Getting Off-Campus Calls Meant For Other Departments
Last Updated: June 2, 2017 12:05:43 PM PDT
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If you receive a call from an off-campus number that should have gone to another department, follow these procedures.
1. Make sure that the caller didn't reach you by misdialing.
- Ask the caller to give you the number dialed. "May I have the number you dialed?"
2. If the caller dialed the correct number but got your phone instead of the intended phone, ask additional questions.
- Explain that you would like some additional information to help prevent this problem for the future callers. Ask these questions and jot down the answers:
- "Where did you get this number?"
- "Where are you located?"
- "Who is your long distance company?"
3. Help the caller get to the intended destination.
- Offer to either transfer the caller to the correct location or provide the caller with the correct phone number as it appears in the UCSD directory.
4. Inform ACT of the problem.
- Contact the ACT Help Desk, (858) 534-1853, and provide the information you collected in step 2.
For more information, contact the ITS Service Desk, (858) 246-4357 or ext. 6-HELP.