Business Activity Hub
Learn about the Business Activity Hub (BAH), a next generation analytical platform that helps drive data driven decision making as it relates to all business activity.
About the Business Activity Hub
The Business Analytics Hub (BAH) houses a centralized list of analytics and reports that use data from one or more Activity Hubs or created from sources such as Oracle Financials Cloud and UCPath, among others. On BAH, find analytics and reports listed by area, request access to view the data, suggest new or enhanced analytics reports and submit questions. Recommended browsers for BAH and posted reporting solutions are Chrome and Firefox.
Using the Business Activity Hub
Go to the BAH website and select one of the sections on the menu: Budget & Finance, HR/Payroll, Research or Student to reach your reports.
Training and Support
Data Training and Support
Join the Financial Analytics Community of Practice for financial data training and access to additional support documents. Monthly meetings connect you with other UC San Diego developers who demonstrate real-life solutions using FinAH data.
After you have been given access to Oracle data, you are welcome to join the Financial Analytics Community of Practice.
Analytics Tools Training and Support
Activity Hubs data is available through Cognos and Tableau analysis and reporting tools.
- Cognos tool training and resources
- Cognos Community of Practice
- Tableau tool training and resources
- Tableau Community of Practice
Need help?
Visit the BAH help page for additional inforamtion.
BI & Financial Reports
Award Trial Balance Report: This report shows basic award and financial summary information for an award. Searchable by Award Number, Fiscal year, accounting period and individual contract line number. This report is designed to show you the total invoices amount, amount paid, total expenses and calculated “cash” balance.
Budget & Financial Management Reports Panorama: This Panorama delivers a full suite of budget and financial management reports and queries intended to support campus business officers. They are designed to support internal financial management of the univ...
Capital Project Panorama: This is a custom look at capital projects developed to support the Real Estate reporting.
CAST Panorama: This panorama is a collection of reports dedicated to supporting the Compliance and Support Team (CAST).
Cellular Report: The Cellular Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial off...
Cost Sharing Report: Displays Awards with Cost Sharing Commitments, PPM Project Costs against those commitments, and remaining balances.
Cumulative Research Report: The Cumulative Research Report provides an overview of award and contract budget balances and revenue balances. This report best serves to provide campus and central office financial data users with budget a...
GL-PPM Reconciliation Report: This report compares costs in PPM to actuals in the general ledger by project, accounting period, and account code/expenditure type. Only revenue, expense, and noncurrent asset (i.e. capital equipment) accou...
NGN Recharge Summary Report: The NGN Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial officers...
OTBI Performance Panorama: A dashboard dedicated to execution and error metrics for OTBI reporting within the Oracle BI tools. Tracks report executions, distinct users, most used subject areas, and more. List of rep...
Project Balances with Expenditure Details Dashboard: This Dashboard Provides summary and transaction details for project budgets, costs, committed costs, and revenue accounted at the subledger level. It is recommended for department users. KBA for more details...
Sponsored AR Aging Report: This is an AR aging report designed to show unpaid receivables for sponsored awards. Search your unpaid invoices by Award number, sponsor, customer, Fin Unit and more. The expected amount due falls into time...
Telecom Recharge Details Report: The Telecom Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial offi...
UCSD-BIP Campus User Roles: The Campus User Roles Report provides the OFC roles and associated Business Units, Ledgers and other security contexts for those roles. Searchable by user email, username, assignment number, department and r...
UCSD-BIP Project Costs Detail Report: The UCSD-BIP Project Costs Detail Report can be used to check cost details for all projects by Award number, Financial Unit, Accounting Period(s) and more. These transactions will match the costs found in th...
UCSD-DSH Accounts Receivable Panorama: UCSD-DSH Accounts Receivable Panorama is a collection of reports that provide departments with an overview of their receivables and related credit memos, customer account attributes, incoming and unclaimed c...
UCSD-DSH Athletics Expense Reports: The report summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics expenses on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories, and data will be reported to the NCAA and Department of Education.
