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Glacier Record Request

Learn how to request a Glacier record for an international visitor paid through UCPath.

Process change

10/23/20: Please submit a Glacier record request even if the employee is living and working outside the U.S. The UCSD Glacier administrators will take it from there. We've added new instructions to the Glacier email the employee gets; they will be filling out a foreign-sourced income statement in Glacier. In UCPath, they will complete the foreign-sourced income statement and out-of-state tax form.


If you are processing Graduate student fellowship stipends, please do not submit a Glacier record request for your student(s). Instead, please submit your payment request via the Graduate Division Financial Support Request Tool, and the Graduate Division and UCSD Glacier & Taxation Teams will initiate Glacier records.

About Glacier

  • Glacier helps determine how payments to international visitors are taxed
  • It determines residency status for federal tax purposes and tax treaty eligibility, both of which can significantly affect taxation of payments.
  • It's a third party system used by all University of California campuses.
  • UC San Diego has been using Glacier since 2008.
  • Only the employee can complete or update their Glacier record.


  • Employees will be taxed at the highest rate until they complete their Glacier record and submit their Glacier materials, following the instructions on page 2 of their Glacier Tax Summary Report.
  • The only way to add an employee to Glacier is by submitting a spreadsheet (see below)
  • Departments: Submit a spreadsheet listing every new or rehired employee who meets the conditions below.
  • We are not using the Glacier Record Request Form at this time.
  • Tracker and Onboarding are NOT forwarding Glacier information to Payroll. We hope to correct that soon.
  • Please include those with postdoc fellowship and postdoc paid-direct appointments, every if they are not receiving payment.

To qualify for a record in Glacier, an employee must NOT be:

  • U.S. citizen
  • Non‐citizen national of the U.S.
  • U.S. lawful permanent resident
  • A refugee or have asylum status
  • In the U.S. under DACA

To request a Glacier record(s)

  • Complete a spreadsheet with the following columns and email it to the UCSD Glacier & Taxation Team (
  • All fields are required and must match UCPath.
  • If you're not sure if he/she already has a Glacier record at UCSD, include them in the spreadsheet.Glacier will reject duplicates.
  • New Glacier clients will receive an email from Glacier ( containing access information and instructions. 
Pay cycle B or M Last name First name Middle name (if none leave blank) UCPath ID number UCSD email address required. or not acceptable Name of person submitting form Submitter's email address


 Note: If the payment will not be entered in UCPath, please see Glacier: Tax Withholding for Foreign Individuals Payments.

Email the UCSD Glacier & TaxationTeam for more information.