UCSD Standards for Effective Supervision
Learn about campuswide standards for managers and supervisors.
In addition to the 4 areas of individual performance (the Principles of Community, diversity, health and safety, and customer service), read about additional standards for managers or designated supervisors.
Starting with the 2006 performance review cycle, new standards for managers and designated supervisors became part of the UCSD performance appraisal process. These standards describe the broad expectations for solid performance for supervisors. They appear in the revised forms of each of the 4 models for performance appraisal and should be added to customized versions.
The standards for "solid performance" in supervision are listed below. Provide one rating for each section. For instructions for the other 4 areas of individual performance, read Performance Standards.Supervision (for managers and supervisors only): UCSD managers and designated supervisors play a crucial leadership role ensuring the effectiveness and productivity of their units. Their job is to inspire and support employees to achieve the mission and goals of the university. Supervisors demonstrate effective supervision by performance consistent with campuswide standards for the UCSD Principles of Community, diversity, health and safety, and customer service, and for the following:
Creating a climate of trust and mutual respect; increasing the potential for employees to be productive and to feel welcome, valued, and motivated. Solid performance will be demonstrated when supervisors or managers:
- Align their practices with the mission and values of their organizations, and discuss them with their employees at least annually
- Exhibit ethical leadership and model the conduct they expect from those they lead
- Perform their duties with honesty, accountability, fairness, and professionalism
- Undertake efforts to create a workplace climate consistent with the UCSD Principles of Community
- Exhibit caring, responsiveness, flexibility, and effective communication skills
Performance management:
Managing employee performance in alignment with the mission and goals of the department or unit and consistent with relevant policies and collective bargaining agreements. Solid performance will be demonstrated when supervisors or managers:
- Include employees in these processes
- Develop and communicate the goals of the unit or department and strategies for achieving them
- Clarify the roles of their employees in current job descriptions
- Develop and clearly explain performance expectations
- Provide timely and objective feedback about performance
- Conduct constructive annual performance appraisals
- Discuss learning and development options with their staff at least annually
- Provide reasonable support for professional development in accord with university policy, collective bargaining agreements, and the UCSD Values for Learning and Professional Development
- Encourage employee growth by supporting responsible initiative and innovation as appropriate learning experiences
- Address employee performance problems in consultation with the appropriate UCSD authorities, consistent with university policies and collective bargaining agreements
Organizational accountability:
Delegating authority consistent with the UCSD Principles of Accountability. Solid performance will be demonstrated when supervisors or managers:
- Delegate tasks to qualified employees and create structures to ensure oversight and accountability without conflict of interest
- Review delegations regularly to confirm that records kept are accurate, complete, current, and secure
Resource management and planning:
Managing available resources efficiently to provide the best services possible while enabling employees to achieve their work goals. Solid performance will be demonstrated when supervisors or managers:
- Analyze and project needs effectively
- Allocate and manage resources efficiently
- Assign work equitably according to the priorities of the unit or department