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Learn about the Registration and Reporting Requirements. ( is a public registry aimed at increased transparency and improved public awareness of research. captures significant summary protocol information before and during the clinical trial as well as summary results and adverse event information of a completed trial.

Principal Investigator Responsibilities

For all UC San Diego (UCSD) employees registering a new clinical trial on, they must create a user account under the UCSD institutional Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) account, “UCSDMED.” There are a number of aspects to First, the clinical trial must be registered and updated on, then after the clinical trial completion, the results of the trial must be published. See the Factsheets listed below:

  1. Registration: User's Guide and Registration (PDF)
  2. Updating: Annual Report and Updating the Study Record (PDF)
  3. Results: Publishing Results and Adverse Events Factsheet (PDF)

UCSD Investigators are responsible for determining whether or not they are obligated to register a clinical trial and for any subsequent required updates, including results reporting. For more information about registration requirements, see “Registering Qualifying Clinical Trials" below.

Designating a Responsible Party

Each clinical trial registered on must have a designated Responsible Party (RP). The RP is legally responsible for registering their study record on, ensuring accuracy and that the content is up-to-date. There can be only one RP for each clinical trial registered.

If a clinical trial is Industry Initiated/Sponsored, the Industry Sponsor must serve as the RP. Some institutions allow for the Industry Sponsor to transfer the RP duties to the Principal Investigator, however, this is not permitted at UCSD.

UCSD, as an entity, cannot be the RP. Clinical trials must list the Principal investigator or the Industry Sponsor as the RP. Use the Factsheet below to help determine the RP.

Factsheet: Determining the Responsible Party decision tree

Registering Qualifying Clinical Trials

There are a number of regulatory bodies and other entities that require registration and results publication on One or more of these polices may apply. Clinical trials that do not meet the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act (FDAAA) or National Institute of Health (NIH) requirements may still meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) requirements. See the Factsheet below to help determine if the clinical trial must be registered.

Factsheet: Registration and Results Decision Tree (PDF)

Timeline for Registration and Reporting

UCSD requires submission of all clinical trials that fall under any of the following categories:

Policy FDAAA 801 and Final Rule ICMJE Policy NIH Policy
Scope Applicable clinical trials (ACT) Interventional clinical trials (broad scope of "intervention") NIH-funded clinical trials
Effective Dates January 18, 2017 July 1, 2005 January 18, 2017
When to register No later than 21 days
of enrollment of the first subject
Prior to first subject enrollment No later than 21 days
of enrollment of the
first subject
Results reporting No later than 12 months after the Primary Completion Date (the last subject last visit) Not required No later than 12 months after the Primary Completion Date (the
last subject last visit)
Phase of
the trial
Excludes Phase 1 (drug) and Feasibility (device) All clinical trials All clinical trials
Funding Source Any Any NIH (either partially
or fully)
Intervention Type All FDA regulated drugs, biologics and devices All (including behavioral, diagnostics, dietary supplements, etc.) All (including behavioral, diagnostics, dietary supplements, etc.)
Potential Enforcement
  • Public notice of
  • FDA sanctions
  • Civil monetary penalties ($13,237/day)
  • Loss of HHS Funding to study and/or institution
Rejection of the publication Loss of NIH funding for the PI AND for UCSD

This chart was adapted from KUMC Research Institute Clinical Research Administration “ Registration Guide.”

Other funding agencies may require that a clinical trial be registered on  All signatories to the May 18, 2017, WHO, International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) require registration and results reporting from the grantees.  One signatory, for example, is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  For all external funding and sponsorship, the Principal Investigator is required to review all award letters to ascertain if registration on is required.

When are Updates Required?

Throughout the course of a clinical trial, the record will need to be updated periodically. Some updates are required within 30 days of changes made to the study and others are required annually.

Factsheet: Annual Reporting and Updating the Study Record (PDF)

Publishing Results

Submission of results information is required no later than 1 year after the primary completion date of the clinical trial, which is defined as the date of final data collection for the primary outcome measure.