UCSD-DSH Athletics Revenue Reports: The report summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics revenue on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories, and data will be reported to the NCAA and Department of Education.
UCSD-DSH Capital Equipment Management Report: UCSD-DSH Capital Equipment Management Report lists all requisitions on items acquired where cost exceeds $5,000. The cost includes entire requisition and auxiliary cost associated such as shipping, delivery,...
UCSD-DSH Chart of Accounts Panorama: Hierarchies help define structure, and provide for standard and consistent financial reporting to our various stakeholders about UC San Diego’s financial performance and financial position over a s...
UCSD-DSH Default Project Statistics: This report shows rolling totals of the costs posted to default projects from a high level perspective.
UCSD-DSH Exceptions Panorama: The UCSD-DSH Exceptions panorama shows financial discrepancies in the Oracle Financial System.
Faculty and Researcher Panorama: Provides a single-page dashboard for faculty and supporting users who are financially responsible for sponsored and non-sponsored projects and tasks.
UCSD-DSH General Ledger Panorama: This panorama contains reports that pull from the General Ledger transaction tables. Designed to give you visibility into general ledger accounts, balances, transactions and activity.
UCSD-DSH HDH Panorama: The HDH Panorama lists the financial reports (BI and Cognos) used by UCSD Housing, Dining, & Hospitality (HDH). The panorama is designed to support the HDH Finance and Budget Management team and departme...
UCSD-DSH Internal Controls and Accounting Panorama: Internal Controls and Accounting Panorama is intended for central office use of reporting and data. List of reports in this dashboard: Trial Balance Journal Voucher Report Expenditure by Mo...
OPAFS Accountant Panorama: The OPAFS Accountant Panorama is a collection of analyses and reports designed to assist management and oversight of sponsored projects and awards.
UCSD-DSH Preuss School Financial Reports: The Preuss School Panorama lists the financial reports used by the Preuss School. The panorama is designed to support the school’s finance team with all external reporting requirements.
UCSD-DSH Procure to Pay Panorama: The Procure-to-Pay Panorama provides insights to all campus reporting needs related to Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Invoices. This panorama offers high-level dashboard views and detailed inquiry report...
UCSD-DSH Project Cost Transfer Panorama: This panorama is a collection of reports designed to provide details about Project Cost transfers. Search transfers by the Original Expenditure Item transaction #, transfer dates, project, award, owning orga...
Project Information Lookup Panorama: This dashboard brings back all the projects for a Business unit, Project Organization or Project Manager and where available it provides full COA and POETAF Chart string values for these projects. KBA for mo...
UCSD-DSH Project Panorama: The UCSD-DSH Project Panorama delivers a full look at project financials and is designed to support the PI, the Project Manager, and Fund Manager.
HR Payroll Reports
Academic Position Management Audit: This report shows position status to audit position data and to review employee records.
Additional Pay Report: Departments should use this report to monitor end dates for Recurring Additional Pay and decide if it should end as scheduled, be ended early (requires UCPC assistance), or be extended (following appropriate...
Benefit Costs Report: Report provides benefit costs associated with employees' earnings charged to the department.
Benefits Administration Eligibility Configuration Fields Report: Report provides Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) Eligibility Configuration Fields as they appear on the Job Data --> Benefits Program Participation page 1 for each position. It is *not* advised to run ...
Code Lookup Report: Provide description and values for lookup tables.
Combo Code Report: This report displays the combo code funding at a level higher rather than one employee at a time. Prompts include ability to search by all of the Common Chart of Account segments, including FinUnit. Use t...
Deduction Report: Provide central offices the employee and employer deductions for each employee. (Restricted)
Department Hierarchy Report: This report lists all Campus and Medical Center departments in their organizational reporting structure in their respective hierarchies. (Note: No prompts required for this report)
Dependents Report: Identify an employee’s dependents and the selected benefit plans. (Restricted)
Distribution of Payroll Expense (DOPE) Report: Confirm actual payroll expenses applied for a given payroll cycle. If you do not already have access to this report, submit a request for the Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation report group.
