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Research Compliance Hot Topics and Training Program

Find out about the Research Compliance Hot Topics and Training Program, offered to all UC San Diego faculty, staff and students.

The UC San Diego Research Compliance and Integrity Office (RCI) is pleased to offer the Research Compliance Hot Topics and Training Program (Program). The Program offers training through a variety of forums, including workshops, videos, newsletters and other activities, and is designed to serve as an educational resource to assist the UC San Diego research community with the complexities of conducting research.  

Upcoming Session:

Title:  Artificial Intelligence and Human Subjects Research
Date:  January 29, 2025
Time:  11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Registration Link

Past Sessions:

October 9, 2024: The Promise and Pitfalls of the Academic Research Ecosystem: Root Causes and Strategies for Improvement

August 21, 2024: Office of Research and Innovation Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion – Free Speech on Campus 101

June 26, 2024: Updates to APM 025/671 including UC OATS and Federal Agency Expectations

May 15, 2024: Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (MFTRP): What Are They and Why Are They Prohibited by Federal Funding Agencies?

April 24, 2024: Export Control- What You Need to Know for Your International Travel, Engagements, Shipments, and Research

March 20, 2024: Research Data Curation

Title:  Research Data Curation
Date:  March 20, 2024
Powerpoint Slides (PDF)

February 21, 2024: Conflict of Interest (COI) - COI Disclosure Requirements

January 25, 2024: Review of New Office of IRB Administration (OIA) SOPs and Website

November 15, 2023: Overview of UCSD Audit & Management Advisory Services

Title: Overview of UCSD Audit & Management Advisory Services
Date: November 15, 2023
Powerpoint Slides (PDF)

October 25, 2023: Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in your Research Program (repeat session)

September 20, 2023: Research Data Management and NIH’s Data Management Policy

August 16, 2023: Neurodiversity Awareness and Allyship

Title:  Neurodiversity Awareness and Allyship
Date:  August 16, 2023
Contact Information (PDF)

June 14, 2023: All Things Innovation and Commercialization

May 24, 2023: Symposium on University Research Fundamentals (SURF)

Title:  Symposium on University Research Fundamentals (SURF)
Date:  May 24, 2023
Please note:  The session presentations were not recorded; however, below are the Powerpoint presentation slides for viewing.
  1. Office of Information Assurance: Why, Some Say, Research Security
  2. Research Ethics Program
  3. Research Compliance and Integrity
  4. Office of IRB Administration
  5. UC San Diego Sponsored Projects Offices
  6. Sponsored Projects Finance – Effort Reporting and ECERT
  7. Export Control
  8. Conflict of Interest
  9. Research IT Services - Cybersecurity Certification for Research (CCR)
  10. Health Sciences Business Contracting
  12. Research Data Curation
  13. Case Study:  Award Setup Division of Responsibilities and Select Post Award Processes
  14. Case Study:  Post-Award Financial Management with Project Management Dashboard
  15. Case Study:  Kuali IRB Human Subjects Clinical Research Uses Cases

April 19, 2023: COI: Navigating Kuali COI and Disclosure Requirements for Research

March 15, 2023: UC OATS-Policy Overview and System Introduction

February 8, 2023: Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in your Research Program (repeat session)

January 18, 2023: IRB Town Hall: New ICF Templates and Common Reliance Mistakes

November 16, 2022: International Shipping Considerations within an Academic Research Environment

October 19, 2022: Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in Your Research Program (repeat session)

September 21, 2022: Study Coordinator 102

Title:  Study Coordinator 102
Date:  September 21, 2022
Powerpoint Slides (PDF)

August 17, 2022: EH&S Compliance with Federal and State Requirements While Conducting Research

June 15, 2022: Export Control 101

Title:  Export Control 101: Basics You Need
Date:  June 15, 2022

May 25, 2022: Symposium on University Research Fundamentals

May 18, 2022: Stem Cell Activities and NIH Supported Human Fetal Tissue Research at UC San Diego

April 13, 2022: Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in Your Research Program (repeat session)

Title:  Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in Your Research Program
         (repeat session)
Date:  April 13, 2022

March 23, 2022: Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in Your Research Program (repeat session)

Title:  Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in Your Research Program
Date:  March 23, 2022 (Please note:  The above link is to a recording of the original session conducted in October, 2021.)

