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SPO Proposal Review and Timely Submission

Read about proposal submission deadlines for all proposals submitted to the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO).

UC San Diego Sponsored Proposal Review and Submission

University of California policy requires that proposals for extramural support be submitted “through the appropriate local contracts and grants office.” The Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) is UC San Diego’s appropriate local contracts and grants office authorized to submit proposals to outside sponsors.

All proposals should be reviewed by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) before submission to ensure the success of a proposal submission as well as to ensure consistency with campus and UC-wide policies and procedures. The University requires all proposals to be reviewed by SPO prior to proposal submission to the sponsor, even if the sponsor does not require the proposal to be submitted or approved by an AOR.

Why Do I Need a Proposal Review?

The SPO’s goal is to provide an Institutional Review (IR) for every proposal before submission to a sponsor. An Institutional Review provides a comprehensive proposal review to ensure that it complies with University policies and is aligned with a sponsor’s requirements.  Failure to obtain a review before submission risks submission failures, proposal rejections, additional time to negotiate an award and/or the inability to accept an award if problematic terms or conditions are present.

  • It is a requirement that a complete and accurate Kuali Research (KR) record be routed to SPO for review before submission to the sponsor.
  • A complete and accurate KR record includes the elements that will be reviewed in accordance with an Institutional Review as described below. (Note: KR records should not be routed with placeholder attachments and information to meet timelines.)
  • It is strongly recommended that all KR records be created at least 14 days before a sponsor’s deadline and at least 30 days for Complex Proposals.
  • Adherence to proposal routing timelines and these guidelines will support SPO’s goal of providing review notes within 2 business days for proposals receiving a review. 
  • SPO is available for application submission until 5 PM on deadline days.  If you need assistance with application submission outside of normal business hours, special arrangements must be requested and are subject to staff availability.

Proposal Review Levels and Timeline

NOTE: it is best practice to notify the research administrator/fund manager as soon as possible about the intent to submit as the department needs additional time before these deadlines to assist with the proposal development to complete the SPO requirements on time.

For Standard Proposals

SPO provides three levels of review based on the timeliness of a KR record’s routing to SPO before the sponsor’s proposal deadline:

  • Institutional Review (Routed 5 business days or greater to SPO)
  • Cursory Review (Routed less than 5 business days and greater than 2 business days to SPO)
  • As-Is (Routed 2 or less business days to SPO)
Institutional Review Cursory Review As-Is

Standard Proposals

5+ business days complete KR Record routed to SPO.

Standard Proposals

Less than 5 business days and greater than 2 business days complete KR record routed to SPO.

Standard Proposals

2 or less business days complete KR record routed to SPO. 

Complex Proposals

20+ business days complete KR Record routed to SPO.

Complex Proposals

Less than 20 business days and greater than 3 business days completed KR record routed to SPO.

Complex Proposals 

 3 or less business days completed KR record routed to SPO.

All proposal documents are in final draft except that the SOW can be in draft form up until 2 days before the deadline. All proposal documents are in final draft except that the SOW can be in draft form up until 2 days before the deadline. All proposal documents are in final draft form.
Most comprehensive review to ensure proposal success Minimal review of essential critical elements. SPO will not guarantee that the proposal will be submitted as there may be limited capacity to do so or technical or compliance issues that prevent a submission.
Proposals risk being rejected because of errors and warnings in the proposal packet. Proposals risk being rejected because of errors and warnings in the proposal packet.

 For Complex Proposals 

Complex Proposals include large-scale/multi-project proposals (e.g., NIH Program Project Center Grants (Pxx), Cooperative Agreements (Uxx), proposals with multiple subawards), government contract proposals, and/or proposals that require review/acceptance of terms and conditions at time of proposal. The three levels of review for Complex Proposals based on the timeliness of a KR record’s routing to SPO  are as follows: 

  • Institutional Review (Routed 20 business days or greater to SPO)
  • Cursory Review (Routed less than 20 business days and greater than 3 business day to SPO)
  • As-Is Submission (Routed 3 or less business days to SPO)

NOTE: For Scripps Institution of Oceanography see the Late Submission Waiver Process

Institutional Review

Institutional Review 

An Institutional Review is SPO’s most comprehensive review of your proposal prior to submission to a sponsor. Institutional Review ensures that your proposal is aligned with sponsor and UC policies, while helping reduce errors that could impact award negotiation and acceptance.