DOPE – Ancillary Report: The purpose of this version of the DOPE report is to isolate GAEL expenses and to provide a Vacation Accounting Report on additional tabs. GAEL expenses have been removed from the Fringe tab because GAEL doe...
DOPE - Sponsor Report: This DOPE report version focuses on sponsored research reporting to meet sponsors' financial report and invoice back-up documentation requirements. Similar to the DOPE – Ancillary Report, GAEL expe...
DOPE with Combined Salary & Fringe, Condensed Column Set, and Employee Summary: As with the original Distribution of Payroll Expense (DOPE) Report, this updated version displays actual labor ledger payroll expenses applied for a given payroll cycle. There are however, several...
Earn Code Detail Report: Earn Code lookup report.
Earnings by Earn Code Report: Earnings by Earn Code report is useful for verifying data entered via I-618; match amount per pay period amount, and verify Goal amount reached for imputed income such as Moving Expense and Taxable...
Emergency Contact Report: Provide emergency contact information for employees by department or unit. (Restricted)
Employee Action Report: Identify all actions for an employee.
Employee Action Report with EDI: Identify all actions for an employee, including EDI data.
Employee Claiming Tax Exemption Report (Restricted): View of employee tax exemptions and additional tax.
Employee Compensation Report: Provide a variety of employee related information allowing filtering on different criteria. (Restricted)
Employee Diversity Report: This report provides similar information to the Employee Rosters Report, with additional basic employee demographic information. Note: This report category will require a separate access request.
Employee Lookup Report: Lookup information about a specific employee. (Restricted)
Employee Record of Earnings Detail: iew of employee's paycheck detail.
Employee Rosters Report: Provide common employee related information by department.
Extended Leave Monitoring Report: This report will identify all employees that are on Extended Leave.
Extended Leave Monitoring Report (Restricted): his report will identify all employees that are on Extended Leave.
FLSA Mismatch: Identify FLSA mismatches for employees with multiple jobs, including mismatches between Job Code and Job data.
Funding and Project End Date Report: This report reviews funding and project end dates. Note: This report name was formerly titled "Funding End Date Report"
Future Dated Actions Report: This report provides all future actions as of today and going forward. Examples of Actions include: Return from Work Break, Short Work Break, Hire, Pay Rate Change, Position Change, and Return from ...
Future Dated Hire Report: This report provides all future hires as of today and going forward. Departments can utilize this report to check on the status of their hires in job data as well as verify if an employee has a future job th...
Future Dated Hires Lite Report: This report is similar to the original Future Dated Hire Report, with more-focused fields. This report allows for full department data access. The report’s description is essentially the same: This...
Graduate Student Employment Report: This report provides employment information about current graduate students employed on campus. It includes graduate primary major department so that advisors can run it for their own department. Results wil...
Hours towards Career Status Report: Description coming soon
Jobs with Approaching End Dates Report: This report is a risk mitigation tool which will help prevent payroll over-payments.
Jobs with Approaching End Dates Report: This report is a risk mitigation tool which will help prevent payroll over-payments.
Leave Action Report: Identify all extended leave of absence actions for an employee. (Restricted)
Leave Balance Summary Report: Employee leave by pay period including balances for the department. Replaces LASR.
Leave Liability Report: The Leave Liability Report will run at the end of the fiscal year calculating the accrued compensated balances liability. (Restricted)
Location Use End Date Report: This report monitors location use end dates.
MCOP (Multiple Components of Pay) Report: Provides compensation rate details for academics who have off-scale and/or negotiated salary components.
Paper Pay Check: Identify the population of employees who receive paper checks.
Pay Frequency Change Report: Identify the population of employees whose pay frequency has changed.
Personnel Expense Projection Report: The purpose of this report is to forecast staffing expenses (salary, benefits, and assessments) that may change over time on a particular Project or Financial Unit. It provides projections based on the Posit...
Position Funding Report: This report provides a list of Position/Employee funding sources including CCOA chartstring elements, Position, Employee, and Job information for budget planning.
Position Report: Identify vacant positions, see positions which have had turnover, and who is filling what positions.
