Department Exceptions Panorama
The Department Exceptions Panorama is designed to highlight the transaction discrepancies and errors in the Oracle financial system.
The Department Exceptions Panorama is available from the Business Analytics Hub ( under the Exceptions and Reconciliation tab.
The dashboard includes:
- Transactions Incorrectly Posted to UCPath Specific Funds (CVR) | |
- SP Funds Require Project Number in GL (CVR) | |
- Incorrect PPM Budget Resources | |
- Project Transaction Controls | |
- Generate Invoice Process Errors - Non-Sponsored | |
- Non-Sponsored Contract Lines Without Project or Task | |
- Non-Sponsored Contracts Without Revenue Account or Fund | |
- Non-Sponsored Generate Revenue Process Errors | |
- Non-SP Contract AR COA Billing Exceptions | |
- Non-SP Contract PPM COA Billing Exceptions | |
- Non-SP Projects with DFF Exceptions | |
- Project Task Owning Org Mismatch | |
- Project Mismatch | |
- BPM Reports | |
- Uncleared Concur AP Credit Memos |
- GL-PPM Receivables |
Report Demos
You can find the Incorrect PPM Budget Resources & PPM Budget Version Comparison Report Demos on the Budget & Finance MediaSpace channel - Financial Report Demos playlist. On this same playlist, you can also find the Misposted Misc Receipts on SP Report Demo.
Access has been provisioned to anyone with standard inquiry and reporting access. Staff who do not have access should complete the Oracle and Concur Role Requests Form. Access failure typically appears as an inability to load prompt values.
- Navigate to
- Select Budget & Finance.
- If using the List View, look for Department Exceptions Panorama in the list or use the search bar at the top right and click the dashboard name
- If using the Card View, click the Exceptions and Reconciliation tab and click Launch on the Department Exceptions Panorama tile
- Use your Active Directory credentials to sign in, if prompted.
Transactions Incorrectly Posted to UCPath Specific Funds (CVR)
Business Scenarios
- The purpose of this report is to track transactions that were incorrectly posted to UCPath specific funds
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What to Do
- To correct, reach out to where the transaction originated from to have it adjusted (AP, AR, journal source, etc.)
SP Funds Require Project Number in GL (CVR)
Business Scenarios
- All expenditure transactions should post to the GL with project chart string on sponsored project funds.
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What to Do
- To correct, complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form.
Incorrect PPM Budget Resources
Business Scenarios
- The Incorrect PPM Budget Resources report will display any PPM Budgets with resource categories that do not match UCSD Expenditure Categories
- Using these Oracle categories is not recommended and can impact the view of other reports
- Use the Incorrect PPM Budget Resources report to identify both sponsored and general project budgets needing correction
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What to Do
- Complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form.
Project Transaction Controls
Business Scenarios
- This report allows you to compare the project template controls to the specific project and show total of costs that may have posted to those controls.
- Project transaction controls are available for Sponsored Projects and Capital Projects. Transaction controls are used to specify the type of transactions that are non-chargeable for the project and tasks. The list of unallowable expenditure types can be viewed by navigating to Projects, search for the desired project, from the menu click Manage Project Financial Settings, and select Transaction Controls.
- List of Project Transaction codes unallowable on federal awards.
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Refer to the Data Glossary under Get Started on the main BI & Financial Reporting Blink menu for searchable data descriptions and usage rules.
Generate Invoice Process Errors - Non-Sponsored
Business Scenarios
- Use this report to identify errors that occur when a "Generate Invoices" job does not successfully generate an invoice for a specific contract and project.
- Both scheduled or manually run “Generate Invoices” jobs might experience issues due to validation rules and system-imposed constraints. The report will provide notification of the encountered issue/s and potential suggestions for resolution.
- Example error: “The event isn't processed because the project or task isn't associated to the contract line.”
- Example suggested solution: “You must associate project and task for which the event is created to the respective contract line.”
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What To Do
- To correct, troubleshoot using the error message and correct the transaction in OFC under the PPM module.