Factsheet: Instructions for Publishing Results (PDF)

For clinical trials with primary completion dates on or after January 18, 2017, the protocol and statistical analysis plan (SAP) must be uploaded to under the “Documents Section.” All documents uploaded to will be posted publicly after it undergoes Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) review.

Factsheet: Instructions for Uploading Study Documents and Redaction Guide (PDF)

Researchers can contact the team for assistance. Their support can be particularly helpful when it comes to complex study designs or issues with submitting summary results information into the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS). In most cases, the team provides guidance by email, but in some cases they may also offer to set up a teleconference at a mutually convenient time to discuss study specifics and provide tailored guidance as to how to enter results into PRS. Email at

Informed Consent Form Posting Requirements

The “Revised Common Rule” requires clinical trials conducted or supported by a Common Rule department or agency to post a copy of the approved informed consent form to a publicly available federal website within a specific timeframe. This new regulation applies to all clinical trials initiated on or after January 21, 2019.

45 CFR §46.116(h) Posting of clinical trial consent form

(1) For each clinical trial conducted or supported by a Federal department or agency, one Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved informed consent form used to enroll subjects must be posted by the awardee or the Federal department or agency component conducting the trial on a publicly available Federal website that will be established as a repository for such informed consent forms.

(2) If the Federal department or agency supporting or conducting the clinical trial determines that certain information should not be made publicly available on a Federal website (e.g. confidential commercial information), such Federal department or agency may permit or require redactions to the information posted.

(3) The informed consent form must be posted on the Federal website after the clinical trial is closed to recruitment and no later than 60 days after the last study visit by any subject, as required by the protocol.

For more information please review the Posting Informed Consent Instructions Factsheet

Quality Control and Posting Procedures

Consistent with the Final Rule, has updated the procedures for posting results information submitted for applicable clinical trials (ACTs) as of January 2020. will post submitted results information publicly within 30 days of submission, regardless of whether the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) quality control (QC) review processes are complete. Records will indicate that the QC process has not concluded and include standard QC review comments on the public facing website. 

For more information please review the Quality Control and Posting Procedures Factsheet

Clinical Trials Dissemination Plan Requirements

The NIH requires there be a dissemination plan as part of the grant process. The plan must include the following:

  1. That the applicant will ensure that clinical trials under the award are registered and results information is submitted to as outlined in the policy and according to the specific timelines stated in the policy;
  2. The informed consent documents for the clinical trial(s) will include a specific statement relating to posting of clinical trial information at; and
  3. That the recipient institution has an internal policy in place to ensure that clinical trials registration and results reporting occur in compliance with policy requirements.

The following Factsheet may be provided to the agency or sponsor to address the institutional plan for compliance with the policy requirements.

Factsheet: UC San Diego Requirements (PDF)

FDA Pre-Notice and Notices of Noncompliance

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Amendments Act of 2007 (FDAAA), Title VIII, expands the National Library of Medicine (NLM) clinical trials registry and results database known as and requires that a “Responsible Party” (RP) submit clinical trial registration and results information to the data bank for certain “applicable clinical trials (ACTs).”  The regulation became effective on January 18, 2017, and Responsible Parties have been required to be in compliance starting April 18, 2017. Applicable Clinical Trials generally include:

  1. Trials of Drugs and Biologics: Controlled, clinical investigations, other than Phase 1 investigations, of a product subject to FDA regulation; and
  2. Trials of Devices: Controlled trials with health outcomes, other than small feasibility studies, and pediatric post market surveillance.

The consequences of noncompliance may include public notices of noncompliance and violations, withholding of federal funds, FDA sanctions and civil monetary penalties ($13,237 per day).  Civil monetary penalties may be assessed for:

  • Failing to submit required clinical trial registration and/or results information to the data bank,
  • Submitting false or misleading information to the data bank,
  • Failing to submit the required certification to FDA, or
  • Knowingly submitting a false certification to FDA.

