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System Status: 

Radiation Producing Machines (Non-Medical)

Learn more about requirements for non-medical radiation producing machines and users at UC San Diego.


Principal investigators who acquire or fabricate a radiation-producing machine must notify Environment, Health & Safety. Personnel who operate the machine must be listed in the Machine Use Authorization (MUA) web application. A paper or electronic log of use shall be maintained for each machine (user name, date, kVp, mA, etc.).

Notify EH&S of each machine

  • Notify Jay Fan, 858-822-4137 — EH&S  must be notified within 30 days of acquisition of a radiation-producing machine and before the machine is put into service.
  • Radiation Safety will schedule a time to perform an initial survey and to get info about the machine.
  • Once complete, PI and designated staff will be able to access the MUA web application.
  • EH&S will handle state registration documentation for the machine(s). 

State X-ray Machine Registration Renewal Fee and Billing Procedure

  • The California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Article 4, Sections 30145 through 30146 describes the registration and renewal fee process for reportable sources of radiation. EH&S pays the state registration fee since a 25% fine is imposed and a violation is issued if not paid in time. EH&S then recharges owners of the machines to recoup the exact amount of the bill.
  • The renewal bill is issued in June every odd year. The current fee per tube (machine) is $512.00 for most machines. If your x-ray machine is classified differently, you will be notified by Radiation Safety upon initial registration.
  • When a new machine is registered, the owner is required to pay the state supplemental registration fee. If no supplemental bill is received, the owner is required to pay the registration fee upon the next billing cycle.  For example, if a machine is registered in January 2018, and no supplemental bill is received, the fee will be collected in June 2019.
  • The fee per machine may be less than the current state fee depending on EH&S inventory of registered machines. The fee will never be more than the current state fee.

Manage Machine Use Authorizations (MUAs) via My Research Safety

Use the MUA application to update and track machine operators and their training as well as machines they are authorized to use. Also, use to add/change machine contacts for EH&S. Keeping an updated roster of machine operators is required by EH&S.

Attend required safety training

Make sure all people authorized to use the machine (including the PI) receive the online Research Radiography training before operating x-ray producing machines. Other relevant online training depending on machine type and use also available.

How to get the training:

Deregistrations Policy, Transfer, sell, repair or dispose of a machine

Out of Service Machines and Deregistration

  • Machines that are out of service but still registered are required to pay the renewal fee.
  • For a machine to be deregistered it must no longer be in possession or incapable of producing radiation with no plans to repair. Unplugged machines stored on or off-site do not qualify as being incapable of producing radiation. Radiation Safety handles the required state deregistration documentation.
  • The state does not refund registration renewal fees; hence no prorates will be given for deregistrations. If this is a concern, it’s advised to have machines deregistered toward the end of a billing cycle.
  • Notify Chris Comfort at 858-822-3566prior to transferring, moving, selling, repairing or disposing of a radiation producing machine. A survey is required after repairs or beam alignment are done to an x-ray producing machine.

Electron microscopes

  • electron microscopeThe State of California acknowledges that all electron microscopes are a reportable source of radiation; therefore, EH&S must register all electron microscopes. 
  • A radiation survey may be required on newly acquired electron microscopes; and if repairs or alterations have been done to a machine.
  • EH&S does not currently require annual radiation surveys for electron microscopes. 
  • EH&S does not currently provide or implement training when working with electron microscopes; however, PIs are responsible for making sure users are trained and that only authorized users can access electron microscopes.
  • EH&S does not currently require electron microscope users to be tracked with the MUA application.

Please see pages 44 and 51 of the Radiation Safety Manual (PDF) for additional institutional requirements.

Contact Jay Fan 858-822-4137 for more assistance. 

Notice: Refer to the Radiation Safety Manual (PDF) for a detailed description of UC San Diego's radiation safety program.