Student Employment Quarterly Updates
Please review this page on a quarterly-basis for Student Employment updates.
Winter 2025 Updates
Winter Quarter End Dates:
If a student will not be a registered student in Winter 2025, the last day they may work is Wednesday, January 1, 2025. If a student has Work-Study (and will not be registered in Winter Quarter), the last day the department may use their Work-Study award is Saturday, December 21, 2024. Please communicate this to the supervisors regarding their student’s last day of work.
Expansion of Paid Sick Leave:
Student Employees will be eligible for sick leave at a prorated accrual rate based on their position’s FTE.
“The University of California will expand access to paid sick leave, effective January 1, 2025, by revising leave policies for staff and for academic personnel to:
- Expand eligibility for paid sick leave, including ensuring that part-time employees have access to paid sick leave”.
Learn more about this change and find answers to frequently asked questions on UCNet.
UC Minimum Wage:
UC San Diego Minimum Wage will be increasing to $17.25/hr effective 12/22/2024. We will be sending a separate email with further details and next steps.
Working During Closure/On a Holiday:
Student employees should not be working during the official university winter closure, nor should they be working on a university-recognized holiday. The only exception is if the student works in a role or department that has an approved exception to the campus closure or is required to work on university holidays, and if a career staff person will also be working on that day as a point of contact.
Campus closure is a time for employees to take a break from their professional obligations, and this guidance also applies to student employees.
Holiday Pay:
Student employees may be eligible for Holiday Pay (PPSM 2.210): “Part-time non-exempt employees on pay status 50 percent time or more of a month or quadriweekly cycle (excluding holiday hours) will receive holiday pay in proportion to the percentage of time they are on pay status”.
Ecotime is coded to apply Holiday Pay to eligible student employees. Please remind supervisors of student employees to leave holiday pay on their employee’s timesheet.
Handshake Updates:
In accordance with California SB 791 and AB 810, the University of California locations are implementing the following in support of the University’s commitment to maintaining, building, and supporting an inclusive, healthy, and safe working environment.
Effective 12/1/2024, departments must include the following disclosure, along with the established Near Relative and Equal Opportunity Employer statements:
As a condition of employment, the final candidate who accepts a conditional offer of employment will be required to disclose if they have been subject to any final administrative or judicial decisions within the last seven years determining that they committed any misconduct; received notice of any allegations or are currently the subject of any administrative or disciplinary proceedings involving misconduct; have left a position after receiving notice of allegations or while under investigation in an administrative or disciplinary proceeding involving misconduct; or have filed an appeal of a finding of misconduct with a previous employer.
Fall 2024 Updates
Extending Students:
As of 9/23/2024, all students who are not registered UCSD students for Fall 2024 must stop working and be terminated effective 9/22/2024 (positions can be auto-terminated if no final wages are due). If your students are ENROLLED or REGISTERED for Fall 2024, you may now extend them through 6/30/2025. You may not extend students beyond this date; please also remember that if you use 6/30/2025 in UCPath, you must still check their registration status QUARTERLY.
- Verify Enrollment Status: For students who do not currently work for UC San Diego, you will need to verify their enrollment status in ISIS or Find a Student; if you don’t currently have access, please contact your DSA to obtain it. See the attached document “How to Verify a Student’s Registration Status in ISIS”.
- For students who currently work for UC San Diego, SEO advises departments to verify student employee registration status using the report found on every 1st, 3rd, and 5th week of each quarter. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure all student employees are registered for each quarter working.
- Registered students on SWB through 9/22/2024 will need to be extended or returned from SWB, plus obtain local approval prior to 9/20/2024.
- Review the PayPath Job Aids for extending students or returning a student from short work break as needed:
New Student Equity Request Process:
The new Equity Request Form is now live and available in the Employee Center via the Services and Support Portal.
More information and resources for this new process can be found on our Blink “Change in Pay Rate for Student Employees” webpage.
Career Fair:
There are still plenty of tables available for on-campus departments to register for the 2024 On-Campus Student Employment Fair on October 10, 2024 from 10am - 4pm! This is a great opportunity for departments to meet students and promote their on-campus positions.
HR Contacts: The deadline to register your department(s) for the On-Campus Student Employment Fair is September 13, 2024. Register by visiting and click Register another Division.
Handshake Reminders:
To align with UC San Diego's Co-Curricular Record (, all Handshake postings must now contain a minimum of three competencies. The listed competencies should represent the type of work and professional development that the student will do while in the position and People Leaders should be able to speak to how they do so. For the full list of competencies, please visit
Work Authorization:
There is now a new field on Handshake postings titled “Work authorization”. Please select the first option: “This job requires US work authorization”. None of the additional boxes that appear after selecting that option need to be checked.
