RCI Staff Listing
Last Updated: March 5, 2025 10:47:36 AM PST
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See a staff directory for the Office of Research Compliance and Integrity (RCI).
Name: | Role: | Phone: | E-mail: |
John R. Baumann, Ph.D. | Assistant Vice Chancellor, Research Compliance and Integrity (RCI) | 858-534-7321 | jobaumann@ucsd.edu |
Diana Kim | RCI Research Integrity and Oversight Director | 858-246-5210 | ddk002@ucsd.edu |
Rebecca "Bec" Beutler | RCI Research Compliance Analyst | 858-822-1767 | rbeutler@ucsd.edu |
Laura Schuller | RCI Research Compliance Analyst | 858-534-7931 | lschuller@ucsd.edu |
Allyssa Blair | RCI Research Compliance Analyst | 858-246-3494 | avblair@ucsd.edu |
Dena Demos | RCI Executive Assistant | 858-822-4939 | ddemos@ucsd.edu |
Naomi Cortez | RCI Data Assistant | 858-822-4939 | nacortez@ucsd.edu |
Jennifer J. Ford | RCI Operational Executive Director, Conflict of Interest (COI) Director | 858-534-3335 | jjford@ucsd.edu |
Jennifer Patterson | COI Research Compliance Analyst | 858-534-3695 | jdpatterson@ucsd.edu |
Xuemei Wang | COI Research Compliance Analyst | 858-534-9974 | xmwang@ucsd.edu |
Madeleine "Mady" Paley | COI Research Compliance Analyst | 858-822-1636 | mepaley@ucsd.edu |
Tanya Thrun | COI Data Assistant | 858-534-6465 | tthrun@ucsd.edu |
Diane Pinkerton | COI/Export Control Administrative Assistant | 858-246-5475 | dpinkerton@ucsd.edu |
Laura Provencher | Director, Export Control | 858-534-4175 | lprovencher@ucsd.edu |
Eric Dean | Facility Security Officer/Sr. Export Analyst | 858-534-1947 | e1dean@ucsd.edu |
Ivan Hernandez | Export Analyst | 858-822-1068 | i6hernandez@ucsd.edu |
Ashley Rubio | Export Analyst/Assistant Facility Security Officer | 858-822-4136 | asrubio@ucsd.edu |
Christina Continelli | Export Analyst | 858-246-3300 | ccontinelli@ucsd.edu |
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) | Main Office | 858-534-6069 | iacuc@ucsd.edu |
For more information, contact our main desk at (858) 822-4939.