February 16, 2022: The Role of Research in Social Justice

Title:  The Role of Research in Social Justice
Date:  February 16, 2022

January 19, 2022: IRB Town Hall

Title  IRB Town Hall
Date:  January 19, 2022

January 12, 2022: NIH 023-71 Updates (Follow Up Session)

Title:  NIH 023-71 Updates
Date:  January 12, 2022
Powerpoint Slides (PDF)

November 10, 2021: NIH 023-71 - Changes to the Biographical Sketch and Other Support Format Page

October 20, 2021: Cybersecurity Certification for Research: Achieving Cyber-Resilience in Your Research Program

September 15, 2021: Navigating UC OATS and Kuali COI

August 18, 2021: OPAFS Post Award Financial Administration Overview

June 16, 2021: FOIA and CPRA Requests

Title:  FOIA and CPRA Requests
Date:  June 16, 2021
Powerpoint Slides (PDF)

May 19, 2021: Study Coordinator 101

Title:  Study Coordinator 101
Date:  May 19, 2021
Powerpoint Slides (PDF)

April 14, 2021: Export Control 101: Basics You Need

February 17, 2021: All About Innovation and Commercialization

Title:  All About Innovation and Commercialization
Date:  February 17, 2021

January 20, 2021: Kuali IRB

Title:  Kuali IRB Coming Soon:  When, Why and How
Date: January 20, 2021
FAQ and Answers from Kuali IRB Town Hall - 2021-04-09 (PDF)

Please note: The RCI Office welcome remarks and the speaker introduction were not captured on the presentation recording.

November 18, 2020:

Date:  November 18, 2020

November 3, 2020: Biosafety and the Institutional Biosafety Committee Requirements for Researchers

October 21, 2020: Advanced Good Clinical Practices

Title:  Advanced Good Clinical Practices
Date:  October 21, 2020

September 23, 2020: NSF Formatting Requirements for New Proposals

August 26, 2020: Cybersecurity, Data Use, CMMC and CUI

Title:  Cybersecurity, Data Use, CMMC and CUI
Date:  August 26, 2020

August 19, 2020: ClinicalTrials.Gov: Entering Results

June 24, 2020: Navigating Kuali COI and COI Disclosure Requirements

May 27, 2020: Research and Privacy Considerations

Title: Research and Privacy Considerations
Date:  May 27, 2020

At the presentation, there were two clarifications that were to be provided to the attendees.  Attached is the COVID-19 guidance posted on the IRB website.  This document addresses when notification to the IRB is required for a change in the consent process during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have also included the UC Systemwide HIPAA Implementation Taskforce position paper on Research-related Health Information and its relation to HIPAA PHI.

April 28, 2020: Other Support, Biosketches, and Disclosing a Foreign Component when Working with NIH, NSF, DOD, or DOE

February 27, 2020: Use of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for a Compliant Study

January 21, 2020: Using Single IRBs in Multisite Human Subjects Research

Title:  Using Single IRBs in Multisite Human Subjects Research
Date:  January 21, 2020

November 20, 2019: UC OATS- Policy Overview and System Introduction

Title:  UC OATS- Policy Overview and System Introduction (log in required)
Date:  November 20, 2019

PLEASE NOTE: On this recording, you will hear a number of questions regarding outside activities performed during vacation hours and whether those activities are required to be reported.  This differs depending on whether you are covered by APM 025 or APM 671 (a member of the Health Sciences Comp Plan). This distinction was not made clear during the presentation, so please refer to the following APMs for the correct rules:

For faculty covered by APM 671 (members of the Health Sciences Comp Plan), the policy states:
671-14 c. Faculty on Leave
Faculty who engage in professional activities while on approved leaves with pay such as sabbatical and vacation must comply with requirements for disclosure, prior approval, and annual reporting for outside professional activities. These activities, as well as professional activities performed during the evenings and weekends, count toward the annual time limits and earnings approval threshold. School Implementing Procedures must describe the requirements for disclosure, prior approval, and annual reporting for outside professional activities and earnings during periods of leave without pay.

For faculty covered by APM 025, the policy states:
c. Faculty on leave
(3) Vacation
Faculty on approved vacation are not subject to the disclosure, prior approval, annual reporting requirements, or time limits described in APM - 025-8-b for outside professional activity performed during the vacation period.

IN ADDITION, we apologize that this video record is missing the first seven minutes due to an audio-visual error.  Please refer to the slides for the information addressed during the first seven minutes of the presentation.

October 23, 2019: Compliance with Federal and State Permitting Requirements While Conducting Research

September 26, 2019:

Title: (log in required)
Date:  September 26, 2019

August 21, 2019: Good Publishing Practices and the Risks of Predatory Publishing

June 18, 2019: International Engagements Considerations, Existing and Evolving Federal, UC and Campus Requirements

May 22, 2019: Research Data Integrity, Sensitivity and Security: Protecting Your Work in the Changing Landscape of Sponsored Research

February 27, 2019: Navigating COI, the Disclosure Forms and the Intersection with Conflict of Commitment Workshop

January 30, 2019: Town Hall Meeting with the UC San Diego Human Research Protections Program

For questions or customized training, please contact the Research Compliance and Integrity Office at or (858) 822-4939.
To view our Newsletters and Hot Topics, please visit the RCI Newsletters and Hot Topics website.