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Project Management Dashboard

The Project Management Dashboard makes it easier to review a portfolio of projects at once using a variety of prompts. This dashboard will offer fund managers one place to do things like review all faculty startup and retention funds or their department’s operating funds, close out expired projects, and analyze a PI’s portfolio.

The Project Management Dashboard is available from the Business Analytics Hub ( under the Financial Management tab.

The dashboard includes:

  • Summary
  • Commitment Details
  • Variances
  • Payroll by Earnings Month 
  • Payroll Projections
  • Expenditures by month
  • High Risk Ledger Review

Report Demo

You can find the Project Management Dashboard Report Demo on the Budget & Finance MediaSpace channel - Financial Report Demos playlist.



Access has been provisioned to anyone with the Oracle BI Consumer JR role. (Staff who do not have access should request the Oracle role.) Access failure appears as error "Unable to load requested view. Displaying home view instead.". To access the dashboard:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select Budget & Finance.
  3. If using the List View, look for Project Management Dashboard in the list or use the search bar at the top right and click the dashboard name
    • If using the Card View, click the Financial Management tab and click Launch on the Project Management Dashboard tile
  4. Use your Active Directory credentials to sign in, if prompted.


Here you can find various tips and tricks on navigating Cognos report functionality

  • Horizontal tabs at the top of the report under the Project Management Dashboard heading can be used to run each report 

PMD navigation pages


  • Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to view
  • These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results


Time and Display Prompts

Prompt What to Know
Costs and Commitments through Period End Date
  • Select the period end date to view costs and commitments up to that specific date
Non-Sponsored Task End Date
  • Exclude tasks that have ended before date entered
Show Direct/Indirect
  • "No" selection displays one line per task on the Sponsored Project Summary , combining both direct and indirect costs.
  • "Yes" selection displays separate rows for direct and indirect costs. 
Show Budget Period
  • ''No'' selection displays the sponsored project summary data for the life of the award.
  • ''Yes'' selection displays information for only the current budget period, or the last budget period for ended awards.


Project Attribute Prompts

Prompt What to Know
Project Class Category
  • Multi-select data option to view different project class category codes.
  • Be able to look at groups of projects that are similarly classified, e.g. service agreements
Project Status
  • Project Status is defaulted to Active for all reports but can be changed to other parameters, such as Closed, Closed-DNU-Bad Record, Rejected, or UCSD Closed.
Sponsored Project Health
  • Search for projects that are ending soon and for deficits that need to be cleared


 prompt 1

prompt 2






Business Scenarios

  • What actions do I need to take on my projects?
  • What are the balances on my projects that are ending soon?
  • Which projects are overspent or ended and need to be closed?
  • What are the balances of my projects after planned payroll?  Does payroll need to be adjusted to prevent overspending or underspending?
  • Do adjustments need to be made to projects that are being overspent or underspent?
  • Are funds available that need to be added to the project budget?
  • What are the balances on my non-sponsored projects and tasks?

Report Views

  • Summary displays a high level view of a project portfolio consisting of Sponsored Projects and Non-sponsored projects.  Both GL-based and PPM-based balances are displayed for non-sponsored projects.
  • See Faculty and Researcher page for more information about the Sponsored Projects view and differences between GL-based reporting and PPM-based reporting.
  • The dashboard displays financial statement signage. Positive balances represent funds available to spend. Positive resources and non-operating transfers represent an increase in funds. Positive expenses represent a decrease in funds.
  • Refer to the Data Glossary under Get Started on the main BI & Financial Reporting Blink menu for searchable data descriptions and usage rules.
  • There are two on-page prompts so you can adjust settings without returning to the prompt page:
    • Period End Date
    • PI/Project Manager/Task Manager

PMD on page prompt

Sponsored Projects

  • The Sponsored Projects view can be changed on the page, with four options to choose from.

Default view displays only the current budget period, or the last budget period for ended awards.  The Carryforward Balance column indicates the balance as of the end of the last budget period.  The Budget and Cost columns include only the current period budget and costs.  The Balance is calculated as the Carryforward Balance plus Budget (current period) minus Costs (current period). 

