Laboratory Safety Videos
View a selection of laboratory safety videos.
A Day in the Lab (A PI's Perspective)
Produced and written by Dr. Haim Weizman, UC San Diego Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, in partnership with Environment, Health & Safety.
Cultivating a safe laboratory environment from the top down, a PI instructs lab staff on PPE, hazardous waste, fume hood function, safety training, piranha solutions, and the merits of good housekeeping.
- A Day in the Lab (A PI's Perspective) (9:09 min.)
After the Rainbow
Focusing on preventing accidents in high school chemistry labs, "After the Rainbow" is a U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) video safety message.
- After the Rainbow (4:55 min.)
Basic Fume Hood Air Flow and Operation
LabconcoCorporation presents a basic look at the airflow and operation of a Labconco fume hood, including proper work procedures and detailed information on the movement of air in and around the hood.
- Basic Fume Hood Air Flow and Operation (3:18 min.)
Chemical Fume Hood: How it Works to Protect You
This animated video, available in multiple languages, is a lab safety project by Dartmouth College and the National Institute of Health.
- Chemical Fume Hood: How it Works to Protect You (7:51 min.) - English version
Compressed Gas Safety Training for UC San Diego 

This 2-video set was presented by Eugene Y. Ngai of Chemically Speaking LLC in May 2013 for UC San Diego researchers and Environment, Health & Safety staff. Key elements of a CG safety program and pre-planning for emergency response are covered.
- Video 1 – Overview of Compressed Gas Safety (59:18 min.)
- Video 2 – More on Compressed Gas Safety at UC San Diego (51:16 min.) with audience-driven topics
Find training handouts for this program on the CG: Classification and Requirements Overview page in the "Safety training" section.
Experimenting with Danger
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board addresses hazards associated with conducting research at chemical laboratories in academic institutions.
- Experimenting with Danger (24:05 min.)
Flash Chromatography 101
Produced by Dr. Haim Weizman, UC San Diego Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, in partnership with Environment, Health & Safety.
- Flash Chromatography 101 (7:23 min.)
Laboratory Safety Institute – Safety Videos Page
Videos that were once part of the Laboratory Safety Institute Lending Library are now viewable free online.
Pipette Safety & Ergonomics
Produced by UC Los Angeles, Environment, Health & Safety Office.
Learn how to prevent repetitive injury while pipetting in the laboratory.
- Pipette Safety & Ergonomics (9:47 min.)
Proper Use of a Fume Hood
Produced by UC Berkeley Environment, Health & Safety Office.
When used properly, chemical fume hoods are one of the most reliable engineering controls in the laboratory.
- Proper Use of a Fume Hood (3:39 min.)
Splash Zone
Produced by Dr. Haim Weizman, UC San Diego Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, in partnership with Environment, Health & Safety.
Quick, impactful message about the importance of always wearing eye protection in labs, whether you're engaged in research or just happen to be in the Splash Zone.
- Splash Zone (1:33 min.)
Stay Protected
Produced by Dr. Haim Weizman, UC San Diego Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Personal protective gear won't magically appear.
- Stay Protected (1:05 min.)
The Periodic Table of Videos
Created by video journalist Brady Haran, featuring chemists from the University of Notttingham.
Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century. This modern version has a short video about each one.
To Be (Safe) or Not to Be
Produced and written by Dr. Haim Weizman, UC San Diego Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, in partnership with Environment, Health & Safety.
Safety orientation for newbies in the lab.
- To Be (Safe) or Not to Be (8:47 min.)