Resources for Inclusive Excellence
The creation of a broad and diverse pool of candidates is an essential first step in the recruitment process.
Best Practices for Creating a Search Plan
Effective staff searches are proactive processes in which hiring managers/committees energetically seek out promising prospects. Areas seeing a lower number of women and minority applicants than would be expected should actively engage in outreach efforts that will attract and increase representation of competitive applicants from those groups.
Form diverse search and hiring committees
Diversity and equal representation amongst your committees can provide the following benefits:
- Fewer overlapping biases (especially in-group and affinity biases)
- Reduced likelihood of groupthink
- Increased ability to recognize each other's biases
- Signals to prospective candidates that your organization truly values diversity and equity
- Can provide awareness of, and access to, diverse networks from which to draw talent
Determining Opportunities for Broadening Representation of Staff
- What are the current and future needs of the office? Who do we serve?
- What is the current make-up of the department/business unit?
- How many and what type of positions are expected to be vacant?
- Are any of these positions in an underutilized job group for women and/or minorities? Contact Equal Opportunity Services for additional information.
Evaluating Job Descriptions
- Is the job description aligned with commitment to staff diversity?
- Does the job description use language that attracts diverse staff?
- Does the job description include criteria such as "experience working with a diverse population?"
- Does the job description accurately reflect the skills and education necessary for the position?
- Does the job description include any biased language? Remember to use his or her, he/she, or s/he when you occasionally need to stress the action of an individual.
Implicit Bias Search Committee Training
All hiring managers, search committee members and anyone participating in one or more of the functions of the selection process are required to complete the following two e-courses:
Workforce Availability Data in HireOnline
Workforce availability are data estimates of the qualified number of women and minorities available for employment for the jobs in a given job group. In other words, the pool of people in a specified geographic area who are qualified for a particular job.
To understand the anticipated availability of women and minorities available for employment, HireOnline provides workforce availability data for each recruitment effective February 1, 2021.
The availability comparison can serve as overall evaluation that considers the recruitment pool makeup in a given job group compared to their availability. However, because the availability comparison does not take into consideration all of the practices, procedures of the selection process, as well as other factors such as job interest or qualification levels of the group, it should be considered a "threshold" or "initial inquiry test".
Interviewing Applicants
- Review the interview pool and ensure that it is inclusive of women and minorities.
- If a search committee is used, is it diverse?
- Review proposed interview questions to ensure there are no illegal questions (e.g., age, disability, children, etc.).
- Ensure that hiring managers understand the process to implement reasonable accommodations if necessary for the interview.
Advertising Outreach
In support of UC San Diego’s commitment to open and competitive recruitment practices, Campus Human Resources acquires annual job advertisement subscriptions plans to ensure comprehensive outreach.
All recruitment vacancies posted to the staff and academic jobs portals are automatically advertised with the following publications at no cost to departments:
- HigherEdJobs (HEJ) is a leading source for jobs and career information in academia. During 2019, more than 289,950 faculty, administrative, and executive jobs were posted to the company’s website, which is visited by more than 1.5 million unique visitors each month. Serving the top universities and colleges throughout the nation and abroad, HigherEdJobs is the preeminent resource for connecting job seekers and higher education employers.
- Resume Database Available
- DiversityJobs provides industry-leading diversity recruiting services and customized job scraping, targeted branding solutions, resume database access, and full OFCCP compliance posting and documentation.
- Resume Database Available
- Circa / America’s Job Exchange (AJE) is a recruitment platform focused on diversity recruitment and OFCCP regulatory compliance. AJE was recently acquired by Circa, providing the site with an even larger candidate database and increased resources. Circa is a SaaS-based workforce development company and provides best-in-class products to solve diversity recruiting and compliance challenges for some of the country’s most innovative companies.
- Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) is a non-profit consortium of colleges, universities, hospitals, research labs, government agencies, and related non- and for-profit organizations, committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the higher education workforce. As a member, UC San Diego has access to recruitment and retention resources, vibrant regional networks, and a new online community of practice, HERConnect.
HR Contacts that would like to request access to resume database services to support candidate sourcing efforts, please send an e-mail to to request account credentials.