Supervisor/Hiring Manager Access:
This is a reminder that SEO does not grant Handshake access to supervisors/hiring managers - access is only granted to HR representatives who are responsible for posting jobs and who have completed the Handshake training with an SEO team member.
Fall Quarter End Dates:
The last day a student may work if they will not be a registered student for the Winter 2025 quarter is January 1, 2025. If a student has Work-Study (and will not be registered in the Winter Quarter) the last day you may use work-study is Saturday, December 14, 2024. Please communicate with the supervisors regarding their student’s last day of work.
Short Work Break:
Short Work Break status can only be used for Casual/Restricted Student Employees during the summer. If a student employee needs to pause employment during the academic year, the department must terminate them in UCPath and submit a rehire transaction if and when the student is ready to return to work.
New Instagram Account:
Please follow our new Instagram account @ucsdstudentjobz for content and information regarding everything related to student employment!
Summer 2024 Updates
Students who graduate in Spring 2024 and students registered for Spring 2024 may now be hired or extended through 9/22/2024. Please do not extend employment beyond this date as Fall 2024 registration status is not available at this time.
Before extending employment:
- Check the registration status before updating UCPath. You can do this by running a “Student Employee Registration Report” at or by reviewing ISIS Enrollment Inquiry.
- Note: if a student withdrew Spring 2024 and received less than 100% UCSD student services fees refund, they may work during the summer. A student who received a 100% UCSD student services fees refund may not work during the summer. If a student is showing “WITHDREW” Spring 2024 in ISIS, please contact the Student Employment Office to verify the percentage of the refund.
Extending vs. Short Work Break (SWB)
- Departments can determine if they want to extend employment or place students on SWB. SEO recommends extending students through the summer if it will not affect leave accruals while being employed in multiple jobs.
- If a student accepts a job and it will take them over 100% during summer (and the student will not be working in your department during the summer) then you may need to put your job on SWB.
- Review the job end date to ensure students who need to be extended are updated prior to the day before the “Job End Date” to avoid terminations in error, and the need for a reinstatement transaction.
Tips for Preparing for Summer: This is a great time to contact Supervisors and ask:
- Which students will be ending employment (due to graduation or resignation)?
- Which students will be working during the summer?
- Which students will not be working during the summer, but will return to work Fall 2024?
This information will assist you in knowing what you need to do to proceed. Pro Tip: Do not extend all students in the department without knowing if they will continue employment.
Fall 2024 New and Re-admit Students:
New admits and re-admit students for Fall 2024 can work at UC San Diego effective 6/15/2024 or after. These students will have access to Handshake and can apply for positions that are posted on or after 6/15/2024. New and re-admits may not be hired on job listings posted prior to 6/15/2024. Contact your SEO Liaison if you have questions.
*Re-admits = students who were not registered 2 or more quarters at UC San Diego.
Other UC Students:
Other UC students may work during the summer months only (when Spring quarter ends and before the Fall quarter begins) remotely or onsite.
- Other UC students may only be hired by Exception to Hire and proof of spring registration is required for approval.
- Eligibility Dates:
- UC Berkeley and UC Merced: May 11, 2024 – August 20, 2024
- Other UCs: June 15, 2024 – September 22, 2024
All jobs for the 2023-2024 fiscal year will close on 6/30/2024.
- When posting a new position please keep this date in mind. If you post a new open recruitment the last week of June, you may want to consider making the Posting Date (date visible to students) 7/1/2024 to avoid having to duplicate it for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
- Do not Reset jobs. If your recruitment closes, you may not change the expiration date to a future date. You must “Duplicate” the job listing to open a new recruitment. Handshake sends a notification 3 days prior to the current posting expiration/closure date; if you need to extend the posting you must do so prior to the expiration date and keep track of your open recruitments.
- If you extend a Job Listing, there will not be a second reminder notification from Handshake alerting you that your position will expire soon. SEO recommends you add your own calendar reminder.
- There is no “Open Until Filled” feature in Handshake; all of the job postings in Handshake have an expiration date. If you need a posting to be active/open in Handshake until it is filled, as the Job Entry Preparer, you need to manage the job’s expiration date by extending the job posting in Handshake before the expiration date and then close/expire it after the position is filled.
Summer reminders:
- “Student Services Fees Statement”- summer positions – For positions where students will be working during the summer, please use the following statement: Must pay UCSD student services fees (must have paid Spring 2024 UCSD student services fees or be a Fall 2024 New or Readmit to work during the summer).
