Leave Activity Query
Last Updated: September 6, 2024 10:00:33 AM PDT
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Use QueryLink to obtain employee leave balances for individuals, specific employee groups, or time periods.
Query |
Leave Activity (login required) |
Description |
Assists in creating more complex queries that don't follow normal reporting paths. Possible uses are listing Leave Balances earned and used for employees in a specified bargaining unit between a range of dates, and showing historical balances for a specific employee. |
Location |
Click the Queries button in EmployeeLink or DataLink. |
Required security |
Mainframe PPS or Darwin Employee Account + PPS RSUM (departmental access) OR assignment as a timekeeper OR assignment as a supervisor or manager |
Help and training |
Contact busintel@ucsd.edu |
Using QueryLink
- Explore the latest changes by clicking the Queries button in FinancialLink, Student/ Class Info, EmployeeLink, or DataLink.
- Click
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- Learn to use QueryLink with the Tutorial on the Queries Menu of FinancialLink and DataLink.