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General Campus Reappointment to a Department-Based Endowed Chair Without Committee Review

Learn how a candidate is reappointed to a department-based endowed chair on the general campus.

All chairholders appointed January 1, 2015 and thereafter, are covered by the UC San Diego Guidelines for New Endowed Chairs (PDF)

Note: In general, reappointments to an endowed chair must be reviewed by a departmental review committee. However, an exception may be made if the chair holder’s record of accomplishment in all performance criteria in their academic series continues to be highly distinguished, meritorious, and in harmony with the stated terms, goals, and purpose of the endowed chair, and if the reappointment is in the best interest of the department, division, or school. Highly distinguished meritorious criteria includes teaching, research, and service for appointees in the professorial series.

1. Department Chair or equivalent

  • Previews the plan to reappoint the chair holder with the divisional Dean and provides the Dean with a justification for the reappointment proposal.

2. Divisional Dean or equivalent (Dean)

  • If in agreement with the proposal to reappoint the current chair holder; discusses the proposal with the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (EVCAA).


  • Renders a recommendation to the Dean and Department Chair regarding the reappointment proposal and communicates in writing (email) whether or not the department may proceed.  The EVCAA may also request that the department convene a committee.

4. Department Chair

  • Submits a formal letter of justification for reappointment addressed to the dean. The letter should discuss in detail how the chair holder’s record of accomplishment in all performance criteria for their academic series continues to be:
    • Highly distinguished and meritorious
    • Harmonious with the stated terms, goals, and purpose of the endowed chair
  • Provides the chair holder’s current CV.
  • Evidence of EVCAA approval to proceed with the proposal (this item accompanies the file, but is not a part of the actual file)
  • Submits the packet to the Dean

5. Dean

  • Reviews the reappointment packet
  • If in agreement, endorses the proposal
  • Forwards the reappointment packet to Academic Personnel Services (APS)

The reappointment packet that is forwarded to APS should contain:

  • Candidate's most current CV
  • Evidence of EVCAA approval to proceed with the proposal (this item accompanies the file, but is not a part of the actual file)
  • Dean's recommendation letter
  • Department Chair's recommendation letter

6. Academic Personnel Services (APS)

  • Prepares the reappointment packet for submission to the Senate Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP)
  • Includes the nominee's most recent academic advancement file in the packet if the candidate is a UC San Diego faculty member
  • Ensures that the following items are included with the packet:
    • Approved Presidential item
    • Approval from Educational Policy Committee (EPC) or Graduate Council
  • Forwards the file to CAP

A complete reappointment packet includes:

  • EPC or Graduate Council approval
  • Approved Presidential item
  • Candidate's CV
  • Evidence of EVCAA approval to proceed with the proposal (this item accompanies the file, but is not a part of the actual file)
  • Candidate's most recent academic review file (if a UC San Diego faculty member)
  • Dean's recommendation letter
  • Department Chair's recommendation letter

7. Senate Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP)

  • Reviews the reappointment packet and academic file
  • Decides whether to act as its own ad hoc or select an ad hoc committee from a campus-wide membership
  • Renders a recommendation to the Chancellor

8. APS

  • If favorable, APS prepares and sends the Chancellor’s letter reappointing the candidate to the endowed chair, with copies to the Department Chair, Dean, Donor Stewardship Office
  • If not favorable APS, on behalf of the Chancellor, sends a letter to the Department Chair with a copy to the Dean

9. Dean

  • Within two weeks of the Chancellor's reappointment letter, sends a second letter to the candidate setting forth the details of the renewed endowed chair with copies to:
    • APS
    • Department Chair
    • Department MSO
    • Donor Stewardship
    • EVCAA


  • Sends a congratulatory letter to the candidate with copies to:
    • Department Chair
    • Department MSO
    • Dean
    • Assistant Dean
Contact Lynn Field-Karsh, (858) 822-4032.
Notice: This is a summary of campus business services. In case of conflict in interpretation, the actual policies apply.