- “24-25 Work-Study Required” position posted during the summer – If you post a position that will require the usage of work-study funds beginning Fall 2024, you must add this statement to qualifications: Extension of employment through the academic year 2024-25 is contingent upon you having a 2024-25 work-study award with available funds to use and providing verification of the award. You will be paid 100% on department funds during the summer.
Winter/Spring 2024 Updates
Relevant Dates:
- Winter quarter ENDS Saturday, March 23, 2024; students who are graduating Winter may only work through Tuesday, March 26, 2024.
- Students must be registered for Spring Quarter to work past 3/26/2024
- Departments must submit terminations for those students who have graduated Winter 2024 or who are not registered for Spring quarter 2024.
- Departments should inform those students who are ineligible to continue working that they will be terminated from their student employment position
- Terminations must have an effective date on or before 3/26/2024
- Spring quarter BEGINS Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Utilize the “Student Employee Registration Report” on To utilize this report you will need to request access (if you haven’t done so already). SEO has provided helpful tips and instructions for downloading this report on our “Employing Students” Blink webpage.
- Recommended: Run the report as early as 3/20, then run again 3rd week and 5th week to see if any of your students have withdrawn. Once you see that students are not registered, please take care of it immediately; please don’t wait for SEO to contact you to advise the student must stop working.
NOTE: if you manage student employment for your department, we highly recommend that you have ISIS-Inquiry access. Please advise your supervisor and/or DSA if you don’t have access that you need it. You should be using the report in combination with ISIS to review students returned on the report as “Null/Not Registered”. Please obtain this access if you don’t already have it; if they have questions or concerns about the request, please have them contact Diana Vargas.
Handshake Tips/Reminders:
- If you are creating new open recruitments to be posted for this fiscal year, please be sure you are not using a date beyond 6/30/2023. Please do not RESET jobs. As a reminder if your recruitment closes, you may not change the expiration date to a future date, you must “Duplicate” the job listing to open a new recruitment.
- Handshake sends you a notification 3 days prior to the position closing, if the hiring manager hasn’t replied to your request to “let it expire or extend it” please just go in and extend it for a week until you hear from them.
- Handshake now attempts to automatically complete fields including Job Title and Onsite location. Please be sure you are reviewing each field and ensuring that the correct information is included, and that it is formatted correctly. Please note these general reminders:
- The student title code (i.e. STDT 2/3/4) must be included in the job title
- If a role requires Work-Study, please include “(Work-Study 2023-2024)” at the end of the job title
- Onsite location field should be 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA, 92093, United States
- Department/division field is required within the “Hiring Team” section
- You should be using a custom salary range for each posting, and referencing the minimum and maximum for the student title code in which are you hiring (i.e. $16.90-$24.15 for the STDT 3 title code)
- Background check verbiage is now required on all postings. We recommend the following verbiage: “Please note a pre-employment background check is required for all student employment positions”.
Other UC Students:
Other UC Students may work during the summer months only (when Spring quarter ends and before the fall quarter begins) remotely or onsite.
- Other UC Students may only be hired by Exception to Hire and proof of spring registration is required for approval.
- Eligibility Dates:
- UC Berkeley and UC Merced: May 11, 2024 – August 20, 2024
- Other UCs: June 15, 2024 – September 22, 2024
Winter 2024 Updates
Winter Quarter End Dates:
If a student will not be a registered student in Winter 2024, the last day they may work is Tuesday, January 2, 2024. If a student has work-study (and will not be registered in Winter Quarter), the last day the department may use Work-Study is Saturday, December 23, 2023. Please communicate to the supervisors regarding their student’s last day of work.
Working During Closure/On a Holiday:
Student employees should not be working during the official university winter closure, nor should they be working on an university-recognized holiday.
Campus closure is a time for employees to take a break from their professional obligations, and this guidance applies to student employees as well.
Point of Contact for Academic Positions:
Please note the Student Employment Office manages causal restricted STDT positions ONLY. Any questions, inquiries, or concerns regarding students in academic positions should be directed to the Graduate Education and Professional Advancement (GEPA) Department.