The FDA has begun issuing Preliminary Notices of Noncompliance (Pre-Notice) Letters. These Pre-Notice Letters describe the potential violation and requests that the RP take the necessary actions to address the potential violation within 30 calendar days from receipt of the letter.  After 30 calendar days from receipt of a Pre-Notice Letter, the FDA will conduct a further review and assessment of the clinical trial information submitted to (and other relevant information available to FDA) to determine if regulatory action is required, inclusive of the issuance of a Notice of Noncompliance, civil money penalties, an injunction, and/or criminal prosecution.

If you receive an FDA Pre-Notice letter, please contact the Research Compliance Office and Integrity Office at or (858) 822-4939, as soon as possible for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Video Series

The Research Compliance and Integrity (RCI) team is excited to announce we have created the Video Series. A collection of videos that walk through each step of registering and posting results on Click on the links below for step-by-step instructions on how to enter the required information for each module: - Registering A New Record

  1. Registering A Study
  2. Entering Study Identification Information
  3. Entering Study Status Information
  4. Entering Sponsor and Collaborators Information
  5. Entering Oversight Information
  6. Entering Study Description Information
  7. Entering Conditions Information
  8. Entering Study Design Information
  9. Entering Arms and Intervention Information - Interventional Study Type
  10. Entering Groups and Intervention Information - Observational Study Type
  11. Entering Outcome Measures Information
  12. Entering Eligibility Information
  13. Entering Contacts and Locations Information
  14. Entering IPD Sharing Statement Information
  15. Entering References Information - Results

  1. Preparing to Enter Results on
  2. Entering Participant Flow Information
  3. Entering Baseline Characteristics Information
  4. Entering Outcome Measures and Statistical Analysis Plan
  5. Outcome Measures FAQ
  6. Entering Adverse Events
  7. Entering Limitations and Caveats
  8. Entering More Information
  9. Uploading Study Documents - Tips and Tricks

  1. Requesting a User Account on PRS System
  2. Updating the Record
  3. Delayed Results
  4. How to Copy and Change Record Owner
  5. Granting Access to records
  6. How to Delete a Record
  7. Addressing Major and Minor Comments
  8. Definitions
  9. Spell Check
  10. Responsible Party and Principal Investigator
  11. Review of PROCoM emails - FDA Webinar Series

  1. Part 1 - Meeting Transparency and Reporting Requirements 
  2. Part 2 - Definitions, Laws, and Regulations
  3. Part 3 - CDER's Compliance and Enforcement Activities -Demonstration Videos

Videos Include: (Access here)

  1. How to Find the Total Number of Studies in
  2. How to Search for Studies That May Interest You
  3. How to Learn if a Study May Be Recruiting and Find Contact Information
  4. How to Navigate Between the Modernized and Classic PRS Websites
  5. How to Filter the Modernized PRS Record List for Records with Problems
  6. How to Create and Find Record List Views in the Modernized PRS
  7. How to Find and View Quality Control Review Comments in the Modernized PRS


  1. Resources
    1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    2. Applicable Clinical Trial (ACT) determination
      1. Detailed ACT definition
      2. ACT Checklist
  2. NIH Resources
    1. Resources for determining if a study is a clinical trial:
      1. NIH Clinical Trial Definition
      2. Case Studies
      3. FAQs
    2. NIH Policy on the Dissemination of NIH-Funded Clinical Trial Information
    3. Requirements for Registering & Reporting NIH-Funded Clinical Trials on
  3. Other Resources
    1. ICMJE
      1. Clinical trial recommendations and FAQs
      2. Press release on data sharing statements
    2. World Health Organization- Public Disclosure of Clinical Trial Results
    3. Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
      1. PCORI Process for Peer Review of Primary Research and Public Release of Research Findings
    4. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
      1. See help on CMS billing requirements


  • Clinical Trials Registration and Results Information Submission - 42 CFR 11
  • Section 801 of the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act - FDAAA 801
  • NIH dissemination policy - NOT-OD-16-149
  • International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE
For additional information, please contact the Research Compliance and Integrity Office at (858) 822-4939,