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System Status: 

Staff/Faculty Employment Validation

Read about the Employment Validation tool, used by departments that provide services to staff or faculty.

Departments that provide services to staff or faculty need to verify employment status. Previously, departments checked for a current validation sticker on the back of the employee ID card. Now, the Employment Validation tool accomplishes this task. Validation stickers are no longer issued.

Note: Employees whose ID cards still have a Social Security number instead of the employee ID number should fill out an ID Card Request Form to obtain a new ID Card. Once reviewed by Campus Card Staff, you will receive an email with instructions to schedule an appointment to pick up your ID Card.

Check ID

To check an ID card, go to the:

Note: If your browser has a pop-up blocker, you may need to hold down the Ctrl key as you click the link to access the tool.

You'll find:

  • A box where you enter the employee ID number
  • A submit button

Check employment status

You can check the employment status in 2 ways by:

  • Entering the employee ID number
  • Swiping the employee's ID card with a magnetic stripe reader

You will get 1 of 3 responses from the tool:



Note: UCSD Retirement Association members' ID cards will continue to use validation stickers. Service departments should honor these cards (which look similar to staff ID cards) as long as the sticker is current. Address questions to Suzan Cioffi, (858) 534-4724.

Magnetic stripe readers

Magnetic stripe reader If your department has a high volume of employee status checks, a magnetic stripe reader may be useful. When attached to your computer, the reader allows you to swipe the card instead of entering the PID manually.

We have tested the following magnetic strip readers:

Name Part number Type Capability
UNITECH MSR 200 MSR200-33USB USB Mag Stripe Not programmable
IDTECH EASYMAG IDT-WCR3331-33QU USB Mag Stripe Programmable
IDTECH OMNI IDT-WCR3237-633U USB Mag Stripe/Bar Code Programmable

Note: These readers are compatible only with Windows operating systems 98, ME, 2000, and XP, as well as any Macintosh operating system with USB capability.

For more information, contact Campus Cards at (858) 534-6606.
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