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FSAP Groups and Workshops

Find programs offered by the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) on a variety of topics.

Community Guidelines in Support of Trust and Safety

FSAP supports the free and open exchange of thoughts and ideas. We are proud to facilitate meaningful conversations and professional collaborations through the use of Zoom.  Please review our guide (PDF) for the standards of behavior we encourage of all our users.

Groups Offered

First Generation Professionals (FGPs) Support Group

Facilitated by Valeria Moreno, APCC, FSAP Associate Counselor 

  • Thursdays from noon - 1 p.m.
  • This group will be offered exclusively during 2025 on February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15 and June 12. Anyone who identifies as a first generation professional (FGP) is welcome to attend.
  • Who Are First Generation Professionals (FGPs)?
    • Neither parent or guardian graduated from a four-year university.
    • The first to complete professional school or enter a professional career.
    • Identify as a first generation professional, coming from low-income or working-class backgrounds.
  • What is Our Purpose? 
    • Center the lived experiences of FGPs.
    • Explore and discuss tools to support the emotional well-being of FGPs.
    • Enhance self-compassion for navigating workplace and personal challenges for FGPs.
    • Build a supportive community at work for FGPs.

Jewish Wellness Forum

Facilitated by Lindsay Winters, ASW, FSAP Associate Counselor 
  • December 6 from 12:30 - 2 p.m.
  • In response to continued requests from Jewish faculty and staff, FSAP is offering an open conversation for Jewish campus staff and faculty, and postdoctoral scholars (Campus and UC San Diego Health) to come together in their shared Jewishness. This space is intended to bring Jewish individuals together through a sharing and listening of experiences: a meeting informed by compassion, understanding and conversations about what resilience and tradition can mean for the community. Employees will be invited to share what being Jewish means to them, as well as exploring possible topics for future discussions.

Connecting with Grief: Miscarriage & Pregnancy Loss Support Group

Facilitated by Izabel Caetano Francy, LCSW, PMH-C, CEAP

  • Wednesdays from 3 - 4 p.m.
  • This short-term group is designed for those who have experienced womb loss and will be offered on March 5, 12 and 19.  We will explore the emotional landscape of grief in a supportive environment, with sessions to include psychoeducation, discussion questions, reflection and coping strategies to deepen participants' understanding of their grief process. Attendance will be limited to 15 participants.
  • Different topics and future dates to be announced.

Tritons Flourish

Facilitated by William Youngblood, M.S., LMFT, CEAP, CATP

  • Third Friday of the month from noon - 1 p.m. [Note:  February meeting will be on the Fourth Friday]
  • Open to any UC San Diego campus employee interested in connecting with others who are committed to flourishing in their personal and professional lives.

Mindful Pause (Mindfulness Meditation Group)

Facilitated by Bryan McNutt, Ph.D., LMFT, CEAP
  • Third Wednesday of the month from 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
  • This monthly group meeting will focus on using practical approaches for applying mindfulness-based skills in our daily lives, including our working life. As an experiential group, sessions will include a brief educational component, followed by basic guided meditation exercises that can be utilized to help nurture more emotional calm, focus, and intentional presence in your daily life.

BIPOC Support Group 

Facilitated by Cat Thompson, Ph.D. and Jennifer Triana Tahbaz, LCSW
  • Third Tuesday of the month from noon - 1 p.m.
  • This monthly group meeting will provide a supportive online conversational space created for any UC San Diego campus employee identifying as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). This space is held with the intention of connecting around our identities and exploring our shared common experiences.

Black Community Support Group

Facilitated by Cat Thompson, Ph.D.
  • First Tuesday of the month from noon - 1 p.m.
  • This monthly group meeting will provide a supportive online conversational space created for any UC San Diego campus staff and faculty identifying as Black. This space is held with the intention of connecting around our identities and exploring our shared common experiences.

Neurodivergent Support Groups

Facilitated by Christina Lambert, Ph.D.

