Errors and Rejections of System Cost Transfers
How to correct Cost Transfers with Errors.
Initiator’s will receive an email about any transaction errors. You may view errors in Project Costs or in Cost Transfer reports. The Initiator will need to review the error message and status of the transfer in order to take the corrective action.Not Allowed Status
If the status is Not Allowed, there is no further action needed as the system has automatically canceled the transfer.
Error/Rejection Message |
Meaning |
Corrective Action |
The project status doesn't allow adjustments to this expenditure item. |
Project status is Closed. It could be related to either the TO or FROM project, check both. |
Sponsored: contact SPF to update project status to complete the transfers IF appropriate. General: use PADUA to update the project status as appropriate. |
You can't perform this adjustment because adjustments aren't allowed on a reversed expenditure item. |
The original transaction has already been adjusted (transferred, reversed, etc) so further adjustments are not allowed. The transfer is being attempted on a net zero item. |
Use the reports available on the Project Cost Transfer Panorama to see details of the previous adjustments (where it was transferred, who transferred it, etc). Filter out net zero items to exclude adjusted transactions. OR View the details in the Adjustment History tab on the original transaction in Manage Project Costs. |
You can't transfer an expenditure item to its current attributes. |
The transfer is being attempted on the same project and task it's already on. |
Update the project number. |
You can't perform this adjustment because adjustments aren't allowed on related expenditure items. |
Indirect costs (expenditure types starting with 538xxx) can not be transferred. Indirect costs are automatically adjusted by the system after direct costs are transferred (job runs overnight). |
No further action needed. |
The expenditure item date isn't within the {TASK_TXN_START_DATE} task transaction start date and {TASK_TXN_END_DATE} task transaction end date. |
Expenditure Item date on the cost is not within the dates of the TO project/award/task/budget period. |
Transfer to another project as needed. OR Sponsored: contact SPF as needed to review the dates IF the cost is appropriate to the project. General: use PADUA to update the TO project start and/or end dates IF appropriate. |
The transaction didn't pass budget check because the budget date isn't within the control budget date range. |
Expenditure Item date on the cost is not within the dates of the TO project/award/task/budget period. |
Transfer to another project as needed. OR Contact SPF to review the budget status or dates IF the cost is appropriate to the project (sponsored only). |
The award budget period wasn't derived for the x/x/xx budget date. |
Expenditure Item date on the cost is not within the dates of the TO project/award/task/budget period. |
Transfer to another project as needed. OR Contact SPF to review the budget status or dates IF the cost is appropriate to the project (sponsored only). |
The expenditure item date is outside the project dates. Update the project start and finish dates or the expenditure item date of the transaction. |
Expenditure Item date on the cost is not within the dates of the TO project/award/task/budget period. |
Transfer to another project as needed. OR Sponsored: contact SPF as needed to review the dates IF the cost is appropriate to the project. General: use PADUA to update the TO project start and/or end dates IF appropriate. |
You can't adjust expenditure items to be billable for internal funding sources of sponsored projects. |
Cost must be non billable to transfer to internal funding source on SP. |
Set the transaction to non billable and then initiate your transfer again. Actions -> Billing -> Set to Nonbillable |
Rejected Status
If the status is Rejected, the Initiator will need to Cancel the transfer or correct the error and Resubmit. If no action is taken within 30 days, the transfers may be canceled.
Error/Rejection Message |
Meaning |
Corrective Action |
The expenditure failed project-level (or task-level) transaction controls. |
Expenditure type is not allowed on the TO project (or task) due to a transaction control. Please click here for a more detailed explanation of transaction controls. |
Use the Project Transaction Controls report to verify what controls are on a specific project, award and/or template. Cancel Transfer and transfer to another project as needed. OR Contact SPF (sponsored) or ICA (general) as needed to review the transaction controls IF the cost is appropriate to the project. |
A burden schedule version is not available for the date. |
The Burden (IDC) schedule is not active for the dates of the cost transfer. |
Cancel the Transfer and work with SPF to manually process the cost transfers. |
The expenditure type isn't active as of the expenditure item date. Revise either the expenditure item date or the active dates of the expenditure type. |
Expenditure type has been end dated and is no longer used in PPM. Transfers in PPM not allowed. |
Cancel Transfer. (if it's a GL only account, request a resource transfer at the GL level) |
RESOLVED (if you receive this error, please submit a services & support ticket) An award couldn't be determined for this sponsored project. Associate the sponsored project to an award in Oracle Fusion Grants Management. |
This is a known issue/bug with Oracle. Cost Transfers with Multiple Funding Sources: When you are transferring multiple transactions at once (multi-select) to a project that has more than one funding source available, you will get an error. |
Cancel and submit individually. |