Exception Request to Conduct Research Outside the University
Last Updated: March 7, 2024 8:58:46 AM PST
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Learn about Exceptions to Conduct Research Outside the University with instructions on how to request an exception.
Exceptions to the requirement to submit proposals and awards through the University may be granted by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (VCRI) on a case by case basis. See the UC Policy, “Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the University.” Also see UC San Diego PPM (PPM 150-82) for the implementation procedures and information on how to submit exception requests to conduct research outside the University.How to Apply for an "Exception to Conduct Research Outside the University"
If you are included on a proposal, grant application or award outside of the University, you are required to obtain an exception to conduct research outside of the University under UC Policy, “Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the University.”
- In advance of being included on a proposal, grant application or accepting an award from an external party that will not be administered by the University, please complete the online request form. Please be prepared to provide the following information:
- A list of the specific proposals, grant applications, and awards that the requestor wishes to be on outside of the University. For each proposal, grant application, and award, the requestor should provide the proposal title, agency, grant time period, their anticipated role, and their anticipated time commitment.
- The rationale/justification for the request, including anticipated benefits to the University.
- An explanation for why the requested activity will not interfere with the requestor’s duties and responsibilities to the UC San Diego campus.
- Information on how the requestor will maintain a clear distinction and separation between the requestor’s service to the University and service to the external party.
- An affirmation from the requestor that all University personnel, research, and intellectual property policies will be followed and that the University name will not be used by the external party without prior University approval.
- Once the online form is submitted, the form will be routed, via email, to the requestor’s Department Chair or Dean for approval.
- In reviewing requests for an exception, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation will consider whether there exists a compelling reason to grant an exception, the degree of overlap in and/or conflicts with research and/or responsibilities between the proposed activity and the requestor’s University duties and responsibilities, the adequacy of the separation between the requestor’s University obligations and the proposed extramural activities, the risk that the proposed activity may result in a violation of University policy, and the justifications for the request.
- The Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation will determine if the exception request is permissible. Exception requests will be granted only in unusual circumstances and only if, considering the totality of the circumstances, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation determines that granting the request is in the best interests of the University. An Email notification will be provided to the requestor and their Department Chair or Dean.
- The RCI Office will maintain a list of the exception requests (regardless if approved or not) in accordance with the UC Records Retention Schedule at https://recordsretention.ucop.edu/
Frequently Asked Questions
Applicable Policies
For questions or to request a review, please contact the Research Compliance and Integrity Office at rci@ucsd.edu or (858) 822-4939.