal for funding

Req to PO Time in Days The total number of days that it took from Requisition Submission Date to PO Create Date, inclusive of specialty and department approvals.
Requester Full Name The name of the individual who requested the item within the requisition
There can be multiple requesters per Requisition
Requisition A requisition is generated when a Cart is submitted in Oracle Procurement and remains a Requisition for the duration of necessary approval steps within UC San Diego. It also generates a Purchase Order (PO) for each supplier on the Requisition
Requisition Approved Date The date that the Requisition within Oracle Financials Cloud was approved
Only approved Requisitions will contain this date
Requisition Header Amount Total sum amount of the Requisition that was approved
Requisitioner The person who submitted the requisition. May be the same or different from the requester.
Resource In a PPM budget, defines the budget/expenditure category. Resources must match valid expenditure categories. ex. Personnel Expenses, Benefit Expenses, Operating Expenses, Travel.
Resources Available

The Current Resources available based on the Accounting Period provided in parameter; depending on the report, calculated as:

  • Ending Net Position - Capital Equipment (GL Project Balances)
  • Ending Net Position - Capital Assets (Financial Deficit Report - Operating Funds)
Revenue Balance This is the calculated amount of the Revenue Amount - Cost
Revenue Balance Without Committed Cost This is the calculated amount of the Revenue Amount - Cost - Total Committed Cost
Revenue Category The Revenue Category classifies the Expenditure Type into a Revenue Group
Examples include Capital Expense, Direct Costs, Program Income, Indirect Costs, and other sources
Reversal Reason Reason for the Reversal of the Receipt
Reversal Reason Code System code for the Reversal
Revision Number Indicates the number of revisions (aka Change Orders) entered against a PO after it has been fully approved.
Role The employee's assigned role within the OFC system
  • PO ADDR shows the address that will appear on any Purchase Orders sent to the supplier
  • PAYMT CK indicates the remittance is via check
  • PAYMT ACH indicates the remittance is via Direct Deposit
  • PAYMT PSUA indicates the remittance is via Payment Plus/Virtual Card
  • PAYMT WIRE indicates the remittance is via Wire
  • MC ACH indicates the remittance is via Direct Deposit
Site Primary Purpose Indicator Primary indicator for the site, usually defaulted to Bill-to, since specific site can have multiple site purposes
Site Profile Class Class associated with the Customer Site (ex. Federal, Foreign, Local, Private, Public, State, etc.)
Site Profile Class Description Class description associated with the Customer Site (ex. Federal, Foreign, Local, Private, Public, State, etc.)
Site Profile Delivery Method Preferred method for the Customer for Invoice Delivery (auto-generated and emailed or printed and delivered by the department)
Site Profile Generate Bill Indicator Indicated if the Invoices will be generated for this Customer site
SLA Event Line Description Description of the transaction in the General Ledger Journal containing details from the subledger
Source Did this transaction come from a subledger? If so, which one?
SPARCM Invoice Number Unique ID associated with each Invoice created through SPARCM, which is an AR and Cash Management tool used mainly by SPF
Sponsor Award Number Unique identifier given to the award by the external sponsor
Sponsored Flag Y/N - Designates if the Project is Sponsored or not
The report shows only Projects with Sponsored Flag = N
Supplier Supplier is composed of Supplier Number and Supplier Name
This value is the company that was utilized to fulfil an product or service
Supplier Profile Status This is the status that allows you to see if a Vendor is active within the system. Active means that the site is active and available for use of payment. If conditions are the opposite, it is inactive.
Task DFF Fund Code

The COA fund associated with the task on the project.

Task End Date

The date the task becomes inactive

Task Manager

Individual that has been identified in the system as responsible for a Task within a Project

Task Managers are identified in the system as last name, first name

Task Number

This is the Task Number that allows the Project to be divided into smaller subsets for Project Cost Management within the Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

The Task breakdown is only available within the PPM module and will not be visible in the General Ledger (GL).

Task-level transactions are rolled up and reported to the GL as sum values against the Project; this is due to the UC San Diego design configuration

The Task identifies the activities used to further break down a PPM project. Every project MUST have at least one Task. The number of tasks will vary by project.

Task Start Date

The dates the task becomes active

Template Name

The project template drives the task billable status, transaction controls and the number of tasks on the project.

Total Expenses Total of Expense Accounts according to the Managerial Reporting Account hierarchy, calculated YTD from fiscal year start through the Accounting Period provided in the parameter
Total Managerial Resources Available Leverages the Managerial Reporting Account hierarchy which was established to assist units with measuring financial performance within the business context of the university rather than to support external statutory financial reporting requirements that use the standard account hierarchy. The calculation which results in Total Managerial Resources available is: Beginning Net Position + Change in Net Position – Capitalization in Progress = Managerial Resources Available.
Total Resources

Combination of External Revenue and Internal Resources according to the Managerial Reporting Account hierarchy, calculated YTD from fiscal year start through the Accounting Period provided in the parameter

Transaction Class Code ex. INV
Transaction Number

A reference value that provides more information about the transaction

This value is dependent on the Journal Source:

  • For PPM, this is the PPM transaction number
  • For GL, Transaction Number is a multipurpose field based on the source:
    • Payables: Invoice or Payment Number
    • Receivables: Invoice or Receipt Number
    • Projects: PPM Transaction Number
Transaction Source The source system where the cost was imported from.
Transaction Status Status of the transaction (ex. Incomplete, Complete)
Transfer Status Code Indicator if a transaction moved to the corresponding subledger, PPM or AP, etc. Values are ‘Y’ or null
Transfer To Type of Adjustment and the Direction
Transferred By Name of user who performed the Transfer or adjustment
Unallocated Amount Total Dollar Amount Unallocated based on parameters provided
Click on the performance tile to see the rows that make up the overall count
Unbudgeted Amount Total Dollar Amount Unbudgeted based on parameters
Unpaid Invoices Number of unpaid Invoices
User Expenditure Batch When transactions are loaded into the PPM from an external system, Oracle Projects requires that a Batch name is specified for each transaction.
Validation Status Indicates whether the Invoice has been validated or not
VSE Category Fund Hierarchy Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) is a categorization developed by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education for reporting on philanthropic support within higher education institutions in the United States. VSE Category is the broadest classification of gift fund purpose; an example is “Student Financial Aid.” This hierarchy has two levels, each of them represented by alphanumeric codes & descriptions.
VSE Subcategory Fund Hierarchy VSE Subcategory has three levels that further define a broad gift fund purpose; examples include “Department Support” and “Endowed Chairs.”
Workflow Status Workflow Status - this is the status of the approval workflow for this Cost adjustment
Workflow Participant Approver Group Name for the Worklist item
YTD Actuals Year-to-Date Actuals reflect Actuals posted to the ledger from the start of the selected fiscal year through the end of the selected fiscal accounting period.
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