Skillscan Online

Find tools and resources to help you assess your career interests and qualifications.
Self-assessment in your work life is fundamental to career planning and professional development.
Online Transferrable Skills Assessment for Staff
SkillScan Online 2.0 — an interactive and engaging process for identifying transferable skills and applying the results to career planning, career change, professional development, and self-marketing for the job search. With SkillScan Online, you can:
- Identify and group your skill competencies
- Assess your qualifications
- Find helpful information in career decision-making, self-promotion, and further skill development
- Discover complementary interactive assessment tools that focus on other important work−related characteristics, such as interests, values, and temperament.
- Express is designed to be taken on mobile devices, this skills assessment gets at the heart of your strengths in as little as 10 minutes.
- Get information on skills you've targeted for development, your top career matches, and links to related careers listed in O*NET OnLine.
- Time: 10 minutes.
- Requirements: Works on iOS and Android tablets, smart phones, and PC’s. Microsoft Windows mobile devices are not currently supported.
- Drive: You will experience an engaging assessment and gain a comprehensive, detailed and full-color report of your greatest strengths.
- The report includes Career Guides with potential career options for exploration with links to useful resources, and a portrait of your “motivated” skills with suggestions for development and the language you need to sell yourself in the job search.
- Time:15 minutes.
- Requirements: Works best on PC's.
Accessing SkillScan Online 2.0
- Visit SkillScan Online 2.0
- Enter your email address
- Click Authorize
- You will receive an email from with your access link; please keep an eye out for it even in your junk/spam folder or your spam quarantine lists
Additional Resources for Employees
Career Connection Career Development Workshops (login required, search "Career Connection" and select the Calendar view) — A great opportunity to work with instructors and other UC San Diego employees in the following areas:
- Career Planning
- Assessing Your Transferable Skills
- Personalizing Your Career Path
- Setting Mid Career Goals
- Transferable Skills Tune Up
Mentorship — A program that matches seasoned career employees with Career Connection participants to:
- Help assess interests and qualifications
- Develop a career development plan delineating career objectives and professional goals
Career Counseling and Planning — Individual career consultation services:
- Professional Recruitment and Community Outreach
- Talent Acquisition & Outreach Services
Assessment and Planning Worksheet (PDF)
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