Mandatory Employment Notices and Posters
Last Updated: October 14, 2021 3:28:38 PM PDT
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Find links to employment notices and posters that departments must post to comply with federal and state laws.
Department heads are responsible for posting mandatory employment notices and posters in a place where employees can view them in the normal course of business.
In buildings that house more than one department, it's sufficient to display a single posting in an area used by employees, such as break rooms, official bulletin boards, or entrances/ exits.
UCnet posters and notices
Find PDF versions of general posters and notices on the UCnet: Mandatory Employment Notices/ Posters.
Examples of posters and notices on At Your Service are:
- Minimum wage notices
- Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) notices
- Nondiscrimination notices
- CAL/OSHA forms and notices
Mandatory UCSD notices
UCSD has local versions of the whistleblowing, payday and safety notices. Post these instead of the UCOP versions:
- Whistleblower notice: "UCSD Whistleblower Hotline Information" (PDF) and "California State Auditor Whistleblower Hotline Information" (PDF)
- Workers' Compensation Notification Pharmacy Benefit Network (English PDF or Spanish PDF)
- Payday notice: Payroll Calendar (use current year)
- Access to Medical and Exposure Records (PDF): Information about accessing occupational medical and exposure records, and safety data sheets (formerly called Material Safety Data Sheets) for substances used in the workplace.
- Notice to Employees – Injuries Caused by Work (PDF) – Information about Workers' Compensation for California workers (English and Spanish)
For more information, contact Employee Relations and Policy Development, (858) 534-4115.
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