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IPPS Gift Card Options

IPPS Physical and Digital Gift Card Programs

Payment Services provides gift card options through our gift card partner, Tremendous. The programs are accessible for all departments to order gift cards for employee rewards such as recognition, sympathy, retirement, length-of-service, prizes and other gifts; and can also be used as compensation for Human Subjects. 

Note: For physical gift cards, we recommend to only order the amount of cards you know will be disbursed and that those cards are distributed to the recipients as soon as possible. Therefore, departments are responsible for all incurred charges. After gift cards have been ordered, the department chart string will incur the gift card fee even if the card is lost, stolen, expired, or not received by the department.

General Gift Card Information

Gift Card FAQ

Disbursements has put together a helpful FAQ page. Please visit the following link: Gift Card FAQ

Tracking Approvals: Concur Requests

  1. Log in to Concur
  2. Click "Requests" in the top left corner
  3. Open the Request you'd like to track
  4. Click "Request Details"
  5. Click "Request Timeline"

A green checkmark bubble indicates that step has been completed. A gray bubble indicates pending approvals. 

Note: the last approval will be "Gift Card Approver". This indicates your gift card order has been placed by Payment Services and physical gift cards will be ready for pick-up 5 business days after this approval. Digital Gift Cards will be sent at 9am PST on the date you request.

Gift Card Guidelines for Human Subject Compensation

  • Physical Visa gift cards cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, or expired.
  • Digital and physical gift cards cannot be deactivated or canceled by IPPS - you may reach out to Tremendous for customer service options by emailing
  • Physical Visa gift cards for Human Subject Compensation are to be distributed to participants for the study/project identified at the time the initial order was charged.
  • Payees receiving a total compensation of $600 or more in a calendar year, these amounts are subject to federal tax reporting requirements and will be reported on IRS form 1099-Misc.

Gift Card Guidelines for Employees and Non-Employees

Please refer to the guidelines for Gifts to Employees and Non-Employees, as well as UCOP policies G-41 and G-42 for more information on allowable gifts/awards and limits.

Tracking Gift Cards

IPPS is no longer requiring departments to submit reconciliation and certification records in. Departments are responsible for the continued maintenance of their financial records and are subject to audits by the Audit & Management Advisory Service (AMAS) team and General Accounting. Below are suggestions on maintaining records and sample forms for your use:

It is advised to prepare and maintain records on a quarterly basis (every 90 days):

Physical Visa Gift Cards Through Concur

Requesting Physical Gift Card Orders for Employees or Non-Employees and Human Subject Compensation

  1. Obtain a current stamped IRB approval letter and the compensation portion of the consent form (only required for Human Subject Compensation requests).
  2. Select create new request in Concur: Requests/New Request.
  3. Select the Request Type “Gift Cards & Human Subject Payments.”
  4. Enter all other information pertaining to the following required fields, click “Create Request” once completed:
    1. Request Name
    2. Request Date
    3. Detailed Business Purpose
      1. Please provide specific details to ensure timely approval.
    4. Financial Unit
  5. Click "Create Request"
  6. Under EXPECTED EXPENSES, click "Add."
    1. Option 23 is for employee and non-employee gift cards.
    2. Option 26 is for Human Subject Compensation.
  7. Fill out appropriate information for denomination and number of cards needed.
  8. Click "Add."

       Note: If you have multiple denominations, you will need to complete steps 6-8 for each individual denomination.

  1. Once you have completed your request, be sure to add required attachments by clicking the “Attachments” button at the top right of your screen (Current stamped IRB approval letter and the compensation portion of the consent form).
  2. To submit your order, click on the red “Submit Request” button at the top right of your screen.

       Note: Orders should be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to disbursement date to allow time for approvals and shipping.

Receiving Physical Gift Cards

  • The turnaround time to receive your gift card order is 5 business days from when the order is approved by the Gift Card Approver.
  • When your request is approved, the requestor will receive an email from Concur indicating the order has been fulfilled and ready for pick-up in 5 business days time. This email will have instructions for scheduling a pick-up appointment.
  • Gift cards are pre-loaded with the funds and are treated as cash equivalents. IPPS does not mail gift cards because if they are lost, the department is held responsible for the funds. Your order may be picked up by yourself or anyone you send on your behalf. Please notify Payment Services who will be picking up the order if different than the requestor.
  • Please note, IPPS schedules appointments in 15-minute increments from 8:30 to 1 pm, Tuesday through Friday subject to availability, we cannot accommodate same-day pickups. Please email with your desired appointment day, time, and your Concur Request ID.
  • Gift cards are to be picked up at Torrey Pines Center South, Suite 415 by the requestor or authorized receiver with a picture ID, please be sure to have your request ID provided by Concur.

Securing Physical Gift Cards

Physical gift cards should be handled like cash and must be secured in accordance with UCOP Policy (BUS-49). Because gift cards are pre-loaded with funds, we strongly discourage sending Visa gift cards in the mail. If lost, the card cannot be deactivated by IPPS and the department will assume the loss. Suggestions for how to secure gift cards are as follows:

  • For gift cards up to $1,000, secure in a lockable receptacle.
  • For gift cards from $1,001 to $2,500, secure in a safe.
  • For gift cards from $2,501 to $25,000, secure in a steel-door safe, with a door thickness no less than 1” and wall thickness no less than 0.5”.
For gift cards from $25,001 to $250,000, secure in a class TL-15 composite safe or better.

Digital Gift Card Options - Now Available!

Digital Gift Card Options

If your department is interested in issuing digital gift cards, there are two separate options based on what the gift cards are for. For a detailed breakdown on the differences between the two processes, please watch this webinar

Digital Teams for Human Subject Compensation

If you are ordering digital gift cards for an IRB approved study, you can request to make a Tremendous Digital Team. This would provide specific UCSD employees from your department access to Tremendous. You would be setup with a budget to send gift cards during the duration of your study. This would require a one time setup via an Oracle Requisition. The perks of creating a Digital Team is that it provides your study with more autonomy to order the gift cards when you need them, so long as you do not exceed your set budget. 

Digital Gift Cards Through Concur for Employee and Non-Employee Gifts and Awards

If you are attempting to send a digital gift card to an employee or non-employee, please use Concur. There are two new expense types listed for digital gift cards under employee and non-employees. Once your request is fully approved, gift cards will be sent to your recipient's via email on the date you selected. You will need to attach the following CSV file to the request. Be sure to fill in the recipient's name, email, gift card amount, and date you would like the gift card sent. 

Note: Physical gift cards will still be available to order through Concur and there will be no changes to the current process. 

Digital Teams for Human Subject Compensation

For IRB approved studies, departments can setup a Digital Team through Tremendous. 

Campus Training and Resources

Do you still need assistance?

Please submit a ticket via Service Now with the following service offerings:

  • About: Banking, Cash & Card Products
  • Related to: Gift Cards
  • More Specifically: Gift Cards (Human Subject Compensation) and Payment to PI

Note: If you have a study that is exempt from an IRB, you are not eligible for a Digital Team, please follow the process to order digital gift cards in Concur for non-employees. 

Digital Gift Cards for Employee/Non-Employee Gifts and Awards Through Concur

Digital Gift Cards for Employee and Non-Employee gifts and awards can be ordered through Concur. 

Campus Training and Resources

Do you still need assistance?

Please submit a ticket via Service Now with the following service offerings:

  • About: Banking, Cash & Card Products
  • Related to: Gift Cards
  • More Specifically: Gift Cards (Employee/Non-Employee)


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