Fall 2023 Update (ServiceNow)
The Student Employment Office transitioned to the HR iteration of ServiceNow in September, which is also known as HRSD. As a result of this transition, an online case will be automatically created when you send an email to
You should receive an email notification 1.) When a case has been created/opened; 2.) When a case has been updated; and 3.) When a solution has been proposed for a case. The subject line of these email notifications will be in the following format:
- HR Case HRCXXXXXXX has been opened
- HR Case HRCXXXXXXX has been updated
- Solution proposed for HR Case: HRCXXXXXXX
If you do not receive the case email notifications, or if you would like to review/respond to any of your cases, you can do so by logging into the HR Support Portal and by following these steps:
- In order to view and respond to a case, click on "My Requests" in the upper right corner of the HR Support Portal homepage.
- In order to accept a solution to a case, click on "My Tasks", also in the upper right corner of the HR Support Portal homepage.
Fall 2023 Updates
Fall 2023 Extension: Begin date is 9/25/2023, all students who will not be registered UCSD students Fall 2023 must stop working and be terminated effective 9/24/2023 (positions can be auto-terminated if no final wages are due). If your students are ENROLLED or REGISTERED Fall 2023, you may extend them through 6/30/2024. You may not extend students beyond this date; please also remember that if you use 6/30/2024 in UCPath you must still check their registration status QUARTERLY.
- Verify Enrollment Status: verify students enrollment status in ISIS; if you don’t currently have access, please contact your DSA to obtain it. If your student has never worked, you will need to review in ISIS. See attached document “How to Verify a Student’s Registration Status in ISIS”.
- It is a department’s responsibility to ensure all student employees are registered for each quarter working. SEO advises departments to verify student employee registration status using the report found on every 1st, 3rd, and 5th week of each quarter.
- Registered Students on SWB through 9/24/2023 will need to be extended or returned from SWB, plus obtain local approval prior to 9/24/2023.
- Review the PayPath Job Aids for extending students or returning a student from short work break as needed:
How to Manage Appointment End Dates
How to Return an Employee from Short Work Break
Handshake Updates: As a result of recent website updates in Handshake, the job creation process now looks significantly different. Instead of four tabs with a variety of fields on each, there are now separate sections that you complete one page at a time. We have included new guidance and best practices for some of the sections below.
Basic Information Page:
- Selecting the “Federal Work Study” box prevents you from searching for UC San Diego later in the job creation process
- Guidance: Do not select this box. If your job requires Work-Study, please include “(Work-Study 2023-2024)” within the title of your job
- Guidance: Do not select this box. If your job requires Work-Study, please include “(Work-Study 2023-2024)” within the title of your job
Location Requirements Page:
- If selecting the “Remote” or “Hybrid” options, be sure to also select the “Remote employees must be based within the US” box
Time Requirements Page:
- Part-time should always be selected
- If using the optional “Hours” field, the maximum number of hours you should use is 19, as Handshake will round up if you enter 19.5.
- Employment duration should always be “Temporary or Seasonal”
- This option then triggers required “estimated start date” and “estimated end date” fields
- Guidance: Use your intended start date for the “estimated start date” field
- Guidance: Unless there is a specific end date for a position, use 6/30/24 for the “estimated end date” field
- This option then triggers required “estimated start date” and “estimated end date” fields
Competency Update: Moving forward, we ask that you include the one-sentence description of each Competency referenced in your job postings. For example, if you list “Critical Thinking/Problem Solving”, you would also include: “Identifies important problems and questions and gathers, analyzes, evaluates information from a variety of sources before forming a strategy, decision, or opinion.”
We ask you to include these descriptions because although students can see the name of each Core Competency listed on a job posting, they might not know what each competency specifically refers to, nor the overall purpose of our Competencies. Including the description of each competency will provide students with additional details about what will be expected of them for a particular job and further set them up for success in their role.
Work-Study: The Financial Aid Office has awarded two types of Work-study and departments may verify the Work-study type using the Work-Study Award Table in UCPath. The correct Position Pool ID must be used in order for the work-study award to be used. Please review “How to Create and Manage Work-Study Jobs” in the UCPath Job Aids.
Federal Work-Study: Position Pool ID “F”
University Work-Study: Position Pool ID “U”
Fall Quarter End Dates: The last day a student may work is January 2, 2024 if they will not be a registered student Winter 2023. If a student has work-study (and will not be registered Winter Quarter) the last day you may use work-study is Saturday, December 16, 2023. Please communicate to the supervisors regarding their student’s last day of work.
Short Work Break: Please remember the Short Work Break status can only be used for Casual Restricted Student Employees during the summer. If a Student needs to pause employment during the academic year, the department must terminate them in UCPath, and then submit a re-hire transaction if and when the student is ready to return to work.
Have Questions or Need Help?
- If you have questions about student employment, please reach out to your department HR Contact.
- For additional assistance, please email the Student Employment Office.