Summer 2025 Research Program Administration
Find out about criteria and establishing campus affiliate access for approved summer research programs for Summer 2025.
Program Criteria
Summer Research Programs are required to review and take action as applicable per the information below.
Criteria for Access
- Involves undergraduates, most of whom are from campuses other than UC San Diego
- The program participants focus on doing research in faculty labs; there are usually some group activities and perhaps some modules or short-courses
- Program must be registered with the 2025 Summer Program Inventory Process
Establishing AD Identity for Research Programs
Summer research participants must be set up in advance of their arrival with AD accounts, and Campus ID Cards in order to access campus systems and services. This process may take up to two weeks to complete, thus it is critical that program coordinators begin this process well in advance of their participant cohort’s arrival.
1. Review, sign, and return the MOU - please note required documentation.
- For PIs:
- 2025 MOU
- Additional Forms/Training for PIs noted in MOU
- For Participants to Complete (PI Responsible for Collecting Signed Documentation):
Groups hiring their participants as Short Term Exceptions can stop here. AD Account and Campus Card Creation should be handled through your departmental HR processes.
2. AD Account Creation*
- Fill out this downloadable Excel form to initiate the creation of AD accounts, Campus Cards for your participant cohorts. Groups hiring their participants as Short Term Exceptions can obtain AD accounts and campus cards through their departmental HR representative(s).
- If you have incoming or continuing UCSD students participating in your program, please mark "UCSD Incoming" OR "UCSD Continuing" in Column A as appropriate to avoid duplicate account creation.
- Submit your completed list to Mariana Beltran at Student Financial Solutions for PID creation - Please make the email subject: “Program Name_2025_Account Creation”
- SFS will then route your submission to ITS via a helpdesk ticket. The individual who submits the original list to SFS will be assigned as the helpdesk ticket owner and will receive relevant updates directly.
Tips on filling out the form:
- Red fields are required.
- White fields aren't required but are nice to have, e.g. mobile phone.
- Green fields are system-generated.
- ID Card Number: Research participants will not be given an ISIS PID. The ID Card Number will serve in lieu of the PID for research participants.
- ID Card Affiliate Classification: Choose “Visiting Scholar”.
- ID Card Project COA and ID Card Task COA: Enter the appropriate chartstring project and task numbers for the cost of the Affiliate ID cards. Pending confirmation: Summer 2025 card costs are $25.
Sharing Credentials
IT Services will provide participant credentials directly to the coordinating staff member(s) so students can create a new password, and activate their two-step login. Please share corresponding usernames and temporary passwords with each participant directly (i.e. please don't send a spreadsheet to all participants) and provide the following instructions: Setting Up Your AD Credentials.
3. ID Card Photos*
While you wait for your participant’s credentials to be processed, each research program coordinator should provide a photo for each participant for their ID card. You can do this in 2 ways:
- Upload photos to Google Drive and share the link with Mariana Beltran and Pa Chia Vue of the Campus Cards Office (preferred)
- Email the photos Mariana Beltran and copy Pa Chia Vue .
Photo tips:
- Plain, white background
- Even lighting
- Color photo
- No hats or sunglasses
- No one else in photo
- .jpeg or .png file type
*Research Programs hiring their participants as Short Term Exceptions do not need to complete the AD account and Campus Card creation process outlined here. This should be completed by your departmental HR representative. All other items noted within the MOU apply.
Optional - Library Privileges
- Library checkout privileges are available upon request of the program coordinator as noted in column "K" of the downloadable Excel form list in step 2 above.
- AFTER YOUR PROGRAM beings, to register for Library checkout privileges, the program participant may complete the online registration form after the program start date. For the Affiliation, please select “Other” and enter the following information “Summer Program: [Name of program, Affiliate ID Number from back of campus ID card]”
- If you have any questions or problems, please contact the Library at