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Research Data and IT Services

This page lists central, campus-, and Vice Chancellor area-wide research data and IT services at UC San Diego. Many services also exist at the division and department level.

Research information, proposal support, and project startup support

Research(er) information

Data management plan support

Technology boilerplate (Facilities section detail) for proposals

Assistance locating resources

Development of demos/proofs of concept

Data/document collaboration, storage, and compute

Document collaboration

Collaborative conversation

Data workspace & storage

CPU/GPU to process data

Regulated data secure access

Regulated data storage and compute

Data loss prevention

Way to back up data

Data center hosting

  • SDSC: Colocation facility  [no cost or fee, depending on needs]
  • SIO:  Colocation facility  [no cost or fee, depending on needs]
  • UCSD Health: Information Services   Hosting (login) [no cost or fee, depending on needs]

Software tools and training

General research software

Note: this list is not comprehensive. See also the faculty/staff software list.

Visualization and analysis

Technology training 

Data transfer and networking

Tools to transfer datasets

High-speed networking

Network performance analysis (if issues moving data)

Data sharing, publication, replication, and preservation

Data sharing space

Project/lab websites

  • Campus: Google Sites  (not permitted by UCSD Health) [no cost]
  • SIO:  Web space for projects and research groups to share their data [no cost]

Presentation tools

  • Campus: G Suite (incl. unlimited storage in Google Drive, Google Apps, Google Sites) [no cost]
  • Campus: Microsoft Suite

Video development

Persistent data object identifiers

  • Library:  DOIs  [no cost]

Persistent researcher ID

Workspace to add metadata

Expert advice on metadata and data preparation/replicability

Long-term storage space for mutable data

Long-term preservation space

Contact: UC San Diego Research Facilitators at or your local department/division IT support staff.

 This list is maintained by the UC San Diego Research IT Services Governance Committee (RISC).