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Formatting Text in the CMS

Learn how to format text in the campus CMS.

WYSIWYG formatting options

Many fields in the CMS allow you to use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. The editor has both drop-down menus and icons. Some formatting features are accessible from multiple menus and icons.

WYSIWYG icon:wysiwyg

Drop-down menus

  • Edit - Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste as Text and Select All
  • Format - Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, Formats (the same as the Formats drop-down, below), and Clear formatting
  • Insert - Link, Anchor, Image, Media, Special character (symbols and accented letters), Horizontal line, Date/time
  • Table - (Insert) Table, Table properties, Delete table, Cell, Row, Column
  • View - Visual aids, Show blocks
  • Tools - Spellcheck, Source code (HTML), Full screen


Icon Description
WYSIWYG icon: undo, redo Undo, redo
WYSIWYG icon: bold italic underline Bold, italic, underline
WYSIWYG icon: alignment Align left, center, right, full
WYSIWYG icon: formats Available text styles (headings)
WYSIWYG icon: bullets and numbered lists Bullets and numbering
WYSIWYG icon: outdent, indent Outdent, indent
WYSIWYG icon: link, break link, anchor Link, break link, insert anchor
WYSIWYG icon:insert, edit image Insert/edit image
WYSIWYG icon:insert, edit video Insert/edit video
 WYSIWYG icon: source code Edit HTML source code
 WYSIWYG icon: full screen Toggle full screen mode

Format drop-down

Use the format drop-down menu to select headings. Headings provide important organizational and summary information for users, search engines, and screen readers. The title of the page will be a Heading 1 (built into the Blink/ TritonLink templates). Subsequent sections should use Heading 2 (<h2>), Heading 3 (<h3>), etc. Learn more about headings. The Format drop-down also includes:

  • Headings - Heading 1 through 6
  • Inline - Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, Code
  • Blocks - Paragraph, Blockquote, Div, Pre
  • Custom Classes - Styled, Left, Right