Non-Sponsored Contract Lines Without Project or Task
Business Scenarios
- Non-sponsored contracts should have at least one project and one task assigned to it
- Identify non-sponsored contracts that are missing a project, task, or both
- Use this report to identify non-sponsored contracts that are missing a project, task, or both and correct those contracts as needed. See KB0033499.
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What To Do
- To correct, update the associated project or task in OFC under the Contract Management Module. See KB0033499 for additional guidance.
Non-Sponsored Contracts Without Revenue Account or Fund
Business Scenarios
- Non-sponsored contracts should have a revenue account and a fund assigned to it
- Identify non-sponsored contracts that are missing a revenue account, fund account, or both
- Use this report to identify non-sponsored contracts that are missing a revenue account, fund account, or both and correct those contracts as needed. See KB0033499.
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What To Do
- To correct, create an amendment to add the revenue account and/or fund in OFC under the Contract Management Module. See KB0033499 additional guidance.
Non-Sponsored Generate Revenue Process Errors
Business Scenarios
- Use this report to identify errors that occur when a "Generate Invoices" job does not successfully generate an invoice for a specific contract and project.
- Both scheduled or manually run “Generate Invoices” jobs might experience issues due to validation rules and system-imposed constraints. The report will provide notification of the encountered issue/s and potential suggestions for resolution.
- Example error: “The event isn't processed because the project or task isn't associated to the contract line.”
- Example suggested solution: “You must associate project and task for which the event is created to the respective contract line.”
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What To Do
- To correct, troubleshoot using the error message and correct the transaction in OFC under the PPM or Contract Management Module.
Non-SP Contract AR COA Billing Exceptions
Business Scenarios
- Contracts revenue and AR have specific accounting rules. Ensure that all the revenue and AR entries are using correct accounting.
- Identify non-sponsored project contracts revenue with invoices that have an incorrect revenue fund, account, or project (no project) assigned
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What to Do
- Accounting Rules:
- Contract revenue account should match the revenue on the event
- Contract fund should match the fund on the event and invoices
- Depending on the revenue account, the Unbilled and Billed accounts will be derived. If they are incorrect, it is related to the revenue
- To correct:
- Create Credit memo: KB0033271
- Amend contract: KB0033499
- Complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form (select Receivables and Cash Management in the dropdown menu)
Non-SP Contract PPM COA Billing Exceptions
Business Scenarios
- Contracts revenue and AR have specific accounting rules. Ensure that all the revenue and AR entries are using correct accounting.
- Identify non-sponsored contract revenue and invoices that have an incorrect revenue fund, account, or project (no project) assigned
- Sponsored projects billing and accounting is monitored by SPF
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What to Do
- Accounting Rules:
- Contract revenue account should match the revenue on the event
- Contract fund should match the fund on the event and invoices
- Depending on the revenue account, the Unbilled and Billed accounts will be derived. If they are incorrect, it is related to the revenue
- To correct:
- Create Credit memo: Link to KBA
- Amend contract: Link to KBA
- Submit S&S ticket to FinOps AR team
Non-SP Projects with DFF Exceptions
Business Scenarios
- This report shows the setup elements of General or Capital Projects with a fund or function that may be incorrect.
- All project tasks must have a fund and function. Program and Location are optional. These are important so that any costs are posted, post accurately.
- Function 800 is generally not acceptable, but could be in specific use cases-please contact ICA for more information
- Fund 00000 or blank is never allowed
- Use this report to review any projects that are setup incorrectly and then submit a ticket to PPM-SD to close the project or update the task with the correct information. If you need to end the task, you can do so through PADUA
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What To Do
- To correct, update the project’s fund and/or function in OFC under Project Financial Management within the PPM module.
