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UC San Diego Vehicle Insurance

Learn about liability and physical damage insurance for university vehicles.

Types of vehicle insurance

UC's self-insurance program offers departments several by-request liability and physical damage insurance programs for UC San Diego owned vehicles.

Be aware of these facts when determining insurance coverage for your department:

  • Rental: Rental vehicle insurance requires use of a current UC contract number with the proper rental agency. Read Rental Car Insurance Coverage for complete details.

  • Personal: Personal vehicles used for university business are not covered for damage or loss by university insurance programs. Read Personal Vehicle Usage for UC San Diego Business for more detailed information.

  • Department-owned or leased: Your department must obtain coverage for department-owned or UC leased vehicles. Fleet Services vehicles are routinely insured by Fleet Services.

Mandatory UC vehicle insurance

  • Vehicle insurance: The premium is a yearly charge calculated by combining UC experience and department experience. Base premiums for 2023-2024 were:
    • Passenger vehicles: $730.00
    • Vans: $765.00
    • Cargo Vans/Trucks: $1005.00
    • Buses/shuttles: $2,232.00
    • Electric carts: $387
    • Motorcycles: $463
  • Note: A minimum deductible of $500 applies per incident plus 20% of claim costs up to $25,000. A sliding deductible scale will be applied to divisions with more than three incidents. The minimum deductible will increase to $750 for the next 2 incidents and $1,000 for each and every subsequent incident.

Change or delete vehicle insurance programs

Incident reporting


Contact EH&S Risk Management, (858) 246-0369.
When a loss occurs, notify Risk Management, (858) 534-2454, immediately to promptly initiate the insurance investigation and claims process.