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How to Initiate a Layoff or Reduction in Time

Review a summary of procedures for a proposed layoff or reduction in time.

Consult a UC San Diego Employee Relations specialist before considering possible layoff or reduction in time. The overall steps in the ensuing process are outlined here.

NOTE: All indefinite layoffs/reductions in time should be completed in conjuction with your department business office. Contact them when starting the process. 

1. Determine the rationale for the action. Reasons for such action are lack of funds, lack of work or reorganization.

  • Review all sources of income, current and/or proposed work requirements, and reasons for reorganization.
  • Contact an Employee Relations specialist.

2. Determine the needs of the new organization.

  • Review the necessity of all current student positions and limited-time appointments within the affected organization (layoff unit).
  • Outline the type and number of positions needed in the new organization.

3. Compare the proposed new organization to the existing organization.

  • Determine which positions and classifications will be affected by the proposed layoff or reduction in time.
  • Focus on positions, not individuals.

4. Review the pertinent layoff policies and procedures.

5. Prepare and submit E-Layoff (department business office).

  • Department business office will access E-Layoff and complete the proposal(s).

6. Wait for Employee Relations to process the proposal package(s).

  • Employee Relations (ER) reviews your proposal(s) for accuracy.
  • The Equal Opportunity/ Staff Affirmative Action Office reviews the proposal(s).
  • ER provides the final approval.
  • ER contacts your department to let you know that the package is final and you can present the notice letter to the employee(s).

7. Notify affected employee(s).

  • Wait for notification from Employee Relations.
  • Confirm and clarify specific rights of affected employee with Employee Relations specialist.
  • Meet privately with each employee and give a letter of formal notice.
  • Allow sufficient time for the employee to ask questions.
  • Retain a copy of the letter of formal notice for your department and send copies of the letter to:

8. Provide support.

9. Communicate the situation to the rest of your department.

  • Contact the Employee Relations specialist for guidance.
  • Determine if a meeting or written communication is most appropriate.
  • Provide time and/or opportunity for questions and responses.
If you have questions, reach out to your local HR contact or
Notice: The information on this page summarizes provisions of university policies and/or collective bargaining agreements. Refer to the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) and local implementing procedures or applicable collective bargaining agreement for full text of referenced information.