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UC San Diego can provide paid time off for voting in local, state, and federal elections.

Non-exempt employees can receive up to 2 hours leave with pay to vote in a local, state, or federal election if they do not have time to vote outside of working hours. Any additional time off is without pay.

If you need to take time off to vote, you must:

  • Take the time at the beginning or end of your regular work shift (whichever allows the most time for voting and the least time off work), unless otherwise agreed.
  • Give your manager 2 working days notice.

Download notices for posting: State law requires employers to post a notice 10 days before a statewide election about taking paid leave to vote. Departments should post a notice either in the workplace or where it can be seen by employees as they enter or exit. Use these links to download signs:

For more information, speak with your supervisor, HR contact, or the Employee Relations specialist for your vice chancellor area.
Notice: The information on this page summarizes provisions of university policies and/or collective bargaining agreements. Refer to the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) and local implementing procedures or applicable collective bargaining agreement for full text of referenced information.