Note that retroactive proposals where the proposal is being routed through KR after it was submitted to the sponsor without going through SPO, and non-competitive proposals where the sponsor does not require a formal competitive proposal process through a RFP, NOFO, or similar, will always require an Institutional Review.

Your proposal officer will review the following:

  • Confirm that the appropriate Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/Indirect Cost (IDC) rate and base are applied to the proposal budget.
  • Verify that there is appropriate documentation of any committed/in-kind University or third-party cost sharing.
  • Confirm that the sponsor, prime sponsor (as applicable), anticipated activity type and anticipated agreement type are correct in KR. 
  • Review institutional eligibility requirements and ensure all identifying proposal information provided about UC San Diego, the Sponsored Projects Offices, and/or The Regents is required, accurate, and/or correct. 
  • Review all items that trigger a compliance review such as human subjects, animal subjects, conflict of interest, export control, background IP, exceptional PI status, etc.  Ensure the compliance questionnaire in the key personnel section of KR is answered accordingly and applicable compliances are added to the compliance section of KR. This compliance questionnaire should be completed by the PI. 
  • Check to ensure that effort is budgeted for all Single and/or Multiple PD/PIs (for NIH, this also applies to Co-I, Sr/Key Persons). Also for NIH Other Significant Contributors or UCSD consultants who do not have a measurable effort on the application, it should be listed at 0% in PD (for COI purposes). The proposal package and the KR record must match.
    • For fixed-price clinical research projects, by submitting the KR record with a per-patient budget instead of a detailed/itemized budget, the department confirms that all required effort and salary costs are included in the budget. The per-patient budget must include the direct cost, indirect cost, total cost, and the IDC rate used.
  • Ensure specific University costs are applied as required. 
    • For fixed-price clinical trial research projects, by submitting the KR record with a per-patient budget instead of a detailed/itemized budget, the department confirms that all required University costs are included in the budget.  The per-patient budget must include the direct cost, indirect cost, total cost, and IDC rate used.
  • Review budgeted costs to ensure they are aligned with sponsor policies. 
  • Review the proposal package to see if it is specified that new space is needed to complete the project and if so, ensure the KR record question is answered accordingly.
  • Ensure all required internal documents and applicable proposal materials required by the sponsor have been included in the KR record 
  • Determine if anything in the sponsor’s guidelines or award terms would prevent submission of the proposal or acceptance of an award if the proposal is funded. 
  • Review and provide for signature of certifications, assurances, and representations.
  • Provide additional guidance or edits to the KR record and proposal documents as needed.
  • Communicate issues and concerns identified during the Institutional Review.
  • Liaise with the appropriate award team for any terms and conditions, redlines, or negotiation of ancillary documents required at the proposal stage.

Cursory Review

Cursory Review

Proposals that only receive a Cursory Review should be an exception and come with risks, including:

  • Proposals are submitted without an Institutional Review.
  • Proposals risk being rejected because of errors and warnings in the proposal packet.
  • It is common for rushed submissions to be rejected by the sponsor.
  • Increased risk of award delays and the campus’ inability to accept the award.


All proposals must be released to the AOR in the sponsor portal no less than two business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline.

Under a Cursory Review, SPO  will only review the following critical data elements:

  • Confirm that the appropriate Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/Indirect Cost (IDC) rate and base are applied to the proposal budget.
  • Verify that there is appropriate documentation of any committed/in-kind University or third-party cost sharing.
  • Confirm the sponsor, prime sponsor (as applicable), the anticipated activity type, anticipated agreement type are correct.
  • Verify that there is appropriate documentation for PI Exceptions, subrecipients. 
  • Communicate errors or warnings that would require the application to be withdrawn, corrected, and re-submitted.


Proposals that are submitted As-Is are submitted without review.  SPO cannot guarantee that the proposal will be submitted as there may be limited capacity to do so or technical or compliance issues that prevent a submission. The closer that a proposal is routed to the sponsor’s deadline, the less likely that SPO will be able to submit your proposal.

All proposals must be released to the AOR in the sponsor portal when the KR record is routed to SPO.

Proposal Submission Warning

Your proposal was routed to SPO without ample time for the SPO to conduct an institutional review of your proposal. Accordingly:

  • This proposal may contain errors that prevent it from being submitted to the sponsor promptly or may result in it being returned by the sponsor.
  • Without review, a proposal carries a higher risk of not capturing appropriate scope of work, equipment, budget needs, and other elements. 
  • Poor proposal quality can result in delays in award negotiation because of needed corrections and revisions. This may result in a longer time to review, negotiate and accept the award as well as the inability to accept the award.
  • In order to accept an award, you will assume responsibility for any errors, including covering costs that were incorrect in the proposal submission.
  • The KR record must be corrected and finalized within three days of submission of the proposal to the sponsor.
  • SPO’s successful submission of your proposal does not set the precedent that future last minute proposals will be accepted or submitted successfully.
  • Increased risk of award delays and the campus’ inability to accept the award.
  • As-is proposals are prioritized for submission after proposals that route timely with the same due date have been submitted.

Proposal Review Checklists for Departments

Requirements for when UC San Diego is the Applicant (NIH or AHRQ)

(UC San Diego is the lead)
New, Resubmission,
Renewal, or Supplement
Progress Report (RPPR)
PD Record
Basics: Proposals Details ​If applicable, indicate the IP # here at Institutional Proposal ID. ​If applicable, indicate the IP # here at Institutional Proposal ID.
Basics: Delivery Info Indicate the ASSIST # at Submission Description. Indicate the RPPR is in eRA Commons at Submission Description.
Basics: Sponsor & Program Information ​Indicate the FOA # at ​Opportunity ID. Indicate the FOA title at Opportunity Title. If applicable, indicate the NIH Grant # at Sponsor Proposal ID. ​​Indicate the NIH Grant # at Sponsor Proposal ID.
Compliance ​For Supplements, ​indicate the IACUC and/or IRB protocol # for congruency review. ​​Indicate the IACUC and/or IRB protocol # for congruency review.
Attachments: Internal​ ​Internal Budget (Excel)​
If applicable:
  • UC/VA Salary Worksheet
  • Salary Waiver
  • PI Exception
  • Subaward Packet(s)
  • Cost Share Documentation
​Internal Budget (Excel)​
If applicable:
  • UC/VA Salary Worksheet
  • Salary Waiver
  • PI Exception
  • Cost Share Documentation
Proposal ​When the application is ready to submit, change the status in ASSIST to "Ready for Submission" and notify your Health Sciences Proposal Analyst (formerly HS SPPO) via email. ​​Route your RPPR in eRA Commons to your Health Sciences Proposal Analyst (formerly HS SPPO) and notify them via email.

Requirements for when UC San Diego is the Sub (NIH or AHRQ)

UC San Diego is the Sub on a Subaward or Internal Proposal New, Resubmission, Renewal, or Supplement Progress Report (RPPR)
PD Record
Basics: Proposals Details If applicable, indicate the IP # here at Institutional Proposal ID. If applicable, indicate the IP # here at Institutional Proposal ID.
Basics: Delivery Info Indicate special instructions or requests by Sponsor. Indicate special instructions or requests by Sponsor.
Basics: Sponsor & Program Information Indicate the FOA # at ​Opportunity ID. Indicate the FOA title at Opportunity Title. If applicable, indicate the NIH Grant # at Sponsor Proposal ID. Indicate the NIH Grant # at Sponsor Proposal ID.
Compliance For Supplements, indicate the IACUC and/or IRB protocol # for congruency review. Indicate the IACUC and/or IRB protocol # for congruency review.
Attachments: Internal ​Internal Budget (Excel)​
Application Package
If applicable:
  • UC/VA Salary Worksheet
  • Salary Waiver
  • PI Exception
  • Cost Share Documentation
​​Internal Budget (Excel)​
Progress Report Package
If applicable:
  • UC/VA Salary Worksheet
  • Salary Waiver
  • PI Exception
  • Cost Share Documentation
Proposal ​Option 1:
  • PHS 398 Face Page 
  • Statement of Work
  • PHS 398 Budget Form Pages 4 & 5
  • Budget Justification
  • PHS 398 Checklist
Option 2:
  • PHS 398  Face Page
  • Statement of Work
  •  SF424 R&R Budget, with Budget Justification
​​Option 1:
  • PHS 2590 Face Page 
  • Statement of Work
  • PHS 2590 Budget Form Pages 2
  • Budget Justification
  • PHS 2590 Checklist
  • PHS 2590 All Personnel Report
Option 2
  • PHS 2590 Face Page
  • Statement of Work
  •  SF424 R&R Budget, with Budget Justification

Requirements for Grant Transfers (NIH or AHRQ)

NIH or AHRQ ​Change of Recipient Organization (Grant Transfer)
PD Record
Basics: Proposals Details​ Indicate the proposal type as a Revision.​​
Basics: Delivery Info ​​​Indicate the ASSIST # at Submission Description.
​Basics: Sponsor & Program Information ​​​​​Indicate the FOA # at ​Opportunity ID. Indicate the FOA title at Opportunity Title. Indicate the NIH Grant # at Sponsor Proposal ID.
Compliance​ Indicate the IACUC and/or IRB protocol # for congruency review.
Attachments: Internal​ Internal Budget (Excel)​
Copy of Awarded Application
Copy of the Most Recent NoA
Relinquishing Statement
If applicable:
  • Copy of IRB and/or IACUC protocol, if applicable
  • UC/VA Salary Worksheet
  • Salary Waiver
  • PI Exception
  • Subaward Packet(s)
  • Cost Share Documentation
Proposal When the application is ready to submit, change the status in ASSIST to "Ready for Submission" and notify your Health Sciences Proposal Analyst (formerly HS SPPO) via email.

Requirements for NRSA & F30 & F32 Fellowship Applications (NIH)

NIH NRSA Fellowship New or Resubmission Progress Report (RPPR)
Email Letter of Intent to apply to your Health Sciences Proposal Analyst (formerly HS SPPO)
​PD Record*
Basics: Proposals Details​ If applicable, indicate the IP # here at Institutional Proposal ID. If applicable, indicate the IP # here at Institutional Proposal ID.
Basics: Delivery Info Indicate the ASSIST # at Submission Description Indicate the RPPR is in eRA Commons at Submission Description
Basics: Sponsor & Program Information Indicate the FOA # at Opportunity ID. Indicate the FOA title at Opportunity Title. If applicable, indicate the NIH Grant # at Sponsor Proposal ID. Indicate the NIH Grant # at Sponsor Proposal ID.
Compliance N/A Indicate the IACUC and/or IRB protocol # for congruency review.
Attachments: Internal

NIH NRSA Budget Workbook (Excel)

NIH NRSA Budget Workbook (Excel)

Proposal ​Change the status in ASSIST to "Ready for Submission" and notify your Health Sciences Proposal Analyst (formerly HS SPPO) ​Route your RPPR in eRA Commons to your Health Sciences Proposal Analyst (formerly HS SPPO)
Fellowship Assurance Form ​Work with your Fund Manager to initiate, complete, and route for approvals in OnBase. 

*Fellowship NIH Individual NRSA RPPRs are NOT entered into PD, though reviewed and submitted by the Health Sciences Proposal Team (formerly HS SPPO).

For more information or questions email