Positions without Funding Report: This report provides information on the positions with no funding.
Post Doc Monitoring Report: Departments should use this report to monitor the Post Doc Anniversary Date which is tied to the employee’s movement to the next level of the UC Salary Scale.
Probation End Date Report: This report monitors upcoming probation end dates.
Record of Pay Report: This report provides a one line summary of gross earnings, net earnings, total taxes, and retirement deduction. This report is useful in identifying FICA Retirement errors.
Sabbatical Balances Report: The purpose of this report is to identify Sabbatical Balances for faculty.
Salary History: Provide a history of an employee’s salary.
Separated Employee Report: View separated employees, including fully separated employees and inactive jobs. (Restricted)
Service Credit Milestone Report: This report shows Service Credit Milestones beginning at the 10-year milestone and beyond, increasing in 5-year increments.
Service Credit Seniority Point Report: This report can be used to calculate Service Credit for Service Pin or Vacation Accrual purposes. This is NOT to be used to calculate Retirement Service Credit or Seniority Points for Layoff purpos...
Short Work Break Monitoring Report: Departments should use this report to monitor Short Work Break end dates and decide whether to extend SWB, return the employee to active status, or terminate the job.
Student Employee Registration Report: This report is used to verify that students that work on campus are officially registered as students in the current term.
Student FICA: Identify the population of student employees whose FICA exemption changed. (Restricted)
Supervisor Report: List employees and their supervisors. (Reports To)
UCPath-Oracle Salary Reconciliation: The purpose of this report is to compare salary amounts on given chartstrings in the labor ledger (UCPath; DOPES) to salary amounts posted to those chartstrings in the Oracle general ledger and quickly ident...
UCPath-PPM-GL salary reconciliation: This report is similar to the UCPath-Oracle salary reconciliation report, but incorporates project and task information from PPM. Oracle amounts for projects come from PPM, while amounts for chartstrings wit...
Vacant Positions Report: Identify vacant positions, see positions which are vacant, as a result of turnover or have not yet been filled.
Visa Monitoring Report: Monitor employee visa information. (Restricted)
Wage Statement Report: This report provides Workers Compensation Carrier with pay history for claim processing.
Who's on Sabbatical Report: This report identifies who is currently on Sabbatical Leave.
Work Study Award Balance Report (Restricted): This report displays work study available balance to the hiring department.
Work Study Community Service Validation: This report displays students hired in work study community service positions, and displays students with work study community service offers.
Research Reports
Award Obligated Totals By Fiscal Year:
- Tab 1: This Dashboard shows a Comparison of Award Obligated Totals for Previous Fiscal Year vs Current Fiscal Year, by VC Area.
- Tab 2: This Dashboard shows a comparison of Award Obligated Totals for Previous...
Dashboard: UC San Diego Contract & Grant Quarterly Report: UCSD awards and proposals for the current fiscal year. Contents includes: Report Cover, Highlights, Awards, Proposals, Awards by Major Agency. Each tab shows a comparison of current fiscal year and previous ...
Kuali Research Award Transactions Report: This report will provide a list of award transactions that have been processed in Kuali Research with a specified OP Reporting data, and specified Lead Unit(s), and/or Organization(s).
Kuali Research Proposal Development Transactions Report: This report will provide a list of Kuali Research proposal development records that have been created within a specified PD Create Date range, Lead Unit, and/or organization/financial unit.
Outgoing Subawards-Invoices Outstanding Approval Aging: Outgoing Subawards-Invoices Outstanding Approval Aging" contains two tableau report tabs that will allow users to view aging Outgoing Subaward Invoices in a summarized form by requisitioning Unit, and at th...
Student Reports
Admitted Student Query Report: A report of admitted students. Includes Lived/Preferred Name.
Undergraduate Student Diversity Statistics: Undergraduate student diversity statistic reports.
Graduate Student Diversity Statistics: Graduate student diversity statistics
Third Week Enrollment Report: Total UC San Diego campus enrollment headcount at the census date.
Undergraduate Student Statistics: Interactive undergraduate student statistical dashboards and surveys.