About COI
Last Updated: November 22, 2021 8:46:23 AM PST
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See a list of duties and responsibilities of the Conflict of Interest (COI) office.
The COI Office:
- Ensures campus compliance with UC policy, State law and federal regulations pertaining to conflict of interest;
- Reviews disclosures of related financial interest between University investigators and private entities to ensure that conflicts of interest are avoided and that the best interest of the public and University is served;
- Consults with campus departments to ensure the appropriate use of University facilities and resources by employees;
- Provides expertise in policy and regulation interpretation to faculty, administrators and other staff
- Conducts collaborative reviews, by department request, of other issues involving faculty and staff relations with industry outside the normal contract, grant, or gift process.
The COI Office also staffs the Independent Review Committee (IRC) on Conflict of Interest.
- The IRC, appointed by the Academic Senate, is UC San Diego's independent substantive review committee for conflict of interest in sponsored research.
- They function as the principal advisory committee to the Chancellor and determine if a potential, perceived, or real conflict of interest exists by virtue of an investigator's financial interests.
- The IRC reviews financial disclosure statements and relevant features of a research project and, on the basis of the review, recommends to the Chancellor whether funding for the project should be accepted and, if so, whether any modifications or conditions are needed to mitigate any conflict of interest associated with the research.
The Director of the COI Office also serves as the campus COI Coordinator and:
- Maintains the campus Conflict of Interest Code and list of Designated Officials holding positions at UC San Diego requiring annual disclosure (Form 700) of personal financial information.
For more information, contact our main desk at (858) 534-6465 or info-coi@ucsd.edu.