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Layoffs: Supervisor Checklist

UC San Diego supervisors, make sure you've addressed all the items in this checklist if a layoff/reduction in time (RIT) is necessary in your department.

Consider all cost-saving measures

  • Look for alternative ways to trim the budget.
  • Consider moving qualified employees from less-essential positions to existing vacancies in your department.
  • Clearly identify your department goals, then match them with staffing requirements.
  • For more detailed information, see How to Initiate a Layoff or Reduction in Time.

Contact your department business office

  • Inform your department business office that you are planning to initiate a layoff or reduction in time.
  • Do not inform any employees at this time.

Consult with Employee Relations

As soon as your department realizes a need to reduce staff, contact your Employee Relations representative.

Read through resources available to employees who will be notified of layoff/RIT

Carefully follow all the steps in the layoff process

Become familiar with preferential rehire and recall procedures

If you have questions, reach out to your local HR contact or
Notice: The information on this page summarizes provisions of university policies and/or collective bargaining agreements. Refer to the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) and local implementing procedures or applicable collective bargaining agreement for full text of referenced information.