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Consolidated Exceptions Report

This dashboard combines six different reports in an effort to consolidate reporting and reduce the number of reports users have to run for reconciliation each month.

The Consolidated Exceptions Report is available from the Business Analytics Hub ( under the Exceptions and Reconciliation tab.

The dashboard includes:

  • Closed Projects with GL Balance
  • Misposted Misc Receipts on SP
  • Multiple Project Roles
  • Project Setup to GL Match Errors
  • Salary on Fellowship Award
  • Transactions on No Project


Access has been provisioned to anyone with the Oracle BI Consumer JR role. Staff who do not have access  should request the Oracle role. Access failure appears as error "Unable to load requested view. Displaying home view instead."

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select Budget & Finance
  3. If using the List View, look for Consolidated Exceptions Report in the list or use the search bar at the top right and click the dashboard name.If using the Card View, click the Exceptions and Reconciliation tab and click Launch on the Consolidated Exceptions Report tile.
  4. Use your Active Directory credentials to sign in, if prompted.


The Cognos and Oracle Tips & Tricks page shares various recommendations on navigating report functionality

  • Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to view
  • These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
    • Accounting Period and Accounting Period Status are optional. If you plan to schedule this report, select "Closed" for Accounting Period Status. Note that these two prompts will have no impact on the following reports: Award Roles with Multiple Persons, Project Roles with Multiple Persons, Award Project Role Exceptions. For all other reports, results will display activity through the accounting period selected.
    • Display prompt is required and multi-select. By default, all reports are selected.
    • Fin Unit prompts are multi-select. Make a selection for only one of the three Fin Unit prompts: Fin Unit L3 (School/Division), Fin Unit L4, or Fin Unit.
    • Project and Award prompts allow for filtering by project number and award number.
    • Fund prompts are optional.
    • Project Personnel prompts are optional.
    • These reports display accounting signage. Positive amounts are debits and negative amounts are credits.
  • Use the ‘Quick Prompts’ section to quickly enter a single value for Financial Unit, Project, Project-Task, and/or Fund.

Closed Projects with GL Balance

Business Scenarios

  • PPM Closed Projects with GL Balances report includes balance sheet accounts (liabilities, accounts receivable, etc.). These accounts are not included on the GL Project Balances report. 
  • Normally balance sheet accounts are cleared through the natural course of business. However, if they are not, it is important for departments to address them as they are responsible for all financial activity on their FinU. For example, if there is a balance on an accounts receivable account, that generally means that a customer has not paid one of the invoices for this project. It is important to follow up and make sure the payment is made.

Report Views

  • Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
Closed Project report

What To Do

Assets (1XXXXX)

Liabilities (2XXXXX)
Refer to the journal source on the transactions causing a balance.
Net Position and Changes in Net Position (300000 and higher)
Transfer resources or expenses to bring the balance to zero. If balances of accounts starting with 3 and higher net to zero, these can be disregarded. They will come off the report at the start of the next fiscal year.

Misposted Misc Receipts on SP

Business Scenarios:

  • Sponsored Projects should have miscellaneous receipts posted as a credit to expense or applied towards an invoice.
  • This report displays the PPM accounting to reconcile and identify mismatches between the two modules.
    • Clicking on the Original Transaction Reference link will bring you to the receipt in Oracle with the Chart String number.
  • Sponsored project receipts should most often be posted and applied to an invoice, not as a credit to expense.
  • This report highlights any credits to expense as a potential receipt that may need to be applied to an invoice.
  • Credits to expense are posted as a receipt and a negative project cost, use this report to ensure the accounting is in sync and appropriate.
What to Do:
  • After identifying a mis-posted miscellaneous receipt end users should complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form (select Receivables and Cash Management from the dropdown menu)
Helpful Links:
Report Views
misposted misc receipts on sp

Multiple Project Roles

Business Scenarios

  • Roles are available to assign in the Award/Grants space and the Project space. Only one person per role can be assigned per space.
  • Use this report to identify projects or awards where multiple people have been assigned to the same project role

What To Do

Report Views

Award Roles With Multiple Persons

award roles with multiple persons


Project Roles With Multiple Persons

project roles with multiple persones


Award Project Role Exceptions

award project role exceptions

Project Setup to GL Match Errors

Financial Unit

  • The report results are broken into different sections by the Project Type: Sponsored, General, Default and Capital.
  • The Project Financial Unit column displays the Financial Unit associated with the Project Organization, while the GL Financial Unit column displays the Financial Unit from the GL transaction chartstring.  The report will display any rows where the selected Financial Unit appears as either the Project Financial Unit or the GL Financial Unit.
  • The results in the Amount column are hyperlinked to the Transaction Details Report. 


page 1



  • The PPM Fund List column displays all funds that are associated with the project. For non-sponsored projects, each task is associated with a fund when the task is created.  For sponsored projects, the fund is derived from the Award Type.  The GL Fund Code column displays the fund from the GL transaction chartstring.  The report will display GL transactions where the GL Fund Code is not included in the PPM Fund List.
  • The results in the Transaction Signed Amount are hyperlinked to the Transaction Details Report. 


 page 2


What do I do when I find mismatches?

Click on the link on the dollar amount to view the detailed transactions on the Transaction Details report. The first (PPM) tab will be empty, but the second (GL) tab will have the transactions of interest. 

