About the Schedule of Classes
Last Updated: November 12, 2020 4:10:01 PM PST
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Learn about the different roles and processes required to create the Schedule of Classes each quarter.
If you schedule academic classes for a department, program, or college, learn about the key roles and processes involved in creating the Schedule of Classes :
- The Scheduling Office, which serves as coordinator for the Schedule of Classes:
- Requests that departments submit the "Schedule Build," which provides the details of the class offerings in an electronic format, along with other supplementary information such as facilities requests and text.
- Delivers the final submission of class information (the Schedule List report) for department review before posting the final Schedule of Classes online.
- Department and program advisors provide the details of the schedule. For each academic department, these details include entries on modification sheets showing:
- Department name
- Course titles and subject codes
- Course numbers
- Section information
- Instruction types
- Enrollment limits
- Days and times
- Building name
- Room number
- Instructor name(s)
- Instructor PID(s)
- Subtitles
- Specific unit values for variable unit courses
For more details, see How To Build the Schedule of Classes.
For more information, contact the Scheduling Office via email.