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Agreement Suppliers

The webpages below feature listings of currently contracted supplier agreements for use by all University of California locations systemwide. These contracts are organized by commodity categories and updated regularly.

UC San Diego and UC Procurement awarded these contracts based on a rigorous competitive bidding process focused on pricing, quality and sustainability. We develop and implement systemwide supply chain strategies and policies that leverage UC's vast purchasing power to optimize University spend. Procurement partners with campus procurement teams to standardize policies, practices and agreements to make it easier to do business with the University.

Contract access is available to all UC staff via CalUsource and the OMNIA Partners public sector website – UC's partner in public sector sourcing.


  • Intentional focus on small, local and disadvantaged businesses by putting them first in our procurement process
  • Federal funding agencies encourage the use of state and locally sourced agreements. Using a UCOP Agreement supplier is a valid justification for your purchase as the source selection of the Sole Source Price Reasonableness Justification Form (SSPRJF)
  • Products and services valued at over $100,000, and purchased through UCOP Strategic Sourcing agreements, do not have to go through the competitive bid process, saving time and money
  • UCSD's online buying site, offers one-stop shopping via online catalogs, punchouts, and Labvia searches feature many of the goods and services negotiated through Strategic Sourcing contracts
  • Volume sales, generated when your department buys from Strategic Sourcing suppliers, make it easier for the University to negotiate even better prices when contracts are renewed
  • These vendors have agreed to, and signed common UC Terms and Conditions to protect us from any unforeseen issues that non-catalog vendors may present, such as no returns, unexpected or high shipping fees, no warranty, distributor fees, etc.
  • By narrow­ing the number of suppliers used in the business, “partnering” in alliances, and entering into mutually beneficial contracts, UC and its suppliers can work together to achieve standardization and improve­ments in cost, quality, and higher levels of custom­er-based service
Find answers, request services, or get help from our team via the UC San Diego Services & Support portal.