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Concur Overview: Roles and How To's

Learn more about the Procurement Card roles and using Concur, the online tool for managing Procurement Card accounts and transactions.

Office Hours

We provide office hours for individual questions every Wednesday from 9-10 a.m. Visit our office hours page. Scroll down to Procure to Pay & Travel and Expense and click the Zoom Link to the right.

Pre-Recorded Webinars and Trainings

University Procurement Card Program - Department Administrator/Delegate Webinar



Part 1: University Procurement Card Program - Requests Training


Part 2: University Procurement Card Program - Expense Training



Part 3: University Procurement Card Program - FAQ Training


*Please note that watching any of the above trainings does not replace taking the UC Learning course to obtain a certificate of completion. The UC Learning course stated below in Part 4 must be taken as the annual refresher and when applying for a new Procurement Card.


Part 4: University Procurement Card Program - Policy Training

This course reviews policies and procedures related to the University Procurement Card Program. Please note that this policy training is located in the UC Learning Center and is the 16 the minute training session.


Camp IPPS 2022: Common Procurement Card Expense Report Errors


Camp IPPS 2022: Tips & Tricks for Procurement Cardholders and Delegates

Program Roles

Roles provide the foundation for workflow, manage the notification and distribution process, and ensure security for Procurement Card program activity.

Department Administrator (DA)

How to become a Procurement Card Department Administrator (DA). 

Before You Begin:

  1. Talk to Your Department Head: Only the department head can designate a Procurement Card Department Administrator (DA).
  2. Complete Training: Enroll in and attend the University Procurement Card Program Course (16-minute training) via UCLearning. This training must be completed within one year of the DA request submission.
  3. Optional Preparations:
    • If you plan to assign cardholders to yourself, prepare one of the following:
      • A Word or Excel file containing Financial Units.
      • A Word or Excel file containing cardholder names and their respective employee IDs.
      • The name, employee ID, and email address of the former/current listed Department Administrator for the cardholders.

Next Steps:

  1. Access the form: Navigate to the Procurement Card DA Access Request Form.
  2. Alternative Access: If you cannot access the link, follow these steps:
    • Go to Services & Support.
    • Click ‘Budget & Finance’.
    • Click ‘Get Help’.
    • Under ‘Access Request’, click ‘Procurement Card DA Access Request Form’.

Form Submission:

  1. Request Access:
    • Under ‘Select the appropriate action’, select ‘Request new access’. Two checkboxes and another dropdown will appear.
    • Check the first checkbox to verify your training completion. The system will confirm if the University Procurement Card Program Course (SD-CONCUR-1002) is completed.
  2. Optional Cardholder Assignment:
    • Check the second box if you want to notify IPPS of cardholders to be assigned to you. If there are no cardholders to assign, leave this box unchecked.
    • If checked, select one of the three options under ‘Provide one of the following’:
      1. Attach a Word/Excel file of Financial Units.
      2. Attach a Word/Excel file of cardholder names and their respective employee IDs.
      3. Provide the former/current DA’s name, employee ID, and email address.
  3. Select Department Head:
    • Choose your Department Head from the dropdown.
    • If you are unsure, contact your department management.
    • Note: The Department Head must be different from your direct supervisor. If they are the same person, select a different manager within your department.

Finalize and Submit:

  1. Ensure all required fields and attachments are completed.
  2. Click ‘Submit’.


  1. A Services & Support ticket will be created.
  2. The request will be sent to your direct supervisor and the Department Head for approval.
  3. Once approved, the ticket will be routed to the IT team. They will assign you the UCSD WF PCard Administrator JR role in OFC (Oracle Financial Cloud).
  4. After the role is assigned, the Procurement Card team will make necessary cardholder assignments in Concur.

Important: If your ticket closes before the Procurement Card team responds, submit a new Services & Support ticket to ensure the correct assignments are made in Concur.

