Identify Affirmative Action Placement Goals
Last Updated: March 3, 2021 4:04:01 PM PST
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Learn about placement goals and their role in job recruitment.
Based on federal requirements, UCSD annually:
- Reviews its staff workforce composition
- Identifies underutilization by comparing the workforce composition with the availability of women and people of color with requisite skills in the job market
- Establishes placement goals to increase the representation of women and people of color in underutilized areas.
Placement goals
- Serve as reasonably attainable objectives for applying good faith efforts to make all aspects of the affirmative action program work
- Represent a benchmark for evaluating university affirmative action progress
- Provide guidance for an employer to focus outreach and other efforts in job areas where women and people of color are underutilized
- Do not require the hiring of a person who is less qualified
- Do not require an employer to hire a specified number of persons, which is expressly forbidden
To determine if a job title has a placement goal, use the Lookup Underutilization Info tool.
If you are hiring for a job title with a placement goal, work in partnership with Talent Acquisition to develop a recruitment plan to ensure a diverse applicant pool.
For more information, contact Talent Acquisition & Data Analytics, (858) 534-6333.
Notice: The information on this page summarizes provisions of university policies and/or collective bargaining agreements. Refer to the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) and local implementing procedures or applicable collective bargaining agreement for full text of referenced information.