Fund Stewardship
Learn how the Gift Policy Administration and Donor/Fund Stewardship Office can help you meet your legal obligation to manage and spend gift funds appropriately.
Gift Policy Administration and Donor/Fund Stewardship Office ensures that UC San Diego:
- Meets its legal obligation to fulfill gift terms
- Expends gift funds consistent with gift/donor terms
- Supports compliance with UC and UC San Diego policies
- Adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights (PDF)
Financial Administration of Gift Funds
Assists campus unit administrators, business officers and fund mangers to identify their unit’s gift funds and the intended fund use.
- See financial administration of gift funds (PDF)
- How Endowment Works
- Endowed Fund Guide for Fund Holders/Administrators: "Your Endowed Fund, What you need to know"
- PPM 410-30 Endowed and Current Use Gift Funds Minimum Policy
- PPM 410-20 Policy on Allocation, Reallocation, and Administration of Gifts and Bequests
- PPM 410-6 Policy on Financial Stewardship of Donor Gift Funds and Reporting to Donors
Fund Stewardship Reports and Fund Reviews:
Gift Policy Administration and Donor/Fund Stewardship provides campus leadership with gift fund reports, analyzes fund activity, giving reports, and performs unit reviews for gift funds upon request by campus leadership and unit officers.
STAR (Stewardship, Transparency, Accountability, Reporting) is an online dashboard powered by Cognos to provide Advancement and UC San Diego staff with access to financial information related to University private support gift funds (both Foundation and UC Regents). Access the STAR system and STAR training.
Annual Endowed Fund Reports:
Donor Stewardship prepares and sends a report to donors annually on the financial status of endowed funds. The reports are prepared on a fiscal-year-end basis and delivered to donors each fall (usually during October and November).
Annual Summary of Giving:
Donor Stewardship prepares and sends a summary to donors annually of their calendar year giving.
Impact Reports:
Donor Stewardship collaborates with various departments on-campus to facilitate special impact reporting. Impact reports are important to convey UC San Diego's appreciation for continued support and generosity, in addition to demonstrating how gifts are being used according to their donor's intent.