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Managing Spiders

black widow spider on a web

Learn how to prevent and deal with spider infestations.


If bitten by a black widow:

  • Land lines: Dial 9-1-1
  • Cell phones: Dial (858) 534-HELP (4357)

Indoor infestation

Eliminating other insects from indoor areas will discourage spiders from entering.

If spiders are indoors, use one of the following methods to remove them:

  • Place a jar over the spider and slip a piece of heavy paper (or several sheets of paper) under the jar to trap the spider inside. Transport the spider outside, point the jar opening away from your body, and release it carefully.
  • Use a vacuum to capture the spider and its web, and dispose of the bag in an outside trashcan or open the bag outside with extreme care.
  • Use a newspaper or other object and strike swiftly. Without touching the spider, use a paper towel to collect the spider and dispose of it in the trash.
  • Use a pesticide-free spray to kill the spider. 


  • HDH Residential Housing (HDHfixit) ticket system, or Customer Service Center (858) 534-2600.
  • Emergencies
    • Environment, Health & Safety:
      (858) 534-4534 weekdays, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    • Campus Police: (858) 534-4357 after business hours
  • Non-emergencies (Typical response time: 1 working day)
Questions? Contact EH&S Pest Management, (858) 534-4534.
Notice: Environment, Health & Safety does not provide pest control advice or help to individuals or agencies outside UC San Diego. Area residents should contact their local animal control agency or exterminator for assistance.