Support Group for Neurodivergent Staff:

  • Thursdays from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
  • Connect with other campus staff who experience challenges associated with, but not limited to, ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Sensitivity, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia. Share ideas. Find support. Cultivate strengths. Winter/Spring 2025 Flyer (PDF)
Support Group for Parents & Caregivers of Neurodivergent Kids/Teens/Young Adults

Working with Neurodivergence — Consultation Hours

Dr. Christina Lambert of FSAP offers consultation to People Leaders and Faculty seeking strategies and resources to work effectively with neurodivergence (e.g., ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities) in themselves and/or others. Introduction to Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence

In honor of Disability Pride Month (July), Intersectionality Awareness Month (August) and National Suicide Prevention Month (September), campus faculty and staff are invited to join  Dr. Christina Lambert of FSAP for a virtual lunchtime workshop (12 - 1 p.m.). Introductory topics will include terminology, prevalence, variations, intersectionality, masking, burnout, strengths, advocacy and allyship. Register for Noon Workshops (PDF)

Parent and Caregiver Support Groups

Working Moms of 0-5 Year Olds Support Group, facilitated by Izabel Caetano Francy, LCSW, PMH-C, CEAP  
Working Parents of Elementary and Middle Schoolers Support Group, facilitated by Izabel Caetano Francy, LCSW, PMH-C, CEAP
Working Parents of Teens Support Group,  facilitated by Izabel Caetano Francy, LCSW, PMH-C, CEAP
Caregivers and Eldercare Support Group, facilitated by Crystal De Bell, Ph.D., LMFT, CEAP

Support Group for Parents & Caregivers of Neurodivergent Kids/Teens/Young Adults

  • Thursdays from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (Register for Thursday Sessions)
  • These Thursday group meetings provide a caring space for neurodivergent staff, postdoctoral scholars, and employees who are parents & caregivers of neurodivergent kids to support each other in strengthening professional effectiveness, emotional well-being, mindful living and interpersonal dynamics.
  • Email Christina Lambert for more information.

Examples of FSAP Workshops

  • Supporting the Hidden Worker: Supervising Diverse Employees — This presentation and interactive workshop will explore some of the main workplace stressors affecting diverse-identified employees, with primary consideration of the pervasive obstacles associated with minority stress.  We will explore opportunities that leaders have to provide culturally responsive support for diverse-identified employees, including effective supervisory engagement that fosters psychological safety and models a learning culture of work.  This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor Bryan McNutt.
  • Hard Times, Soft Tactics: Mind-Body Skills for Busy Professionals — A sampler of simple, research-based approaches to help prevent stress-related illness, burn out and fatigue while empowering you to higher creativity and a more meaningful connection with your core values and relationships. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor Crystal De Bell.
  • Resiliency Toolbox — Learn how to increase your mental stamina and emotional flexibility. Develop your own standards for your capacity to bounce back from difficult and discouraging life events. Create a set of guiding principles you can live by. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor William Youngblood.
  • Navigating Uncertainty and Managing Stress — Learn practical and effective research-backed, brain-based techniques for managing the general challenges that arise during times of uncertainty and change. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor Izabel Caetano Francy.
  • The Supervisor's Toolkit in Dealing with the Troubled Employee — Learn your role in identifying and referring a troubled employee. This workshop is intended for supervisors or managers. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor William Youngblood.
  • Workplace Bullying, Fear, and Building Trust — An overview of workplace bullying solutions. Through a frank discussion of the equation that allows for bullying to arise, we can begin to see opportunities for change. Learn behaviors that are within our control, strategies for those who feel they have been bullied, tips for managers to create and maintain a safe workplace environment, as well as insights for those who may have been called a bully or have been accused of bullying. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor Izabel Caetano Francy.
  • Providing Pivotal Workplace Feedback — Haven’t we all wished we could say what we mean and mean what we say when asked to give feedback in the workplace? Too often we may find we are lacking for the right words to offer constructive and meaningful feedback for our coworkers, supervisors and teams. Whether we are asked for our opinion, simply need to give clearer direction to those we supervise or want to help shape the future of a project, this workshop will help participants learn an effective model for communication under high stakes circumstances. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor Christina Lambert.
  • Perfectly Imperfect Motherhood: Pregnancy & Beyond — An introduction to the emotional life of pregnant moms, a review of the challenges of new motherhood and the struggle to balance well-being. Participants will be introduced to research-backed, brain-based approaches to address stress and manage realistic parenting expectations during a life transition of massive change. Helpful handouts and resources will be provided for new moms and partners to share with their healthcare providers and family members. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor Izabel Caetano Francy.
  • Conscious Parenting — Explore practical tips on how to become a more conscious and conscientious parent to a child of any age. Based on current brain science, psychological development and attachment research, every parent can design their own path towards a more conscious and connected parenting practice. Come join a growing cadre of parents who are putting science to work in order to develop healthier and more fulfilling familial relationships. This group designed and typically facilitated by FSAP Counselor Izabel Caetano Francy.

These are some examples of our workshops or presentations that your staff or department might find interesting. Please submit a Request a Presentation or Workshop Form to get in touch with FSAP for more information and scheduling our services.

For more information, contact the FSAP staff.