Instructional Materials for Faculty

Faculty, find out how Instructional Materials Services and Plans (IMSP) can help support your classroom instruction.
Instructional Materials Services and Plans (IMSP) is a collaborative effort by many UCSD organizations. IMSP's goal is to make it easier for faculty — and the staff and TAs who support them — to find instructional support resources.Course reserves
Note: You must request services 4 weeks before the quarter begins. Your requested materials will be reviewed for compliance with copyright laws.
UC San Diego Library's Course Reserves provides print and digital reservation services free of charge.
- To get started, see the UCSD Library's reserve information for faculty.
- This service lets you:
- Place books on reserve at circulation desks.
- Post articles and other course materials electronically.
- Reserve high-quality music files that can be made available 24 hours a day.
- Reserve and post digital images.
- Arrange for an array of media services including individual and group viewing with analog and digital options
For more details, visit the Course Reserves website.
Course web pages
General campus:
- Communication tools
- Online assessments
- Password-protected space for course handouts
- Secure grade posting
- Instructional Web support
- Core course websites
- Tutorials and learning modules
- Medical student contact lists
Printing and duplicating
- Course packet, syllabus, and exam printing
- Large-format printing
- Mail merge
- Document capture
- CD/ DVD duplicating
- Binding
- Free pickup and delivery (on campus)
Call (858) 534-3020 or visit one of 2 campus locations.
Textbook services
- UCSD Bookstore:
- Textbook orders: Complete an online adoption form.
- Custom materials: In partnership with Imprints, the Bookstore produces high-quality and competitively priced bound reprints of anthologies, out-of-print materials, manuals, etc. For more information, contact UCSD Bookstore, (858) 534-7963.
- Desk and Exam Copies
- School of Medicine textbooks
- Academically priced computers and software
For more information, contact the Bookstore Course Materials Department, (858) 534-4557.
- General Store Co-op:
- For information on services, call (858) 534-3167.
- Order a book by e-mail.
- Groundwork Books is a student-run, nonprofit bookstore and community resource center offering:
- Book circles
- Study groups
For more information, contact Groundwork Books, (858) 452-9625.