The default view displays separate rows for Direct Costs and Indirect Costs, but this can be changed to show only a single row per task with total costs. 



An alternate view without budget period displays the budget and costs for the life of the award, with the balance calculated as Budget minus Costs.

This view can also be displayed with separate rows for Direct Costs and Indirect Costs or with total costs in a single row per task.


 PMD summary 1


Non Sponsored Projects

  • Both GL-based and PPM-based balances are displayed for non-sponsored projects.
  • PPM-based balances for non-sponsored projects are displayed in four separate tables depending on project classifications (only a subset of the four tables may display depending on the projects in the portfolio).  Generally, projects for annual operations are reported on a year-to-date basis and projects funded one time or irregularly are reported on an inception-to-date basis.  Line of Service projects are reported year-to-date but include an informational column for Contract Revenue.  Service Agreement projects are reported inception-to-date and include balance calculations based on both the Budget Amount and the Contract Revenue Amount.  See Balance Calculations for more information.
  • End dates displayed in red shows dates that have passed.


non spf 1

non spf 2

non spf 3

Commitment Details

More information about this section can be found in the Transaction Details report blink page.


Business Scenarios

  • Are there GL-PPM differences or payroll costs sitting on default project that are causing my sponsored project balances to be inaccurate?
  • Have award increments been obligated in Kuali but not yet reflected in Oracle?
  • Have award increments been funded in Oracle but not yet reflected in a project budget?

Report Views

Misplaced Costs on Sponsored Projects:

  • Expenses Only in GL: Displays expenses in General Ledger that should post to PPM. Click the amount to view details on the GL-PPM Reconciliation report.
  • Refer to the Data Glossary under Get Started on the main BI & Financial Reporting Blink menu for searchable data descriptions and usage rules.
  • Payroll on Default Project: Displays payroll amounts that are on the project in the Labor Ledger (UCPath) but on the default project in Oracle. Click the amount to view details on the Default Project Payroll report.

Variances Misplaced

Kuali Oracle Comparison:

  • This table compares amounts obligated in Kuali Award to Oracle Award Funding Amounts (external funding only), as well as Project Funding Amounts with Project Budget Amounts.
  • This table only shows variances. If an award/project does not have any differences, the row will not appear.
  • If Kuali Obligated to Date Amount and Oracle Award External Funding Amount have differences, it may indicate that award funding amounts have not been updated in Oracle Financials.
  • If Project Funding and Project Budget Amounts have differences, the Project Unbudgeted Amount shows available amounts to be budgeted for a project.
  • Project Status prompt parameter is defaulted to Active, but can be changed on the prompt page. See Prompts under Navigation for more information. 

PMD kuali oracle comparison

  • An additional table is available to help identify discrepancies between award dates in Kuali and Oracle.

PMD kuali oracle date comparison

PPM Budget Reconciliation:

  • Table that shows budget discrepancies between GL and PPM. Clicking on the project will send you to the Manage Budget screen in Oracle.



IDC Variances:



Business Scenarios

  • Complete monthly payroll reconciliation

Report Views

  • The report defaults to displaying payroll that posted in the last 30 days.  The date range can be changed by entering different to and from dates at the top of the report.
  • Refer to the Data Glossary under Get Started on the main BI & Financial Reporting Blink menu for searchable data descriptions and usage rules.
  • Click on the Original Transaction Reference number to view the corresponding Oracle transaction on the Transaction Details report.

pmd dopes 

Payroll by Earnings Month

Business Scenarios

  • View a big picture display of payroll based on earnings period
  • Provide faculty with a view of how their people were funded over time

Report Views

  • Results display a big picture of payroll analysis based on the earnings periods separated by months
  • The report defaults to displaying payroll earned in the last six months.  The date range can be changed by entering different to and from dates at the top of the report.
  • Refer to the Data Glossary under Get Started on the main BI & Financial Reporting Blink menu for searchable data descriptions and usage rules.

payroll by earnings month

Payroll Projections


  • View payroll projections for the entire portfolio at once 

Report Views

  • Group by employee to view the full payroll distribution for each employee
  • Group by project to see all of the employees paid from a given project
  • Refer to the Data Glossary under Get Started on the main BI & Financial Reporting Blink menu for searchable data descriptions and usage rules.

payroll projections

Expenditures by Month

Business Scenarios

  • Expenditures by month for all the projects in the portfolio.

