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Creating an Endowed Chair (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

Read the description below to see how an endowed chair or professorship is created at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

1. Deans

  • Works with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) development office to propose an endowed chair and execute the gift agreement

2. Donor Stewardship Office

  • Drafts a letter proposing the endowed chair with input from the SIO Dean and the SIO Development Office. The letter:
    • Explains how the proposed endowed chair fits into the academic plan for the department or school
    • Serves as a proposal to establish and name an endowed chair
  • Drafts the item for action
    • Proposed name of the chair
    • Explains how the chair will be funded
    • Provides information on donor or honoree
    • Provides information about the proposed chair and any conditions of the chair
  • Obtains the signature of the SIO Dean on the proposal letter
  • Requests a pre-review of the endowed chair documents from the Office of Institutional Advancement, UCOP
  • Sends the original signed letter and the draft item for action to the Executive Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs

3. Executive Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs (EVCAA)

  • Forwards the proposal to the Academic Senate Chair

4. Academic Senate Chair

  • Submits the proposal to the Educational Policy Committee (EPC)

5. Academic Senate Educational Policy Committee (EPC)

  • Evaluates the proposal
  • If approved, sends its recommendation to the Executive Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs (EVCAA) with copies to:
    • Academic Senate Chair
    • Academic Senate Vice-Chair
    • Senate Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP)
  • If not approved or if there are questions, sends a communication to the EVCAA

6. Executive Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs (EVCAA)

  • Sends the original approval letter to the Donor Stewardship Office
  • Sends copies of the approval to:
    • SIO Dean
    • SIO development director
    • Assistant Vice Chancellor – Academic Affairs
    • Associate Vice Chancellor – University Development
    • Academic Personnel Services (APS)

7. Donor Stewardship Office

  • Drafts the EVCAA's letter to theChancellor recommending approval of the proposed chair
  • Finalizes the item for action
  • Sends the letter and finalized item for action to theEVCAA's office for signature and routing to the Chancellor

8. Chancellor

  • Reviews the item for action
  • Signs the EVCAA's letter, if approved
  • Sends the apporoval letter to the EVCAA and Office of Donor Stewardship

The appointment process (see Step 11) can begin after approval by the Chancellor

9. Executive Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs

  • Sends a copy of the approval letter to the:
    • Academic Personnel Services (APS)
    • Divisional Dean
    • Department Chair (if applicable)

10. Vice Chancellor - Advancement

  • Sends a copy to:
    • SIO Development
    • Other relevant parties

11. The appointment process begins

Fore more information, contact Corinne Cramer (858) 534-8888.
Academic Affairs