Project Task Owning Org Mismatch
Business Scenarios
- The Project Owning Organization drives Subledger Accounting Rules (SLAs)
- Task Owning Organization does not impact accounting but can be used in reporting
- Mismatches are identified on the basis of:
- Tasks where the task owning organization is different from the project owning organization**this may not be in error, but is reported for departments that do not want this differentiation
- Tasks where the task owning organization is UC San Diego
- Projects where the project owning organization is UC San Diego
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What to Do
- Use this report to identify Projects or Tasks with wrong or potentially wrong owning organization.
- Update the Task Owning Organization in PADUA 2.0. Complete and submit the Subledger Transaction Correction Form
BPM Aged Items
Business Scenarios:
- This report identifies the approval state/status of contracts, invoices, budgets, and project cost transfers.
- Worklist items become stale/stuck if not acted on in a timely manner.
What to Do:
- Identify items pending approval and resolve before they become stale.
Report View:
Project segment vs PPM Project transactions
Business Scenarios
- This purpose of this report is to identify transactions where a single cost has one project number in PPM and another in GL. This could be a different project number or 0000000.
- Oracle allows transactions to be posted directly to the GL separately from POETAF posting. Need to ensure that expenses in PPM with project number are reflected in GL with same project number.
Report View:
What to do
- To correct, override the chart string for the identified mis-posted transaction in OFC under the PPM module or submit a Services and Support ticket if you do not have the necessary access.
Uncleared Concur AP Credit Memos
Business Scenarios
This report displays Credit Memo details from Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC), created by Concur Expense Reports with a net amount owed by the employee as a result of Personal/Non-Reimbursable Card Charges, Cash Advance Returns or Travel Card Per Diem Offset.
- A Credit Memo is generated if two conditions are met: (1) the Concur expense report must be approved and have the final status of “Sent for Payment”, and (2) the “Total Owed by Employee” amount is greater than $0.00 from the Concur expense report, as displayed in Report Totals under Report Details.
- Concur will automatically net any reimbursements owed to the employee within the same expense report with an amount greater than that of any Personal/Non-Reimbursable Card Charges, Cash Advance Returns or Travel Card Per Diem Offset, and pay the employee the difference. In this instance, the Total Owed by Employee would be $0.00 and a Credit Memo would not be generated.
- OFC will automatically net reimbursements from separate invoices/expense reports where the amount of one or more of the invoices/expense reports is greater than the uncleared Credit Memo. This will result in paying the difference between those transactions. In this instance, a Credit Memo will automatically be cleared and the employee will not need to deposit a check.
- OFC will not net reimbursements from separate invoices/expense reports where the total amount of the invoices/expense reports is less than the uncleared Credit Memo. The sum total of the invoices must be greater than the Credit Memo in order for OFC to offset the transactions.
- Credit Memos created as a result of Cash Advance Returns are listed under Financial Unit 5000051. Run this Financial Unit to identify individuals who have outstanding Cash Advance Returns. An enhancement request has been submitted to change the Financial Unit code.
- Note that an alternative solution is being explored to improve this process in the long term.
Data Selection and View Options
- Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to see
- These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
Report Views
- Results display in a default table with the ability to export the result set into a file
What to Do
- To clear an outstanding Credit Memo, the employee would need to submit a check to the Cashier’s office and fill out a Cashier’s Deposit Form through Services & Support. Include the employee name and the Invoice (Credit Memo) Number or Concur Report ID in the comments. Follow this KBA to use the correct chart string for the deposit.
- Do not submit a check if there is another expense report where the employee is owed funds greater than the Credit Memo amount (without the negative sign). OFC will automatically net the reimbursement with the Credit Memo and pay the employee the difference.
Release Notes & Communications
Date | Release Notes & Communications |
06/13/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest |
Misposted Miscellaneous Receipts on Sponsored Projects:
4/25/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest |
BPM Aged Items: This report identifies the approval state/status of contracts, invoices, budgets, and project cost transfers. Worklist items become stale/stuck if not acted on in a timely manner. Misc receipts on SP that might be wrong: Sponsored Projects should have miscellaneous revenue posted as a credit to expense or applied towards an invoice. This report displays the miscellaneous receipt accounting and PPM accounting to reconcile and identify mismatches between the two modules. |