How to Calculate Seniority for Layoff/Reduction in Time
Last Updated: March 12, 2025 1:34:16 PM PDT
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UC San Diego supervisors, find out how to calculate seniority points if you have layoffs or reductions in time (RIT) in your department.
It's critical to calculate seniority points accurately so the correct person receives the notice of layoff, so work closely with your Employee Relations specialist.
1. Prepare to calculate seniority
- Contact your Employee Relations specialist to find out:
- Your layoff unit
- Which job classifications will be affected by layoff in your department
- Make a list of all employees in the layoff unit who have the same job classification as the positions scheduled for layoff.
- Collect time records if necessary for each employee in the classifications targeted for layoff.
2. Calculate seniority
The least senior career employees in the same department and same classification are considered first for layoff.
- Seniority points: For each employee, assign one seniority point for each month worked on a full-time basis, as well as partial points for less-than-full-time employees.
Example:- An employee works one month on a full-time basis and earns 1 seniority point. The next month, the employee works 75% on a full-time basis. The employee's seniority points total 1.75.
- Other factors that affect seniority:
- Only employment while on pay status counts toward seniority.
- All types of paid time (e.g., vacation, Workers' Compensation) count toward seniority.
- Employment before a break in service (separation from employment status) does not count unless the employee had been laid off with preference and re-employed within the preferential rehire period.
- Determine seniority calculation method by reviewing Personnel Policy for Staff Members or the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
- Retaining employees:
- Out-of-seniority retentions: If individuals in your department possess special knowledge, skills, and abilities (e.g., certifications or licenses) required for business operations, you may be able to retain them regardless of seniority.
3. Make a seniority list
Based on your calculations in Step 2, make a list of career employees in the same department and same classification in order of seniority.
4. Check your calculations
Contact an Employee Relations specialist, (858) 534-4115.
Notice: The information on this page summarizes provisions of university policies and/or collective bargaining agreements. Refer to the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) and local implementing procedures or applicable collective bargaining agreement for full text of referenced information.