Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process and Required Training
As part of UC's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, the Managing Implicit Bias Series was created to increase awareness of implicit bias and reduce its impact at the University
The Managing Implicit Bias Series is a six-course online training series that complements UC San Diego’s existing equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts. It is especially important for hiring managers and search committee members to be aware of implicit bias and how it impacts the way we work, interact with others, and make hiring decisions.
Who Should Complete:
- All hiring managers, search committee members and anyone participating in one or more of the functions of the selection process are required to complete the following two ecourses:
- All employees are encouraged to complete the full series; employees who complete all six online courses will receive the UC Systemwide HR Managing Implicit Bias Certificate
- Employees wishing to complete the UC People Management Series and Certificate
The series contains the following six self-paced, online interactive courses. Each course is 15 to 20 minutes in length.
1. What is Implicit Bias?
Understand how the brain uses shortcuts and schema to process stimuli. Learn how attitudes, stereotypes and biases form. Differentiate between explicit and implicit biases.
2. The Impact of Implicit Bias
Explore ways in which implicit bias can influence our actions and how that influence can have unwanted, real-world repercussions.
3. Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Awareness
Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Awareness
Assessing your implicit biases is the first step in managing their influence. Recognize situations wherein you are more prone to the influence of bias. Recognize external factors that make you more prone to the influence of bias. Evaluate whether you are being influenced by bias.
4. Common Forms of Bias
Understand common forms of bias so you can better detect when they occur.
5. Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious De-Biasing
Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious De-Biasing
Learn ways to minimize the influence of implicit bias through mindfulness and conscious de-biasing strategies.
6. Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process
Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process
Examine how de-biasing strategies can be applied to a specific workplace process. Design and implement procedures and structures that protect against the influence of bias during hiring, such as utilizing diverse search networks and hiring committees, tracking demographics at each stage, blinding resumes, crafting appropriate candidate evaluations and more.
External Committee Members with no Access to UC Learning Center
- Non-UC Employees can access the Managing Implicit Bias Series here
- Reminder to UC employees: please complete these courses within your local UC Learning Center to ensure a record of completion