  • Receiving approval from their department head to become Procurement Card DA.
  • Ensuring that these procedures are in place for their department Procurement Cards:
  • Timely expensing
  • Appropriate record keeping
  • Responsible for ensuring Procurement Cards are closed when an employee separates, transfers, or is terminated. 
  • Separation of duties; a DA should not be in a subordinate role to the cardholder.
  • Handling administrative duties
  • Answering cardholder questions about special fund restrictions
  • Monitoring card usage to ensure that Purchasing, Disbursements, and internal control policies and procedures are being followed
  • Knowing the Procurement Card limitations and restrictions
  • Sharing new program information with cardholders
  • A standard practice as a DA is to have your cardholder's add you as a Delegate in Concur
  • Using Visual Compliance to purchase goods from foreign vendors to ensure compliance with federal export control regulations. Please see Restricted Party Screening (RPS)
  • Never lending or sharing your Procurement card
  • Purchasing only allowable goods and services that are not restricted items
  • Keeping all purchases to less than $4,999 (splitting purchases into multiple transactions to avoid the $4,999 limit is not allowed and can result in suspension of card use)
  • Destroying the Procurement Card and notifying their DA when transferring position to a new department, upon termination, or upon department request.
  • Providing the purchase documentation to their Delegate or attaching Itemized Receipt/Proof of Payment on the Expense report in Concur for each transaction.
  • Cardholders must also be familiar with their funding sources. If you are uncertain about your fund source restrictions, contact your Procurement Card department administrator.
  • A Delegate role is not a role the Procurement Card team assigns or that has assigned tasks or duties. A delegate is there as support to cardholder in making request or expensing transactions 
  • Procurement Card delegates will be able to submit requests to cancel a card,increase/decrease limits, and update a cardholder’s name or mail code. Delegates may also create Expense Reports but will not have the authority to submit or approve them on behalf of the cardholder, unless the cardholder submits a Delegation of Authority request. As a reminder, cardholders are responsible for submitting Requests and Expense Reports unless they have submitted and received approval to have Delegation of Authority on their profile. 
  • For a detailed step by step guide on how  to submit a Delegation of Authority Request, please visit this Knowledge Base Article: How to Submit a Delegation of Authority Request in Concur. 
  • For a detailed step by step guide on how to Assign a Delegate, please visit this Knowledge Base Article: How to add a Request Delegate and an Expense Delegate in Concur
  • For a detailed step by step guide on how to Remove a Delegate, please visit KBA: How to Remove a Request and Expense Delegate (to be updated).
  • For a detailed step by step guide on how to Act as a Delegate, please visit this Knowledge Base Article: How to Act as a Delegate in Concur.
Procurement Card Program Administrator
  • Responding to Procurement Card inquires and requests through Concur and the UC San Diego Services & Support portal.
  • Administering the Procurement Card program accounts, systems, and tools
  • Communicating with U.S. Bank on Procurement Card issues
  • Monitoring dispute activity with U.S. Bank
  • Requesting new or modified cards from U.S. Bank
  • Verifying cardholder employment status
  • Auditing for compliance with Procurement Card program policy
  • Monitoring transaction activity for fraud detection and prevention
  • Providing in person visits to departments
  • Training, certifying, and assigning DAs


How to Become a Procurement Card Cardholder

  1. Contact your Department Administrator (DA) to become a cardholder.
    • Note: If you do not know who your DA is, contact your business officer. Your department can view who posesses the UCSD WF PCard Administrator JR role by accessing the Campus User Roles report in the Business Analytics Hub. Once accessed, you or your department can either search for a specific Financial Unit or search for the role name itself.
  2. Complete the cardholder training
    • Complete the required University Procurement Card Program Course (16 minute training) via UCLearning. (This must be taken within one year of the new card request submission).
    • Note: Procurement Cards are not issued solely on the basis of passing the program course.
  3. Complete the Cardholder agreement
    • Download the cardholder agreement (PDF)
    • Sign and date the agreement and acquire signatures from your Supervisor, Department Business Officer (DBO/MSO/PI), and P-Card Department Administrator.
    • The cardholder must submit the signed agreement in Concur.
  4. Request a new card in Concur
    • For a detailed step-by-step guide on how to request a new card in Concur, please visit this Knowledge Base Article.
    • Note: The request can be prepared by either the cardholder or a delegate, but only the cardholder must be the one to submit the new card request. 
  5. Activate your new card in US Bank
    • Contact U.S. Bank by calling the number that appears on the sticker located on the front of your card.
    • Follow the prompts to activate your card.
    • When prompted for your Social Security number, provide your UCSD employee ID number.
    • Sign the back of your card on the space provided.
  6. Register your account in US Bank
    • First time users need to register their account.

      1. Go to U.S. Bank Access Online.
      2. From the Welcome page, click the Register Online link.
      3. From the Online Registration page:
        1. In the Organization Short Name field, enter ‘UCSD’.
        2. In the Account Number field, enter the 16-digit account (card) number (no dashes or spaces).
        3. From the Account Expiration Date fields, select the month and year that the account (card) expires.
        4. Click the Register This Account button.
          1. If you have more than one Procurement Card to register, click the Additional Account button and enter the account information.
      4. From the Licensing Agreement page, click the I Accept button at the bottom of the page.
      5. From the Online Registration page:
        1. In the User ID field, enter a User ID using 7 – 20 alpha-numeric characters.
        2. In the Password field, enter a Password using 8 – 20 alpha-numeric characters.
        3. Re-enter the password in the Re-enter New Password field.
        4. Select an Authentication Question from the drop down menu.
        5. Enter a response in the Authentication Response field.
        6. Complete the Contact Information fields (fields with red asterisk are required).
        7. Click the Continue button, this will bring you to the Access Online page, with a confirmation message that your User ID has been successfully added.
      Note: If you entered invalid information or encountered an error message, you have 3 attempts to correct your information. If all 3 attempts fail, you will be locked out of self-registration and will need to contact U.S. Bank Customer Service at (800) 344-5696.

