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Covered Services Guidelines

Please review this new Blink page for assistance on covered services.

Under no circumstances should contracting out be considered for Covered Services unless all other options have been exhausted. Campus departments must explore all of their internal resources and make every effort to "in-source" the services before considering contracting out.

Regents Policy 5402 generally prohibits contracting out for Covered Services (all AFSCME SX and EX work). This policy is in place to protect UC employees' jobs and ensure that the university is not outsourcing essential services.

If a department believes that an exception to the policy is warranted, it must submit a Rationale for Contracting Covered Services form to Labor Relations for review and approval. The form must provide a detailed justification for the exception and explain why all other options have been exhausted.

Examples of Covered Services*

  • Transportation and Parking Service
  • Food Services
  • Security Services
  • Building Maintenance (Excluding Skilled Crafts (K7) Such as Plumbing, Carpentry, and Electrical)
  • Grounds or Landscaping Service; Tree Trimming, Emergency Tree Service, Field Maintenance.
  • Cleaning, Custodial, Janitorial, Housekeeping Services
  • Hospital and Nursing Assistants (Vocational Nursing)
  • Billing and Coding Services
  • Sterile Processing
  • Laundry Services
  • Print, Copy, Design
*Additional titles may also qualify as covered services

Approval Process

A Department can only proceed with contracting out for SX or EX work after all staffing options have been determined to not be feasible and approval by the local Labor Relations Office has been received. 

  1. The department determines if the request of service is ‘Covered Services’. If requiring assistance for determination, the department should reach out to Labor Relations and Procurement.  
  2. Once the service is identified as a covered service, the department will fill out the Contracting Out Rationale Form for an exception and submit it to Labor Relations for approval.
  3. Procurement to assist with Wage Benefit Parity Appendix (WBP) form signature, if needed. WBP is required with vendor signature in compliance with the equivalent rate determined by UC Labor Relations for the current fiscal year.  
  4. Once the Rationale form and WBP are filled and signed, attach both forms to the requisition and submit for a purchase order. 
  5. Select the Covered Services checkbox for appropriate routing and reporting.

Please review the FAQ page for detailed instructions


For any additional information, please refer to these links:

Please reach out to the IPPS Solutions team by submitting a Services & Support case or calling (858) 534-9494 if you have questions.