Last Updated: February 27, 2025 11:45:43 AM PST
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Get information about the hiring process, plus tools, forms and resources.
The campus currently has a hiring pause in place. Please click here for details.Process
- External Recruitment/ Outreach
- Internal Recruitment Program: Find out about opportunities for promotion and transfer for UCSD career employees.
- Staff Promotion Program
- How to Use Interview Panels and Search Committees: Details on how to assemble and work with panels and search committees.
- How to hire:
- Background Checks: Determine when a background check is likely to be recommended and what kind of check should be performed.
- Overview: Moving Expenses and Relocation Allowance: Learn the important differences between moving expenses and relocation allowance and find out how they apply to newly hired faculty or staff.
- Hiring Toolkit: Link to tools and resources to help you hire staff.
- Identify Affirmative Action Placement Goals
- Series concepts: Links to comprehensive class specifications and options.
- Hiring Forms: Link to forms that will help you recruit and hire employees.
- Online Job Description: This provides departments with a tool to create, update, route, and submit a job description.
- New Employee Checklists: Link to forms, policies, and information that simplify the hiring and orientation processes. Checklists are tailored to department, supervisor, and new employee perspectives.
- Checklist for Departments With New Employees
- Checklist for Supervisors of New Employees
Policies and guidelines
Find an expert: Don't see what you're looking for? We can lead you to the right person to ask.
Note: This page has a friendly link that's easy to remember: http://blink.ucsd.edu/go/hiring