U.S. Bank Access Online

Register your account in U.S. Bank Access Online to sign up for fraud alerts and view statements, transactions, and available credit.

Sign up for Real-Time Fraud Alert

If the bank suspects fraudulent activity on your Procurement Card, it will put an "account alert" on the card and call you to:

  • Review recent transactions and account activity
  • Identify fraudulent activity
  • Cancel the card (if necessary) and issue a replacement card
  • Credit the account for any fraudulent transactions

To register for fraud alerts:

  1. Log in to Access Online.
  2. Go to My Personal Information > Account Alerts > Fraud Alerts to enroll.
  3. Provide or confirm your contact information, select how you would like to receive your alerts (text/email), accept the terms and conditions, and click Submit.
    • For text alerts, you will receive a text confirming your selection.
  4. How To Answer Fraud Alerts: U.S. Bank cardholders can elect to receive a real-time fraud alert via SMS text and/or email when suspicious activity has been detected on their Procurement Card. You will be able to reply on the spot that the transaction is valid or fraudulent, ensuring fewer unnecessary declines and quick protection in the event of attempted fraud.
  5. If you receive a fraud alert via SMS text, your card will be put in “FR” (fraud) status, and subsequent activity will be declined. You will have 15 minutes to respond “valid” or “fraud.”
    • By responding “valid,” the fraud block on your card will be cleared, and no further transactions will be affected. By confirming “fraud,” your card will be protected from additional activity. You can either call the number provided in the text, or a U.S. Bank fraud agent will contact you shortly.
    • If you receive an email alert, you should call the service center number provided in your email.
      • You will not be able to respond to the email to clear the fraud. The alert will follow the existing fraud-detection process, and a U.S. Bank fraud analyst will call you.

Once your account has been registered these tools will become available through USBank:

View Transactions
  1. Go to U.S. Bank Access Online.
  2. From the Welcome/Login page:
    • Enter Organization Short Name (UCSD), User ID and Password.
    • Click the Login button.
    • View Transactions
  3. From the Access Online page:
    • Click Transaction Management in the left-hand navigation bar.
    • From the Transaction Management page, click the Transaction List link - you will see a list of transactions for the open billing cycle.
    • To view transactions from a different billing cycle, click the arrow next to ‘Open’, select a billing cycle and click the Search button. You can also search for specific transactions using the expanded Search Criteria.
View Statements
  1. After logging in, click Account Information in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click the Cardholder Account Statement link.
  3. Using the drop-down menu, select a billing cycle and click the View Statement button. You can view statements for the last 2 years.
View Available Credit
  1. After logging in, click Account Information in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click the Cardholder Account Profile link then click the Authorization Limits link. You will see your available credit for the current cycle.
Note: The new cycle begins the 16th of each month unless the 16th falls on a weekend or holiday, in which case the cycle begins on the next business day.

If U.S. Bank calls you to verify your Procurement Card activity

  • Give your employee number instead of your Social Security number. (You should never have to give your Social Security number.)
  • Give your own UCSD phone number as the telephone number.
  • Give 9500 Gilman Drive and your department Mail Code as the address.
  • Review recent transactions for possible fraudulent activity.
  • Notify your Procurement Card Department Administrator if the bank canceled your card.
Note: If the bank can't reach you and leaves a message, your account will stay on alert status until you call U.S. Bank Fraud Investigations, (800) 523-9078 or (701) 461-2042 (you can call collect).

How to Expense a Transaction

Transactions are to be expensed in Concur. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to check his or her queue for posted transactions after a purchase has been made. 

Cardholders must review transactions in a timely manner, it is proposed that the cardholder should review transactions within 30 calendar days. 

For a detailed step-by-step guide on how to create an expense report and expensing a transaction in Concur, please visit this Knowledge Base Article (How to Create a Expense Report and Expense a Transaction).

How to Create a Procurement Card Action/Update Request in Concur

Cardholder information updates include mail code changes, names changes and card cancels; Card actions include new card requests, temporary limit/permanent limit increases, temporary/permanent MCC exceptions, delegation of authority requests, and ship goods to an off campus address. All of these requests can be made in Concur.

For a guide on how to make a request in Concur for all of the above, please visit this Knowledge Base Article: How to Create A Procurement Card Action/Update Request. 

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