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Animal Experiments Using Antineoplastic or Investigational New Drugs

Working with antineoplastic drugs or investigational new drugs and animal subjects.

Follow all appropriate procedures using the steps below as a checklist to guide you:

Obtain required approvals before beginning work.

Request prior approval and obtain a risk assessment from the Animal Subjects Committee, (858) 534-6069, by submitting an online protocol.

Consult before beginning work.

  • Contact the EH&S Chemical Hygiene Officer before beginning work with this protocol to ensure safe use of the chemical agent.
    • If protocol review indicates an unusual or unique risk to researchers or animal care staff, a safety considerations meeting will be required prior to acquiring animals.
    • Safety considerations meetings include all individuals (research staff, animal care personnel, and Environment, Health & Safety) that have a vested interest in ensuring the safe use of the particular chemical agent.

Follow these training guidelines.

A principal investigator (PI) or knowledgeable designee must provide appropriate safety training.

  • Inform employees about handling the drug or chemical, its physical properties (including solubility), and health effects seen in experimental studies and other applicable sources.
    • Review toxicological data from similar compounds if toxicological information is limited.
  • Explain possible routes of exposure as appropriate:
    • Inhalation
    • Skin absorption
    • Accidental injection
  • Provide and train employees in the proper use of personal protective equipment and engineering controls to prevent exposure.
  • Call (858) 534-1086 to provide the Animal Care staff with a summary of the training information.

Label containers and cages.

  • Label all containers with the following information:
    • Name of the material
    • Concentration
    • Warnings
    • Protective measures/li>
    • Date, when appropriate
    • Preparer's initials, when appropriate
  • Label animal cages with the appropriate hazard communication information below for the first 48 hours following administration of dosing solutions:
    • "Caution: Hazardous Chemical/ Drug"
  • Maintain the signage following this initial period according to this criteria:
    • Aqueous dosing solutions – Once the bedding has been changed, the warning sign can be removed.
    • Oil-soluble dosing solutions – Maintain the signage for 96 hours.

Take these safety precautions when administering the substance.

  • Injection or gavage: Use syringes and intravenous sets with Luer-lock fittings if possible when material is given via injection or gavage.
    • Perform priming into a sterile, alcohol-dampened gauze sponge.
    • Do not prime sets or syringes into the sink or any open receptacle.
    • House all affected animals in micro-isolator cages.
  • Diet: Use a closed-caging system if the substance must be administered in the diet. Mix all diets containing the hazardous material in closed containers inside a chemical fume hood or Class II Type B2 biosafety cabinet.

Dispose of hazardous waste properly.

Animal bedding that is contaminated by animal excreta containing trace amounts of antineoplastic drugs shed during the animals hazardous period and other materials that are used that come into contact with antineoplastic agents — in addition to waste chemicals — are subject to hazardous waste disposal requirements. Refer to the hazard control plan for details.

Resources and references

Questions? Contact the EH&S Chemical Hygiene Officer.
Notice: Disposal of hazardous waste using sinks, intentional evaporation, or as regular trash is against the law. Campus laboratories must abide by strict state and federal waste disposal requirements. You may be held liable for violations of applicable laws.