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Cost of Operations Dashboard

The Cost of Operations Dashboard helps self-supporting units analyze the drivers of their costs and changes to those costs over time. It can be used to support development of recharge rate proposals or other cost recovery proposals. The dashboard uses PPM and Labor Ledger data.

The Cost of Operations Dashboard is available from the Business Analytics Hub ( under the Campus Recharges tab.

The dashboard includes four pages:

  • Summary
  • Payroll
  • Non-Payroll
  • Federally Unallowable Costs


Access has been provisioned to anyone with the Oracle BI Consumer JR role. Staff who do not have access should request the Oracle role. Access failure appears as error "Unable to load requested view. Displaying home view instead."

  1. Navigate to 
  2. Select Budget & Finance
  3. If using the List View, look for Cost of Operations Dashboard in the list or use the search bar at the top right and click the dashboard name  
  4. If using the Card View, click the Campus Recharges tab and click Launch on the Cost of Operations Dashboard tile 
  5. Use your Active Directory credentials to sign in, if prompted.


The Cognos and Oracle Tips & Tricks page shares various recommendations on navigating report functionality

  • Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to view
  • These filters can be used in combination or individually to produce desired results
  • Use the prompt that best represents the unit of operation you wish to analyze.  For example, a recharge facility may search for their Recharge License Number to view all costs for the facility regardless of project or financial unit; a department or other operational unit may search by financial unit; a PI or fund manager may search by PI/Project Manager/Task Manager to analyze the cost of running a lab.
  • Time prompts: Select the fiscal years you wish to compare and analyze. If you wish to analyze a specific part of the year, you may select one or more fiscal periods. 1=July; 12=June.


prompt 1

prompt 2

prompt 3




The Summary page summarizes costs year over year by Expenditure Category and Expenditure Type. Use this page to understand at a high level what has driven increases or decreases in costs.


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Use the payroll page to understand how changes in staffing have driving changes in costs. The page does not list individual personnel names, but rather the number and cost of the types of positions that were used to support the operation.


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Field Definition

 Name of the position

Employee Headcount

Number of different employees who were in that position over the selected period


The number of full-time equivalents in the position over the selected period. For example, if two people worked in the position each at 50% time, employee headcount would be 2 and FTE would be 1. If specific fiscal periods are selected, the FTE is prorated to the period. For example, one person working full-time would display as 1 regardless of the number of fiscal periods selected.

Compensation Rate The amount that employees in the position are paid, on average, on a monthly or hourly basis.
Compensation Frequency Code Indicates the basis for the compensation rate. M for monthly; H for hourly. Other values such as UC_FY are for academic positions and indicate a monthly rate.
Total The total cost of the position for the year, including salary and benefits.



The Non-Payroll has tables for Purchased Items and Other Costs. 

  • Purchased Items includes invoice-based purchases. Use this table to analyze how the cost of purchases has changed over time, including whether the cost of individual items has increased or whether more of those items were purchased year over year.
  • The Purchased Items table defaults to showing a year over year summary by supplier. You can view additional detail about the items purchased from each supplier by changing the dropdown displaying Without Item Description to With Item Description. With Item Description displays the quantity of each item purchased over the year, the average cost of each unit of the item, and the total cost of the item over the year. You can focus in on a specific supplier by selecting that supplier from the Expenditure Supplier dropdown menu.
  • The Other Costs table includes all costs not included in the Payroll or Purchased Items tables.  These might include recharges, freight and taxes on purchased items, and other costs.


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Federally Unallowable Costs



Recharge facilities may incur costs in the course of their operations that are unallowable on federally sponsored projects. These costs may not be included when developing rates if those rates will be charged to sponsored projects. The Federally Unallowable Costs table displays costs on expenditure types that are restricted in Oracle from being charged to federal sponsored projects.


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Release Notes & Communications

Date Release Notes & Communications
11/26/2024 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest

New Report: Cost of Operations Dashboard

This dashboard helps self-supporting units analyze the drivers of their costs and changes to those costs over time. It can be used to support development of recharge rate proposals or other cost recovery proposals. The dashboard uses PPM and Labor Ledger data. Further information on how to access, navigate, and understand this report can be found here.

11/26/2024 Dedicated Email

The Business Intelligence (BI) and Financial Reporting team is excited to announce the launch of a new report designed to help you as a recharge facility manager improve your processes:

Cost of Operations Dashboard

This dashboard helps self-supporting units analyze the drivers of their costs and changes to those costs over time. It can be used to support development of recharge rate proposals or other cost recovery proposals. The dashboard uses PPM and Labor Ledger data. It answers questions like:

  • How has the cost of operating my unit changed over time? 
  • What types of costs have driven increases or decreases in the cost of operating my unit?
  • Did costs go up because we hired more people, because people were promoted into higher-level positions, or because of general salary increases?
  • Did the cost of the items we buy go up, or did we buy more of those items?
  • What items do we buy to support our operations?