See KBA KB0034002: Updating Financial Elements on General Projects

Project Type Journal Source Corrective Action
UCSD Sponsor Project N/A Contact your SPF Award Accountant or submit a Services & Support ticket to Post Award General Inquiry
All others Projects Complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction form.  Select Projects from the dropdown menu.

All others

Spreadsheet/Manual Work with the originator of the journal to process a correction journal. The Transaction Details report identifies the Journal Creator and provides their email address for convenience. For journals created by a central office, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction form.  Select Journal (Manual/Spreadsheet) from the dropdown menu.
All others Balance Transfer

For financial unit mismatches, work with your VC or Dean's office contact to submit a resource transfer Journal.

Resource transfer journals cannot be used to change fund numbers.  For fund mismatches:

  • submit a resource transfer journal to move the balance to another project with the same fund, or
  • create a new task on the project with the indicated fund to spend down the balance.
All others Receivables For invoices that originated from PPM Billing, correct the contract and invoice(s).  See KB0033499, PPM Contract Amendments, for detailed instructions.
For other Receivables, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction form.  Select Receivables and Cash Management from the dropdown menu.
All others Payables Request correction through the Subledger Transaction Correction form using the Posted Payables Cost Transfer Request form.
All others UCSD ISIS

Graduate student transactions: Submit a Services & Support ticket to Graduate Support Accounting Setup, in the Student Support section of Services & Support.

Undergraduate student transactions: to correct this, departments should complete and submit an Undergraduate Scholarship Payment Request Form with the correct chartstring.

All others Any - Gift Funds

Departments can fix the fund mismatches themselves if the Fund belongs on the project:

  • Add task to project with fund in PADUA
  • Cost transfer the applicable costs from the current task to the new task created or correct in the source system (UCPath DR or FSRT for Stipends/Fees/Tuition, or others as needed)
  • Update any other downstream systems for future charges (recharges, UCPath, etc.)
For other mismatches on gift revenue or credit card fees, submit a Services & Support ticket to Gift Fund Questions.

Salary on Fellowship Award

Business scenarios:

Fellowship awards are awards to provide training, not employment. This report is intended to identify potential employment related costs that are charged to fellowship awards and are unallowable

Per eCFR :: 2 CFR 200.466 – Scholarships and student aid costs.

(a) Costs of scholarships, fellowships, and other programs of student aid at IHEs are allowable only when the purpose of the Federal award is to provide training to selected participants and the charge is approved by the Federal awarding agency.

Please work with your SPF Accountant or submit via Services and Support ticket if you have any questions or concerns.

What to do:

Review their appointment to ensure that they are setup as trainees, not employees.

Report Views

 salary on fellowship award

Transactions on No Project

Report Views
  • Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
  • This report does not include transactions that are intended to post with no project segment, such as sponsored fund revenue or cash transactions
  • Click on an amount to view the transaction in the Transaction Details Report

 transactions on no project report


What To Do

Transactions on sponsored funds must be posted to a project. Correction of sponsored fund transactions without a project is required. Transactions on non-sponsored funds may be posted to a project or without a project at the department's discretion. To correct identified transactions, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form.


Project Type Journal Source Corrective Action
All others Projects For invoices that originated from PPM Billing, correct the contract and invoice(s).  See KB0033499, PPM Contract Amendments, for detailed instructions.

All others

Spreadsheet/Manual Work with the originator of the journal to process a correction journal. The Transaction Details report identifies the Journal Creator and provides their email address for convenience. For journals created by a central office, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction form.  Select Journal (Manual/Spreadsheet) from the dropdown menu.
All others Balance Transfer Work with your VC contact to submit a resource transfer Journal.
All others Receivables For invoices that originated from PPM Billing, correct the contract and invoice(s).  See KB0033499, PPM Contract Amendments, for detailed instructions.
For other Receivables, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction form.  Select Receivables and Cash Management from the dropdown menu.
All others Payables Request correction through the Subledger Transaction Correction form using the Posted Payables Cost Transfer Request form.
All others UCSD ISIS

Graduate student transactions: Submit a Services & Support ticket to Graduate Support Accounting Setup, in the Student Support section of Services & Support.

Undergraduate student transactions: to correct this, departments should complete and submit an Undergraduate Scholarship Payment Request Form with the correct chartstring.

All others UCSD UCPath

Submit a Direct Retro or Salary Cost Transfer in UCPath to move the salary to a project.  Amounts that net to zero across account codes on the same fund do not need to be corrected.

Release Notes & Communications

Date Release Notes & Communications

8/13/2024 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

8/13/2024 Dedicated Email

In an effort to consolidate our reporting (and reduce the number of reports you have to run for reconciliation each month), we’ve created one single Cognos report that combines the following reports: Closed Projects with GL Balance, Misposted Misc Receipts on SP, Multiple Project Roles, Project Setup to GL Match Errors, Salary on Fellowship Award, and Transactions on No Project. In addition to consolidating the reports, the following enhancements have been added:

  • Added a prompt for Accounting Period to allow users to view results for a specific accounting period.
  • Added prompts for Last Closed Accounting Period, and Last Opened Accounting Period which will allow users to schedule the report.
  • Added a Fund L3 prompt since review for sponsored projects is required on the internal controls checklist.
  • Added prompts for Fin Unit L3 and Fin Unit L4 to allow users to view results by the Fin Unit level that meets their needs.