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CMS Training and Access

Find out how to gain access to the campus CMS.

Required Steps for Access

You must be provisioned in the CMS before you can log in. Workplace Technology Services (WTS) offers online training, provides documentation, and provisions all users. Here's what you need to do to get started:

1. Email us

Send an email to asking for access to the CMS training. You'll receive a response through a Service Now ticket about getting access to the CMS Sandbox training site.

Account requirements: You'll need an individual business systems account with department access. You can't use a group email account, a student account or an account. Read more about account requirements. If you don't have the proper account type, we will respond with information on how to acquire it.

For smooth processing, email us from the email associated with your business systems account, or provide your business systems username in the body of the email.

2. Complete self-directed exercise

Download the CMS Exercise (Word) and work through the steps of creating content in the CMS Sandbox training site.

The final steps of the exercise instruct you to email for a review. Include:

  • the URL of your published training page
  • the URL of the CMS site(s) you need access to

You'll again receive a response through a Service Now ticket. We'll check your work and let you know if we see any issues. We may ask you to make edits to your page before giving you access to a live site.

Once we see that your exercise has been successfully completed, we'll give you access to your requested CMS site(s).


Recommended Next Steps

Related Topics

Account requirements

You will need an individual business systems account with department access before we can grant access to the training site. You can't use a group email account, a student account or an account.

Business Systems

If needed, you can self-register for a business systems account.

Department Access

Contact your Departmental Security Administrator (DSA) if you have questions about setting up department access.

Lost access

If you previously had access but can no longer log into the CMS, contact to reset your access.

The most common cause for loss of access is a change in your business system credentials. For example, changing your name or moving from one department to another.

UC Learning training credit

If you want, you can self-report your completion of training of "Using the Campus CMS" to Staff Education, so there's a university record. Here's how to fill out the report:

  1. Name: Using the Campus CMS
  2. Activity code: leave blank
  3. Description: leave blank
  4. Activity type: select Self-Reported Training
  5. Media Type: elearning/ virtual training
  6. Delivery Method: elearning
  7. Content Type: Technology
  8. Cost: leave blank
  9. Start Date and time as well as the End Date and time
  10. Score: leave blank
  11. Duration: leave blank
  12. Credit Hours: leave blank
  13. Activity Organizer: Workplace Technology Services
  14. Name of the presenter: leave blank
  15. You can select to hide the training from managers or to not show the training on your transcript. Click OK when you have entered all the information. Unless you selected to not have the training show on your transcript, you should now see the information on your transcript.

Email questions to and include the site/page(s) you are working on.

Note: this page has a friendly link that is easy to remember: