Research Data and IT Services
Last Updated: March 11, 2025 9:27:37 AM PDT
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This page lists central, campus-, and Vice Chancellor area-wide research data and IT services at UC San Diego. Many services also exist at the division and department level.
Research information, proposal support, and project startup support
Research(er) information
- Profiles (UC San Diego Health) [no cost]
- Dimensions tool (focus is on research outputs, though some incidental activity visible) [no cost]
- SIO maintains internal repositories w/researcher info [no cost]
Data management plan support
- DMP Tool [no cost]
- Library training on data management plans [no cost]
Technology boilerplate (Facilities section detail) for proposals
- Proposal technology boilerplate for network, SDSC colo, Triton Shared Computing Cluster (TSCC) [no cost]
- For services that use SDSC resources; email [no cost]
Assistance locating resources
- UC San Diego Research IT Services or email for consultation [no cost]
- For SDSC-specific services and resources, email [no cost]
- (SIO) Scripps IT research IT consulting [no cost]
- ACTRI Clinical trials management VELOS/REDCap [VELOS: fee, REDCAP: no cost]
- ACTRI Biostatistical support, study design, etc [fee]
Development of demos/proofs of concept
- Research IT Services [no cost]
Data/document collaboration, storage, and compute
Document collaboration
- Google Workspace: (incl. Google Drive, Google Apps, Google Sites)
- Campus IT [No cost]
- UCHealth (login)
- OneDrive for Business
- Campus IT [no cost]
- UCSD Health (login) [No Cost]
- Open Science Framework (middleware that ties services together) [no cost]
Collaborative conversation
- Zoom:
- Campus [no cost]
- UC San Diego Health (login)
Data workspace & storage
- SDSC: Cloud, project, universal scale [fee]
- UC San Diego Health: Health System IS - USER K:drive (login) mapped to your desktop and/or laptop. With the K drive you can safely store and back up individual data. Off-site/campus requires UC San Diego Health: VPN (Including PHI). [no cost]
- SIO: Storage [fee] or manages lab storage servers [fee]
CPU/GPU to process data
- SDSC: National supercomputing resources [no cost w/ACCESS allocation], email
- SDSC: Triton Shared Computing Cluster (TSCC) – HPC cluster condo/hotel [fee]
- Research IT: Research Cluster [no cost]
- Open Science Grid high-throughput computing resource [grant]
Regulated data secure access
- UC San Diego Health: ACTRI and Information Services – Researcher Virtual Research Desktops:
- Citrix XenApp – through Health IS (request access via the Health Service Now website (login)
- UC San Diego Health Health IS offers department (25TB) /lab disk shares (login) [5TB no cost; additional storage for fee]
Regulated data storage and compute
- SDSC: Sherlock [fee]
- UC San Diego Health: Health System IS hosting offering (login) [fee]
Data loss prevention
- Email security – Proofpoint [no cost]
- Full-disk encryption [no cost]
Way to back up data
- SDSC: CommVault backup service [fee]
- UC San Diego Health: for file servers, Web, and other hosted applications and protected data [Note: not a standalone service; included as a part of VMs and storage offerings]
- SIO: Scripps IT hosts backup [fee], or manages lab backup servers [fee]
- Commercial cloud: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud [fee]
Data center hosting
- SDSC: Colocation facility [no cost or fee, depending on needs]
- SIO: Colocation facility [no cost or fee, depending on needs]
- UCSD Health: Information Services Hosting (login) [no cost or fee, depending on needs]
Software tools and training
General research software
Note: this list is not comprehensive. See also the faculty/staff software list.
- Campus: Qualtrics survey software [no cost]
- Campus: SPSS site license [no cost]
- Campus: Matlab site license [departments share cost]
- Campus: LucidChart site license
- UC San Diego Health: ACTRI supports software for managing clinical trials and observational studies, as well as tools to query clinical records.
Visualization and analysis
- Campus: Tableau (server site license only) [fee for user license]
- ACTRI: Virtual Research Desktop
- Campus: LucidChart site license
- UC San Diego Health: The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CCBB) provides analysis in genomics technologies including Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and the interpretation of genomics data, and analysis and consultation on epigenomics.
- UC San Diego Health: Biostatistics faculty and staff advise and collaborate with ACTRI researchers on biostatistics, bioinformatics, and epidemiology. In addition to common statistical tools, expertise is offered in areas including reproducible research reporting, R Bioconductor, and high-performance computing.
Technology training
- Research IT: The Carpentries (Software, Data, HPC Carpentry) courses [fee]
- Library: research tool training [no fee]
- Library: online tutorials [no fee]
Data transfer and networking
Tools to transfer datasets
- Library: rdl-share tool [no cost]
- Research IT: email hypercluster data transfer nodes [no cost]
- Pacific Research Platform for very large data moves [no cost]
High-speed networking
- Campus: 10G, 40G production network lab connections [fee]
Network performance analysis (if issues moving data)
- Campus: IT Services Service Desk (for production network) [no cost]
- SDSC: SDSC/Colo network [no cost]
- UC San Diego Health: Health System IS Help Desk [no cost]
- Research IT Services: perfSONAR & other measurement tools [no cost]
- CAIDA Internet traffic analysis [no cost]
Data sharing, publication, replication, and preservation
Data sharing space
- Library: Digital Collections, Research Data Library [no cost]
- SIO: Geological Data Center (GDC) support for some researchers , or CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office (CCHDO) for others
- SIO: provides web space for projects and research groups to share their data [no cost]
- SDSC: Universal Scale Storage for large-volume data [fee]
- SeedMeLab data sharing
- SDSC: Cloud Storage [fee]
Project/lab websites
- Campus: Google Sites (not permitted by UCSD Health) [no cost]
- SIO: Web space for projects and research groups to share their data [no cost]
Presentation tools
- Campus: G Suite (incl. unlimited storage in Google Drive, Google Apps, Google Sites) [no cost]
- Campus: Microsoft Suite
Video development
- Campus: Audio-Visual Services [fee]
- UC San Diego Health: Health System IS and [no cost]
Persistent data object identifiers
- Library: DOIs [no cost]
Persistent researcher ID
- ORCID [no cost]
Workspace to add metadata
- Library: staging space [no cost]
Expert advice on metadata and data preparation/replicability
- Library: Research Data Curation Program [no cost]
Long-term storage space for mutable data
- Campus: G Suite (incl. unlimited storage in Google Drive, Google Apps, Google Sites) [no cost]
- Campus: OneDrive for Business (1TB limit) [no cost]
- Open Science Framework [no cost]
- SDSC: Universal Scale Storage [fee]
- SDSC: Cloud Storage [fee]
Long-term preservation space
- Library: Chronopolis [potential cost]
- SIO: Geological Data Center support for some researchers , or CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office (CCHDO) for others
- Campus: Cloud services (e.g. Amazon Glacier) [fee]
- UCOP: eScholarship [no cost]
- SDSC: Cloud Storage [fee]
Contact: UC San Diego Research Facilitators at or your local department/division IT support staff.
This list is maintained by the UC San Diego Research IT Services Governance Committee (RISC).