Report Views

  • The table displays a project's overall expenditures by specific task, expenditure categories, and months.
  • The report defaults to displaying expenditures from the last three months.  The date range can be changed by entering different to and from dates at the top of the report.
  • Click on an amount to view the transactions that make up the amount on the Transaction Details report.
  • The report defaults to displaying expenditures by category, but you can also select (using the dropdown) to have them displayed by type in addition to category. That is, in a more granular level.
  • Refer to the Data Glossary under Get Started on the main BI & Financial Reporting Blink menu for searchable data descriptions and usage rules.


Expenditures by month

High Risk Ledger Review

Click on the High-Risk Ledger Review button to view high-risk transactions for the selected portfolio on the Transaction Details report. The report will automatically run for the last closed accounting period. More detailed information can be found in the corresponding drawer of the Transaction Details report blink page.

Project COA Lookup


  • This page combines COA and project personnel info, enabling fund managers to obtain this information without leaving the Project Management Dashboard.

Report Views

project coa lookup

Release Notes & Communications

Date Release Notes & Communications
10/15/2024 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest
  • The PI/PM/TM prompt is now multi-select.
  • A column for Effective IDC Rate has been added to the Sponsored Projects table on the Summary page.
  • Commitment Details button now directs to the Commitments page on Transaction Details Report.
  • A new table for IDC reconciliation has been added to the Variances page.
  • The Financial Resources Budget Category has been excluded from this budget summary report. Amounts allocated to Financial Resources represent restricted amounts not authorized for spending, and inclusion of those amounts in the budgets painted an inaccurate picture of the amount available to spend
3/12/2024 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest
  • Financial Resources Budget Category has been excluded from budget summary reports. Amounts allocated to Financial Resources represent restricted amounts not authorized for spending, and inclusion of those amounts in the budgets painted an inaccurate picture of the amount available to spend. The Restricted Amount has been added to the top section of the Expanded Project Summary.
  • Projects classified as Diversity Initiative are now reported on Fiscal Year To Date basis rather thanInception to Date.
  • Payroll Detail tables now display UCSD derived effort rather than UCPath derived effort. The DOPE Report continues to display both columns.
12/12/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

Enhancements Release

New pages/buttons:

  • Payroll projections: View payroll projections for the entire portfolio at once
  • High-risk ledger review: One click to the Transaction Details High-Risk Ledger Review for your selected portfolio.

New on-page prompts allow you to adjust settings without returning to the prompt page:

  • PI/Project Manager/Task Manager
  • Period end date

New download option:

  • A button has been added to download an unformatted version of the Summary page to Excel.

Sponsored Projects Summary:

  • New view with current budget period budget and costs replicates the Faculty and Researcher Dashboard. Select views from the prompt page or above the table.
  • A column for the project start date has been added.
  • A separate table has been created for industry-initiated clinical trials.
  • A third balance column (net of commitments but not projections) has been added.
  • An award subtotal row has been added on the report.

Variances page:

  • Project Manager and Fund Manager have been added to the Kuali-Oracle Comparison tables to help departments identify the person responsible for addressing any variances.


Prompt page redesign

Changes were made to modernize and standardize the look and feel of the prompt pages across all financial Cognos reports. Specific changes that were made include:

  • Section headers: Prompts are now grouped categorically so that they are always nested under the same section for every report
  • Standardized buttons:
    • Direct links to services, support, and documentation for extra help are now consistently available
    • Reset and finish buttons are now at the top and bottom of every report
  • Standardized prompts: All prompts are now consistent with each other on every report


You can watch a report demo of these enhancements here (starting min 36:00) 

4/25/2023 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

The following enhancements have been made to the Project Management Dashboard:

  • All reports on the dashboard now open in a new tab.
  • A new view under Expenditure by Month by Type breaks costs down by Expenditure Type.
  • Balances are now calculated as Budget – Costs.
  • The Variances page includes a new table to help you identify discrepancies between award dates in Kuali and Oracle.